Talking About it Tuesday #63

Wow, can you believe it's already the last week in March? This month has flown by. It was a pretty cold and windy one but we haven't really had any snow so I can't complain. We had lots of rain but that was good as all our lakes and rivers are back up to their usual spring levels and we are getting more and more days that tease of spring weather. 

We had a huge turnout for last week's party and up until Friday night we had had a 4 way tie for most viewed... so our link with the most views from last week's party won by just 1 view! I don't think it's ever been that close before. Did you have a favorite from last week's party?


The link with the most views from last week's party:


A few that caught my eye:

 Good For You Granola Recipe by Recipe Idea Shop

  Pistachio Layered Dessert by Kitty's Kozy Kitchen

Review: What's a (Dis)Organized Person to do? by Stray Thoughts 

This party will remain open until the weekend.  My hope is that everyone will share all sorts of wonderful posts: travel, recipes, how to's, crafting ideas, and more-- up to 3 posts per blog.  Anything that is family friendly is welcome; even old posts that you'd like to get some new views.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Linking up with:



  1. Another great link party, Joanne! Hope you have an awesome week!!

  2. Yes, time passes rapidly...and next weekend we have to change time once again. It should have been eliminated...but there seem to be more important things to think over here in Europe....
    Have a good time and all the best....and I hope it will be a nice spring

    1. Oh we just set ours back a couple weeks ago and that time change threw me off so much!

  3. We've had a very windy month as well. I guess that's how the wind is blowing :). Have a great day and thanks for the link up!

  4. Thank you! I loved your homeschool post today and can see how appealing that would be to have that family time.

  5. Thank you for hosting! So many good links to check out.

  6. Thanks for the mention! The weather here has been up and down, too.

  7. Joanne,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    My Link Ups for today's party are # 28, 30 and 31!!!
    Thanks so much for hosting!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links!! I hope you are enjoying your week and you are doing well...
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  8. That's great you had so many link ups last week. Thanks for the party.

  9. I think I would enjoy that last book...thanks for hosting, Melynda @scratchmadefood!

    1. I thought that looked neat too even as a highly organized person I am always looking for tips.

  10. what fun to see that bowl of eggs this morning, Joanne!

  11. Time is flying and I need to enjoy the moments! I am about to have another high school kid and a middle schooler! Slow it down! But I am enjoying them getting bigger and being to communicate with them better.
    Thanks for the link up party!

    1. It sure is! I can't believe we're nearly at the end of Alec's first year of college already.

  12. We are seeing lots daffodils and the Bradford pear trees are starting to bloom here in western NC. Beautiful!

    1. Oh that is a sure sign spring is on the way!

  13. The layered cake looks delicious!

    1. It reminds me of a dessert my mom used to make.

  14. March really HAS flown by! I'm so excited to see so much soon, after our dreary winter. Thanks so much for hosting!

    1. Me too! I am SO ready for spring to finally arrive!

  15. It is hard to believe that March is almost over! We have not had our usual big snowfall this month, so I'm a bit worried we will have a draught filled summer. It is 70 degrees here today!

    1. Oh I hope not; hopefully some rain will make it your way to make up for the lost snowfall.

  16. Hello Joanne, thanks for sharing SSPS Logo on your blog post, much appreciated.
    My entries this week 61+62
    Hope to see you share with SSPS:

  17. I really can't believe March is almost over. It really did fly by! We didn't get snow this month and I really thought we would. It's been cold but no snow....we have about a week left so we will see what happens.

    1. I thought we would too and we didn't either! We did have some flurries but no accumulation.

  18. The link-up continues to grow! Great to see

  19. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  20. It’s been cold, rainy and windy here, too. Thanks for the link up!

  21. sounds like from what I have seen that for lots of people March has flown by - including me! Have a fabulous week and thankyou again for the linkup.

  22. It has been an extra busy week in my world so I'm finally catching up with comments! Thanks so much for hosting us all, Joanne! Always a favorite place to visit!

  23. I was thrilled to see my pistachio dessert as one of your features. Thank you so much for the honor and for hosting, Joanne!


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