Share Our Lives: An Average Day in the Life.

This month for Share Our lives we're looking an average day in the life. I fear this is going to be so boring! With Alec off at college, Ian off at work, and Evan off at school 2 days a week I often spending my winter day inside reading, working on the blog, just hanging around the house. 

I picked Wednesday February 26th as my average day in the life since it was the day before Alec's spring break was starting and I knew the week he was home was not going to be all that average.

4:30-- I woke up and worked on blogging for an hour or so.

By 6 I was dressed and downstairs and ready to go. I made a salad and cut up/washed fruit to last us at least a few days. I started the dishwasher. 

6:30-- I left for the gym and listened to my audiobook on the way.

7:00- 7:45-- I worked out

8:15-- back home and I typically change into my outfit of the day.

8:30-- I emptied the dishwasher, ate breakfast and basically watched Evan do his schoolwork (at this point in the school year he's just reading and answering questions about the last chapter in his science book). 

9:00-- I watered the plants, brushed my teeth and switched the laundry around (Evan had started a load while I was at the gym so I put his in the dryer so I could wash my husband's). Then I talked Evan into going for a hike.

The first place we went to we only hiked 3 or 4 minutes before turning around; it was just too icy. 

All that white just beyond the dirt was ice; not slush or snow like we had hoped.

Our second stop was closer to home and the trails were nicer but I nearly got stuck in the icy parking lot trying to leave! We did manage a good 45 minute hike where we always end up talking about depressing and distressing topics like Chevron ruining the Amazon rain forest and other "big business/ big topics" that we can't really think of much to do to effect change. 

still a bit icy but not nearly as bad

11:00-- We returned from our hike and I sat down to correct Evan's schoolwork and write up the remaining comprehension questions for the rest of his Zoology chapter. 

12:00-- Lunch time and I also folded both loads of clothes when I was done eating.

Pesto/kale quiche with salad

I almost always read while I fold clothes

12:30-- I sat down to work on my final Maui scrapbook page and make a card.

2:00-- I cleaned up all my crafting supplies and decided to walk up and get the mail (we live at the end of a private road and all our mailboxes are on the main road).

2:30-- I sat down to do some blogging.

3:30-- I went to grab a small snack; mixed raw nuts and a mandarin orange. I settled in to watch some more Army Wives. 

mandarin orange with raw mixed nuts

From 3:30- 5:00-- I alternated between blogging and watching TV. 

5:00-- I usually start cooking supper at this time but on this night my husband and Evan were heading out for haircuts so I decided to take a shower instead. 

5:15-6:00--  more blogging, watching TV, and reading... just waiting until it was time to start dinner. (as you can see my afternoons are pretty boring).

6:00-- I started making a skillet lasagna (Evan specifically asked for this earlier in the day when I mentioned I was making lasagna tonight). 

I like to broil it real quickly before serving to help the cheese brown a bit

6:30-- Served the lasagna to the family while I ate leftovers from the night before.

chicken tenderloins, sweet potatoes, zucchini/squash mix with salad

7:00-- finished eating, cleaned up the kitchen. 

7:30-- 8:30 watched TV until bed. 
I hope you'll join us next month when we all share our creative outlets and how we spend our free time. 

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  1. What a beautiful - if frosty - hike. I can't believe you were blogging at 4:30am! #MMBC

  2. It sounds a lot like one of my summer days with the exception of me eating outside and reading outside.
    I love a shower before dinner! It feels decadent!

  3. Your day sounds calm and peaceful :)

  4. Sounds like a nice winter's day. Hiking is an activity that inspires some deep thought and conversation here too. You're up early : ) Have a. nice week!

  5. I love day in the life posts and it sounded like a great day!

  6. I love reading about people's day's especially the average one's. You fit so much into it.
    The hike sounds great even if the first one didn't work out because of the ice.

  7. You are organized and busy. It sounds like a great day to me. #MMBC

  8. I appreciate how your life is similar to mine! But you got out more than I did, so don't underestimate yourself!

  9. These are always such interesting posts to read.


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