Hello, Monday!

 We had such a fabulous weekend! My weekend started Friday morning.

I went to the gym, ran home to grab a quick breakfast, and picked up Evan. We headed out to meet up with friends for a hike.

It was a beautiful day and we hiked/talked for nearly 2 hours. 

The waterfalls were running high from all the snow melt

After hiking Evan went with them to their house and I went to run errands. Then I had a quick lunch at home around 2 and went to pick Evan up. I visited and got to see their 2 new kittens then Evan and I swung by the apple orchard and headed home.

Everyone was left to fend for themselves for dinner since my husband and I had to leave by 6 the latest to go pick up Alec from school. We picked him up from the Harborside campus and were home by 7:30/7:45 with a stop at Newport Creamery for Alec and my husband to get milkshakes. 

Saturday morning my husband and I ran to get groceries then the younger boys and I watched a few clips of Who's Line is it Anyways before I headed up to my crafting area to work on some scrapbook pages. 

1 of the 3 pages I finished.

Around 12:30 4 of us (excluding Ian) piled into the car to head to Hartford. We were going to see a Cirque Du Soleil show called OVO. We were warned the day before by Ticketmaster that the St. Patrick's Day parade was happening a block away and many streets would be closed/traffic would be worse so we gave ourselves some extra time and it really was no problem at all. We zipped right into the city and parked just a block away from the exit; and diagonally across the street from the arena.

It was an amazing and lively/upbeat show. OVO is egg in Portuguese and the whole show was centered around bugs and insects that had found an egg. (for whatever reason Blogger and Google Photos didn't want to play nice so the photos are in random order; but you get the gist).  Some of the photos are from Alec's phone and some from mine:

On the way home we stopped for dinner at a place called Joey Garlic; we had never been there before but it was an amazing Italian restaurant. 

Sunday morning I slept in a bit and then worked on the blog. Around 9 my husband and I headed to Runnings to pick up parts for the wheelbarrow, chainsaw, etc. and came back home. 

I did some yoga and ate lunch then we took Alec back to school. 

I read my book in the car while my husband drove.

I spent my afternoon blogging and reading and resting my back. I made tacos for dinner and ended my night watching a movie. 

It was pretty good.

Linking up with:


  1. What a great weekend! The hike looks beautiful and the Cirque Du Soleil show amazing! I remember taking my boys to something similar years ago and we all had a good time. #MMBC

  2. What an amazing weekend! So glad you got to see Alec and the show looks and sounds wonderful

    1. It was great seeing him again; especially since he doesn't plan to come home again until school is over.

  3. That show looks so good! Your entire weekend looks nice from the show to the food to seeing Alec and the hike.

  4. That show sounds so cool and looks so cool. Do you have an online yoga that you recommend? It would be so good for my stiff body!

    1. My favorite (especially for my back) is Yoga for back pain through Yoga with Adriene. But I have tried a variety of Yoga videos on Youtube and enjoy pretty much all of them (though I was watching one the other day where she basically wanted me to stand on my head... that wasn't happening!).

  5. I have never seen a Cirque du Soleil show but it's on my bucket list. One of these days I'll get to one. Sounds like a fun weekend with family! Have a great week!

    1. Oh they are so fun; we've seen quite a few of them.

  6. It does sound like a wonderful hike on Friday. Hooray for the lovely weather.
    How lovely to have Alec home for a little while and is sounds like you had a great time at the Cirque Du Soleil show. Fantastic photos!

    1. Our weather was SO nice last week; it felt great! We had a wonderful time at the show.

  7. You had an amazing weekend with so much fun! #MMBC

  8. I am so ready for it to be nicer out so we can get out and about! Here in PA we are in the Spring of Deception, where you think it's here and then bam! Winter is back. Have a wonderful week! Stopping in from Monday Morning blog club!

  9. How fun to have Alec home and to see the Cirque show! The weather for the hiking looks so nice. I need to check out that movie. Hope you have a good week!

  10. What a fun weekend you had Joanne. I bet that show was amazing and I like looking at your photos. I hope you all enjoy your corned beef and have a happy St. Patrick's day.

  11. Sounds like a great time! Hoping to see another Cirque du Soleil soon!

  12. What a fun weekend for you all! That hike looks so inviting and that Italian meal looks delicious! I loved all your Cirque photos, too!

  13. The Cirque du Soleil show looks amazing.Good job you were prewarned about the parking. Your trails look very inviting. Thank you for the reminder about the Electric State coming out. I had it on my list. #MMBC

    1. Yes, I was so happy they let us know ahead of time... and that it wasn't nearly as bad as we had feared.

  14. Sounds like a great weekend, I love Circqu du Soleil and try to see them when I get a chance!

  15. I haven't been to a Cirque du Soleil show since probably 05 it 06 but it was so cool. We did the one in Orlando. We also watched the Electric State this weekend; I enjoyed it but it seems to be getting mixed reviews.

    1. We have never made it to the one in Orlando but I've always wanted to go to that one.

  16. Your Saturday sounds amazing!

  17. We always love the cirque de. Soleil Shows, and this one looks amazing.
    Productive weekends.always feel so good.

  18. We had OVO here a few years ago. I love Cirque! We saw Luzia recently (December). Fabulous. Always fabulous.

    1. We saw Luzia a couple of years ago and thought it was fabulous too.

  19. I have never seen a Cirque de Soleil show. I've always wanted to see "Love" in Las Vegas, but it closed. My son was bugging me to go, and I just forgot! I love all your photos even if they're out of order. I wouldn't have known. Your weekend sounds wonderful with everyone home.


    1. I think my husband and I have easily seen 10 of their shows-- Mystere, O, KA, Zumanity, Luzia, Ovo, Corteo are ones I can remember off the top of my head. We tried to get tickets one year for the one in Disney right before they closed down (and then reopened with a new show that we still haven't seen either). I have my favorites of course but each show is pretty unique and a lot of fun.

  20. I've airways wanted to see Cirque du Soleil, it looks absolutely amazing! Your weekend sounds busy but also relaxed!

  21. Oh we love Cirque Du Soleil! Brian and I used to go to Vegas every summer before we had kids and we saw most of the Cirque shows there. They are always such a treat! I'd love to take the kids to one.

    1. My husband and I have seen most of the ones in Vegas too!

  22. What a fun weekend! I love that the weather is getting warmer and there's more opportunities to play outside. You have a beautiful place to hike, I think I'd be walking there all the time.


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