Hodgepodge Wednesdays: Let's Talk Italy

 Hey, look at me finally remembering to write up a Hodgepodge Wednesday post! This week Joyce came up with some fun questions to answer.


1. March 15th is known as The Ides of March, the date on which Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C....have you ever been to Rome? If so what did you love most about the city? If not, is this a place you'd like to visit? 

Nope, I've never been but I wouldn't turn down a trip if someone was offering! It's not first on my Italy bucket list though.. I've always wanted to visit Venice, Portfino & Capri.

 *photos courtesy of Pixabay:

2. 'Rome wasn't built in a day.' What project/activity/improvement (of any kind) do you have going on right now to which this saying might be applied? 

Probably the scrapbooking of our Hawaii trip; I know it's already been a few months since we've been home but I'm only 1/2 way through!

 3. Let's do a little this or that with some Italian foods...

  • Caprese salad or Prosciutto with melon? 
  • Bruschetta or Antipasto? 
  • lasagna or ravioli?
  • bolognese or Carbonara?
  • Risotto or gnocchi? 
  • tiramisu~gelato~cannoli? 

Caprese salad (I don't like prosciutto or melon)

Pixabay photo

Bruschetta I guess (but I wouldn't order either of these)

Pixabay photo

 A vegetable lasagna (but not a meat one-- or else mushroom or spinach ravioli)


my summer squash lasagna recipe here

Carbonara but made the true Italian way with no cream or cheese! 

Risotto (we had a delicious version of this at Alec's JWU Accepted student day)


Ooh! I like both tiramisu and gelato nearly equally so it would depend on my mood (but I think canoli are always a let down and I don't like those). 

Our own tiramisu recipe here

We ate our fair share of gelato in Hawaii; it was so hard to pick just a flavor or two each night.

1/2 Mauka Trail (coffee & chocolate base with chocolate drizzle and macadamia nuts) 1/2 Oreo

Cookie butter

4. Of the colors red, white, and green which would I find most prevalent in your home? Which one do you think is most flattering to you in terms of your wardrobe? Have you ever had your colors done? Is that something you'd be interested in doing? 

Out of these three colors I think we have the most green in our home decor since two of our main living spaces are green.


I tend to own more green clothes than these other two colors also though I have been told that I look good in red. But I've never had my colors done and it's not something I think I would ever do.

5. Life would be boring without____________________? My family; they keep me quite busy and entertained.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I recently switched web browsers when Google Chrome made ad blockers incompatible with their platform and I'm kind of surprised by how much that has thrown me... but I just can not go back to having all sorts of pop ups and ads on my pages after having gotten so used to not having them.

Linking up with:



  1. I am with you on the food choices. Green is a good color for you! Enjoy your day!

  2. You look great in green. Also, I love the unusual shape of your door frames in your living space. I don't think I"ve ever seen that in a house. I miss scrapbooking - maybe some day I'll have time again. Your pages look great!

    1. Aw, thank you so much. The plans called for arched doorways but our builder found this work around so I still had that decorative touch without but in a more economical way.

  3. The food pictures are making me hungry! I am wearing all the green right now and throwing in the white, too.

  4. Capri is a true dream and I am hoping you get there! When you do, you must try something lemon and have some sandals made- those are the shining starts of that beautiful island

    1. Well... since my husband refuses to travel outside the U.S I'm not holding my breath.

  5. I love all things Italy! Caprese salad and gelato are some of my faves as well.


    1. I am missing those nightly gelatos in Hawaii!

  6. My favorite trip to Italy was to a little town called Stresa which is on Lago Maggiore. There are all sorts of little islands in the lake and every day we'd take a boat to one of them. We've been to Capri when we stayed on the Amalfi Coast (another favorite but don't go peak season as the road along the coast gets so busy) and enjoyed it. Honestly the whole country is beautiful! Your scrapbook looks so nice. What a great keepsake! So glad you joined in today!

    1. I've always thought the whole country looked so lovely!

  7. I love green on you! And your food pics all look delicious.

  8. I think with your love of hiking you would enjoy the region my parents are from, Abruzzo. It’s spectacular and I would love to return for a visit. Rita

    1. I will definitely have to keep that region in mind if we ever end up going.

  9. Such creativity in your scrapbooking pages! And what an interesting Hodgepodge this week.

    1. Aw, thank you! I am loving these Hawaii pages.

  10. Joanne,
    Red is my color ad shades of it like pink and peach....Thanks so much for stopping by!! I do know that it really is important for both spouses to be aware of finances because tomorrow is not promised to anyone....I even made sure that both of my sons know exactly where I have a book with everything they will need to know and do in the event of my own passing including phone numbers of who they will need to get in touch with....And they also know where I keep a book with all my monthly finances marked in it ......I hope you are enjoying your week...We had a bit if a warm up/ It went up to almost 70 but now we will be in the 50's today...
    Debbie-Dabble Bog

    1. Our weather has been much the same and I have been loving it! I figure I'll get out as much as I can for as long as the nice weather lasts since we usually get another cold snap/ snow storm before real spring sets in.

