What's Up Wednesday in March

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday. 

What We're Eating:

Sunday: Pot roast, roasted potatoes, and asparagus (salmon for me)

Monday: Pollock, green beans, & rice with chicken tenderloins for the boys.

Tuesday:Pumpkin sausage penne with salad

Wednesday: Leftover turkey with vegetable fried rice and salad

Thursday: BLT grinders with chips and salad (I'll just have salad with chick peas)

Friday: Basil chicken pasta with salad

Saturday:Crock pot short ribs with mashed potatoes and peas (I have no idea what I'll be eating instead)

What I'm Reminiscing About: We've been talking about how to handle picking Alec up from school (as weirdly his last day is on a Wednesday and he has exams Tuesday night!)... and it seems like we were just dropping him off at college yesterday!

What I'm Loving: We have seen some really fabulous live performances between & Juliet and Ovo (Cirque Du Soleil) this past month! I have made it a mini goal of mine to try and get out and do/see more local things this year since I don't think we'll be vacationing as much as last year.

What We've Been Up To: Other than the two shows above we've also done lots and lots of hiking this month, spent an afternoon at the aquarium, met up with lots of friends,
leadmine trails

Hawkins pond hike

mystic aquarium

airline trail hike

Thompson Dam

old furnace state park

orchid show at Tower Hill Botanical garden

Hiking with friends at Lime Rock Preserve
What I'm Dreading: Nothing at the moment

What I'm Working On: I'm finishing up day 8 of our Hawaii trip for my scrapbooking pages and I just have a couple more days to go; then I really need to scrapbook from our trip until now (thankfully there  have only been a few things going on!).

What I'm Excited About:  It's so close to FEELING like spring here and I am so excited for warm, sunny days and to pack away all my winter gear for my warm weather clothing.

What I'm Watching/Reading: Yellowjackets (Paramount +), Running Point (Netflix), Zero Day (Netflix), AP Bio (Netflix), The Electric State (Netflix), Twisters (Prime)

I read some great books this month too! 

I am doing SO well on my 52 Books Challenge too! 

What I'm Listening to: I often "watch" Army Wives while blogging. I always like to have the TV on in the background when I'm working on the blog. 

What I'm Wearing: Still mostly pants and sweaters and winter things but occasionally getting to sprinkle in some spring tops.
What I'm Doing This Weekend: We don't have any plans.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: SO much! Alec finishes up his first year of college and moves back home, Ian turns 21, I have a girls' trip planned to Kentucky, & my parents are moving back for the summer!

What Else is New: Nothing. 

Linking up with:



  1. So much good stuff going on- yes it's hard to believe that the school year is almost over. Between time generally flying and the fact that the school year is only 3/4's of a year long and I think it kind of makes sense that it seems like just yesterday (proverbially...) that the kids went away to school. Your recent outings all look so fun! We've been not busy at all but Jan- March tend to be our hunkering down, at home months. Have a great day!

  2. Oh, April IS a big month for you! I discovered a love for orchids when we went to the Botanical Gardens in March. And I love the days when I can "sprinkle in spring tops" -- those are the BEST days right now!!!

    1. They are so beautiful; I nearly bought myself one or two but then I remembered how I killed the last few orchids I've tried to raise.

  3. Your parents are moving back for the summer? Wow! And, picking up Alec will be so great! You have your meal plan ducks in a row, too. I'm impressed!

    1. Yep, they have a trailer they keep at the campground here so they spend May-October up here in that and visit with me and my brother then spend the fall/winter in North Carolina with my 2 sisters.

  4. Always love seeing your hikes and the springlike feel in your photos is getting me giddy! Just started A.P Bio and loving it :) Can't wait to read all about your wonderful April!

  5. Love that floral kimono! It is crazy that the end of the college year is upon us. I can't wait to get my youngest home.


    1. Thank you! I feel like this first year of college flew by.

  6. That's great about your parents moving back!

    1. Yeah their plan is to be up here every year between May and October when the campground is open and spend the rest of the year in North Carolina.

  7. College semesters go really fast. Love all the outfits!

  8. Joanne,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! I love these type of posts....Ovo is coming here to the arena right by me! My sister and I are going to see it...cirque de soliel has not been here for over 10 years but I did go to see their shows 3 other times in the past at our arena...I hope you are having a great week!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Oh it is such a fun one; you both are going to have a great time!

  9. We watched the pilot episode of Running Point and I wasn't as impressed as I'd hoped I'd be. I've heard good things about it, though, so I think we're going to stick with it!

    1. We just started it too; I think I've only seen 1 episode so far as well.

  10. Fab meal plan! I love the sound of Pumpkin sausage penne.
    Oh wow, it really doesn't seem that long since you dropped Alec off at college. Good luck to him with his exams.
    It sounds like a good month, fantastic photos!

  11. Once we got firmly placed in the empty nest phase, I had to get really intentional about getting out for some cultural events. It is fun to have something to look forward to on the calendar! I can't believe A is finished with his first year...time flies!

    1. My husband will be packing Alec up when I'm in Louisville!

    2. My husband will be packing Alec up when I'm in Louisville!

  12. Wow! Alec’s school year ended early! Does he go back early, too? I’m impressed you make two different meals each night. Luckily, we eat what I need to eat. I sometimes add in other things for Mike. All of your photos make me want to travel!


    1. We dropped him off towards the end of August last year and then he was home for just under a month from mid- Dec to early Jan. He went back on the 6th of Jan (I think; I know it was the single digits) and they get out on the 30th of April. And they only have a 4 day school week; no one has classes on Fridays.

  13. How can a college semeseter be done already? That is amazing! I know it will be nice to have everyone at home again for awhile! Sounds like more good eating at your house this week!!:)

  14. It feels like spring here too.But I have a feeling, our defin
    itions are very different 😂😂

    1. Oh I bet! Our "spring" weather is probably like your winter weather!

  15. Hi Joanne, what a great month you've had! The shows look amazing but it's the hiking I love the most - great photo's! The menu of what you've been eating looks delicious! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy xo

  16. It feels as if it was just the other day that I was reading about Alec starting college and now he's finished his first year! It's lovely to see the snow has melted on your hike route and warmer weather is just around the corner for you. Ruth@playworkeatrepeat

    1. Yes, I am loving that there is no more snow!

  17. My girlfriend is going to Cirque du Soleil! I told her that you went and showed photos of it. I want to go too, haha.

  18. I usually have the TV on in the background, too, when doing paperwork or blogging. My go to shows are Dr. Quinn, Grey's Anatomy or Gilmore Girls!

    1. I've ever seen Dr. Quinn but enjoy Gray's and Gilmore Girls.

  19. I hope all of Alec's exams go well! I love Army Wives. I've seen it so many times haha. It's one of my comfort shows when I don't want to start anything new but want something on in the background.

    1. Thank you! I only recently "found" Army Wives and am enjoying it a lot.

  20. I liked both those shows. I didn't expect to like & Juliett but it was so much fun! #WWWhimsy

  21. I always love a good aquarium! Your scrapbooking pics are great. Always a fun way to capture memories. I want to watch Running Point. Maybe I can get started this weekend.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. A great update on what's been going on Joanne. I love all the great hikes you get to do.

    1. Thanks! We're hoping to get out on one today if the weather cooperates.


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