Spring Bucket List

Since it's officially spring it's time for me to share my spring bucket list with the other quarterly bucket list bloggers!

1. Enjoy a weekend with the girls in Louisville, KY (and check another state off my list!)

2. Celebrate Ian's 21st birthday! 

3. Take a couple field trips with Evan

4. Enjoy a week in Acadia with Alec and my husband

 5. Go to the farmer's market

6. Go hiking

7. Try some new salad recipes

8. Start eating breakfast &/or lunch outside when it warms up


9. Finish scrapbooking our Hawaii trip

10. Celebrate several graduations with extended family 

11. Move Alec home from college

12. Put out the hummingbird feeder again.

 13. See another live show

14. Celebrate mother's day with my mom and mother in law

15. Break out my real camera at least once a week for some photography fun.

16. Paint another 2 -3 paintings


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  1. What a lovely list! I am with you on the eating breakfast or lunch outside thing. It's the best! #MMBC

    1. Oh I can not wait! I nearly brought our patio furniture next week but I'm glad I didn't; it's super cold here again this week.

  2. Love this list ☺️
    Blessings, Jennifer

  3. The only thing on my spring bucket list is GET OUTSIDE MORE! I need to get some sun and fresh air after our winter. However, we woke up to more snow today -- sigh...

    1. I hear ya! We woke to a rainy/sleety mix of wintery weather... though ours is supposed to turn to all rain by day's end.

  4. Great items on your list! I hope that you get to the majority of them :).

  5. I started working on mine yesterday so if you don't mind I will steal a couple of things! I am so excited that you get to see a new state! KY!

  6. They all sound great and the first one is my favorite! Enjoy your Monday!

  7. Just added to my list, Put Hummingbird feeders out in April. I love the idea of trying some new salad recipes!

    1. I figure we're getting lots of fresh vegetables from our community supported agriculture (CSA) boxes that some new salads should put them to good use.

  8. That picture reminds me of the Porcupine Mountains in Michigan. Sounds like a great bucket list.

    1. Thank you! I'm pretty sure that was at the top of Acadia Mountain... maybe. I KNOW it was in Acadia but we've climbed quite a few there and I can't always keep them all straight.

  9. I think what I love most about your lists, is that each item is fun but not something new to tackle or master. And for some reason most lists (from many who share) seem more like a job, than a life. I actually need to start a quarterly bucket list of the simple things I want to bring back into my daily routines. #MMBC

    1. Yeah I definitely use my bucket lists as a way to add more fun and remember some of the simple pleasures I tend to forget to make time for.

  10. Such a great list! It sounds like you have some fab plans for spring.

  11. Sounds like you will have a busy but fun spring! Enjoy Acadia! We went last year and found a couple of really nice trails. The Jordan Pond Loop was really pretty and the restaurant there serves delicious food! Have fun!

    1. Thanks! That is such a pretty loop trail; we've been each spring for the last 3 years now so we've tried lots and lots of the trails but Jordan Pond is one we've done each trip. This year we hope to rent some e-bikes and try out the carriage roads.

  12. Looks like you have a fun spring planned.

  13. I really like the idea of a bucket list that includes me time and relaxation! Mostly my bucket lists are To Do's. Maybe I need to come up with one!

    1. Oh yes, mine are always focused on fun things and not to do lists.

  14. Sounds like you're in for a treat this spring, if you're able to do even half those things. The weather is perfect here in southern AZ (70's and 80's) so I eat outdoors often and love it. Enjoyed seeing your bucket list at SSPS #353. My shares this time are #46 thru 50. Enjoy and be well.

  15. We've been eating breakfast outside lately.And it's amazing how it feels so much different.
    Once the summer comes around, it gets a little too hot for it. So we try to take advantage of it right now as much as we can.

  16. I love all of your travel plans. I haven't really traveled in years. I miss it.

  17. This sounds like a great bucket list. I never made a bucket list before but you gave me some ideas for simple fun things to add.

  18. That's a really do-able bucket list and it all sounds fun!

  19. These are such awesome spring goals- can't wait to follow along- yeah for outdoor time and some little adventures!

  20. A great list for spring - can't wait for the trip!

    1. I think it's going to be here before we know it. I can't wait.

  21. I think your girls' trip sounds like so much fun! Louisville is a really cool city. I need to get my list going.


  22. What a fantastic list of fun things to do in spring. It's still so hot and humid over here so I am in denial about the upcoming cooler weather. Ruth@playworkeatrepeat

    1. I honestly can't wait for heat and humidity!

  23. So many fun things on your bucket list! Your girls trip sounds like fun! I cannot wait for the farmers market to open and eating outside again!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  24. Lots of lovely things for you to look forward to in spring. I actually have two the same as you, I want to visit a farmers market and get my good camera back out to take some nice photos.

  25. I guess I need to revisit my winter list and start one for spring. I know I dropped the ball on a couple of things from the winter list, but managed to check off a few things too. Louisville will be fun! I just made hummingbird food today as we're getting our feeders out now. I actually think one flew up to my kitchen window last week, that's where we keep the feeder, so I know they're on their way. Have a nice week!

    1. We have highs in the 40's this week so it's still much too cold for hummingbirds just yet but I hope we get to start seeing them soon.

  26. Great list and you've inspired me to make my own, which will definitely include some seasonal crafting and days at the beach.

  27. You'll be in my neighborhood with your Louisville trip - hope you have a fantastic time!

  28. I love #15. That's a good reminder! #Talkaboutittuesday


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