  11. All these pics are so aesthetically beautiful. So we've done Venice but next time will for sure be Portfino and Capri. That coast looks amazing!

    1. It really does! I've been eyeing some Mediterranean cruises that would allow us to see multiple places in one trip.. but so far my husband is a no go. I'm pretty determined not to give up though.

  12. One reason I stopped scrapbooking was the amount of pictures I take vs how many scrapbook pages I'd need to make to go with them!

    1. Yes! It is so hard with more photos! LOL. I try to limit myself to just a few photos per page but it's hard.

  13. I would love to go to Italy one day!

    1. I have so many places I'd love to travel to that it's often hard to narrow it down!

  14. I sure would love to eat my way through Italy...great post! Sandi

  15. I would love to visit Rome and wouldn't turn down a trip there either.
    Your scrapbook pages are always brilliant and are worth all the work. They're such a wonderful way to record all the memories.

  16. I love that colour of green in your home, it looks so bright and fresh. That photo of Tiramisu looks delicious, I could gobble up a slice or three.

  17. Green is a great color - on the walls and on you! I would love to visit the coast of Italy, as well as Tuscany! We have been to Rome, Venice and Florence.

  18. You look good in green and your living spaces look great too. All those food pictures are making me hungry lol.

  19. Hi Joanne, I could talk about Italy all day! My husband was born there and came to Australia when he was 4 in 1952. We have visited several times and I would love to visit again. What's not to love - the history, the language, the food, the people and yes, even the crazy, hold on to your seat driving! #Teamwwwhimsy

  20. Oh my...all those food photos! Such yummy choices! And I like the green in your home. I like green, period:)

  21. Jodie's Touch of StyleMarch 12, 2025 at 4:27 PM

    Rob would be appauled that you are indifferent to cannolis. But granted, they aren't all created equally. He is used to the ones from his childhood when they would go into NYC into the Italian bakery for them.

  22. Hi Joanne, I would never had known it was the anniversary of Julius Caesar's assassination! Great prompts to write about! I have never been to Italy. Haven't been to the USA, UK or Europe. Hoping to fix that in coming years! As for the prompt "Rome Wasn't Built in a day" - I would apply that to my New Zealand trip travel sketchbook which I still haven't completed. The trip to NZ was in April/May 2023! However, I have had a lot happen that had to take priority and held that project up. I'll finish it eventually! As for Italian food - I absolutely love it. We went to two different Italian restaurants lately - one for our 40th wedding anniversary and another to meet up with some friends and the food at both was exquisite! Thanks for linking up with us at #WWWhimsy - enjoy the rest of your week! xo

    1. Yeah, you have had a lot happen that had to take priority.

  23. Yum to all the food! I had a tough time choosing as I love all Italian food. Your scrapbooks of your trip to Hawaii look great! What a great way to store precious memories 😊 Ruth@playworkeatrepeat

  24. I was getting kind of hungry looking at all those lovely food photos! ;-) I just love the greens in your home, both rooms are a beautiful color. Hope you're having a great week!

  25. Enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge! Your Italian food choices are making me hungry!

  26. I spent 2 weeks in Venice for Carnivale one year (in the 90's) - I had the best time - really trawled the city. Wonderful place. #WWWhimsy I knew it was the assassination but what are the Ides? Off to google. Been to Rome. Lovely city tho the first visit I was underwhelmed. I just did it all wrong. Second visit, was fantastic.

    1. That is wonderful that you have such wonderful memories of goth Venice and Rome!

  27. Thanks for sharing Joanne, lovely to have you on the linkup. I’ve been to Rome and loved it. Visited all the famous landmarks and fell in love with it. We did Segway tours which was utterly brilliant. I’d throughly recommend that. Some hard choices re food but definitely a lasagna for me oh and the tiramisu too. Xx Jacqui x

  28. I've been to Rome and Italy twice, once as a child and once as an adult and have great memories of both times (I don't remember much from my visit as a child though). I do love real italian food and since my brother lived in Italy for at least 6 years, he can make a mean pasta from scratch and some pretty yummy sauces!

  29. What a fun hodgepodge, Joanne! And glorious photos. I've never been to Rome or Venice but I think I'd love it!


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