How I Did with my Winter Bucket List

I'm joining in with my fellow Bucket List Bloggers this weekend to share how we did on our winter bucket lists before posting our spring bucket lists on Monday. I kept our winter bucket list pretty short and sweet and I'm happy that I was able to get nearly everything knocked off of it. 

My Winter Bucket List:

1.Have a great time in Hawaii--Check! 

2. Celebrate Ian's college graduation
-- Check!  I asked him what he wanted to do and he answered "have dinner out in Hawaii" so we did do that. But he's a pretty low-key guy and didn't really want much fanfare. We did end up getting him a cake and I made him a card and we gave him a gift in January.

3. Celebrate Alec's birthday-- Check!

4. Get out on a few hikes/snowshoe walks-- Check!

Pulaski park:

Moore State park:

5. Try a new soup recipe-- Check! I combined a couple of different recipes and came up with a cabbage and quinoa soup that I really loved.

6. Visit a museum or gallery-- Check!

7. Start scrapbooking our vacation
-- Check!

8. Read by the fire--Check! I had lots of afternoons doing this. 

9. Work on another puzzle or two--Check! Though that Banyan Tree was nearly my undoing! 

10. Have a pajama day-- Nope! Turns out I'm not really a hang out in my pj's all day kind of person anymore. 

11. Make some homemade English Muffins (again)--Check!

12. Send a care package or two to Alec-- Check!

13. Paint at least one new painting-- Check!

14. Play around with my new Stampin Up! Products that are still in the box-- Check! 

I really did such a great job on my list! 
Linking up with: Spread the Kindness,



  1. You did do a great job! What a fun review of your list and your accomplishments on it.

  2. How fun! I love these posts! Happy Friday!

    1. Can't figure out how to do my own comment so I am replying!
      You did great, Joanne!
      Your homemade English muffins look divine!
      I have been making one egg in a mug in the microwave this week and it fits perfectly on my English muffins. I add a thin slice of cheese and a slice of Canadian bacon.

    2. Thank you, Andrea! Amy that made me chuckle; sometimes I swear the boxes for commenting just disappear. Your breakfast sandwiches sound delicious.

  3. Way to tackle your winter bucket list! Looks like you had a great time in Hawaii. Love your cards!

  4. What a fabulous list! Your trip to Hawaii looked incredible and loving the cards you created!

  5. Yes you did! What a productive winter!

  6. That was a successful winter bucket list. Those puzzles look challenging.

    1. Thank you! That banyan tree one was so difficult.

  7. Well done with the bucket list! It sounds like you had a great winter, especially with the trip to Hawaii and the celebrations.

  8. Beautiful pictures! Didn't you love the Van Gough Immersive experience? Your cards are lovely, too. :) Have a great week.

    1. We really did love it so much! I keep checking to see if the Monet one will be coming close to us.

  9. Nice job on our list! The pictures from Hawaii are so beautiful! We did the Van Gogh Experience when it was in Orlando, glad we got to do it. I really like the cards you made, you are so creative Joanne!


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