Throwback Tuesday: Mystic Aquarium Field Trip

*Originally published March 17, 2014 when my boys were aged 9, 8, & 6. 

I decided we needed to take a week off from all school work and just find our fun again.

Whenever we find ourselves just going through the motions or having a few really difficult homeschooling days in a row I start to question why I am even doing this. 

Usually I start looking back through my blog and I remember how homeschooling used to be fun and vow to make it fun once again.

Then I am left thinking about all the different ways I can make learning, homeschooling, and being together fun again.

Today we took off on a field trip.

Not one person complained, no one fought or bickered, and we all had fun.  We went to Mystic Aquarium since our membership is going to expire and we had a really great day.

We pet the rays, touched a shark, watched the jelly fish, read all about the senses of sharks and took in the sea lion show.

We walked through the Titanic exhibit, played with the beluga whales (no really if you walk up to them and touch the tank they'll open their mouths and startle you-- it's a total game for these gentle giants!), and checked out the penguins.

It was cold, it was a bit crowded and yet it was so much fun.

It was so nice to have a day where all the boys got along and no one drove me nutty.

 It was just what we all needed. 

They came right up out of the tank!

upside down jelly fish

Check out these lobsters!

Skate/ shark eggs

Every man is a born explorer quote that I loved

"Warning lights for icebergs"

"I'm on the Titanic"

Seriously, any sign, any interactive computer screen, any video; he watched, read or quizzed himself . 

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  1. Oh that must have been a favorite! So fun- you are so close to Mystic- we need to get back there some day!

  2. Look at how young! Always fun to look back at old trips and remember.

  3. I love aquariums! That was a fun trip It looks like!

  4. Going on a field trip really is fun and a great way to relax and reset with home schooling. What a great day out and fantastic photos!

  5. What a nice educational and fun trip to take when your boys were young! The best part of homeschooling is the freedom to take this type of reset trips at will, during the week, and avoid the weekend crowds.


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