Currently in March 2025

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for Currently with Jennifer. This month we'll be talking about the things we're currently loving, craving, pinning, planning, and appreciating

Loving: I have so many great things I'm loving this month. I am loving how Evan's room turned out (he picked such a great color!). I LOVED seeing the otters playing in the water/ice last week. Alec and I had the most fun grabbing dinner and seeing the show & Juliet in Providence (we even got comped better seats at the show since we arrived so early!). And of course I am loving having Alec home this week. 

We hadn't made any reservations anywhere so we ended up at the counter for a coal fired pizza place; it was so neat watching them make the pizzas all night (and so delicious too!). I forgot to take a photo of ours but we split a Magherita-- sauce, mozzarella, and fresh basil

It was such a fun show! So lively and the storyline was great; we laughed a lot and the music made me want to get up and dance. There were all sort of fun special effects too.

Craving: I cut out sugar, anything made with seed oils, and most products made with white flour and find that I'm not really craving anything at all anymore.. except maybe fresh fruit and raw/unsalted mixed nuts occasionally. 

Fresh fruit, plain Greek Yogurt, chia seeds and raw pecans

Pinning: Oh I am always pinning something-- anytime I host or co-host a link party I pin all the entrants blog posts (as long as they allow me to; some block pinned content and that's fine!). I've been pinning lots of whole food recipes and sugar free "treat" ideas. I've even started pinning some spring/summer outfit clothing ideas. This week I've been looking for some scrapbook layout ideas and pinning those.

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Planning: Evan and I checked off the last college on our list to visit just a couple of weeks ago and we had so much fun. I am loving this whole college planning process and I think he's enjoying it too.

Hampshire college in Amherst, Mass. 

Appreciating: Lots of quiet activities like puzzle making, scrapbooking, card making, and reading.

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  1. Those sea otter pictures are neat! I don't know anything about sea otters- are those in your lake?? The theater you went to looks neat on the outside and the set of the musical looks really cool, too. I'm glad you guys had a good time!

    1. They're river otters and yep we've only seen them a handful of times in our 20+ years of living here but we do have them in our lake.

  2. Wow, cutting sugar, seed oils and wheat flour is HARD - but I bet after a little while you feel so much better? I'm shocked by how many things have seed oils. We had been buying organic granola for several weeks, and then realized it contained seed oils. Cooking from scratch is really the only option to avoid them.

    1. It was really hard for the first week or two but after that I really did feel so much better and I was impressed that all cravings stopped! The seed oils are the hardest to avoid because like you said, they are in just about everything. I'm sure I'll still have them occasionally like when we eat our or go on vacation because I can only "police" my diet so much.

  3. Margherita is my favorite kind of pizza and that place looks awesome. Wow- good for you to make those diet cuts-that is tough stuff! We are just getting college tours booked now after a couple last year- I am going to try to enjoy it but right now I feel stressed- ugh ;)

    1. I really did not stress out about college at all and kept reminding my boys that this should be an enjoyable process and not super stressful for them either-- there are NO wrong choice that can't be changed, reversed, or tweaked. I impressed upon them the importance of giving it a full semester once they made a commitment but kids change majors, schools, living arrangements all the time and they wouldn't be the only ones if they felt they had made a wrong decision. I also had a very zen attitude about any college that might not accept them too; I figured if if they didn't get in then it was not meant to be and that was not the right place for them.

  4. Has Evan chosen the college he wants now he's seen them all? What an adventure... For both of you! I want to see & Juliet, I've heard great things about it and how great that you tickets got upgraded!

    1. I'm pretty sure he plans to apply to most of the ones we toured but he does have a hierarchy list from favorite to least favorite. I think there was only one that we eliminated.

  5. I love sitting at a counter like that! So fun!
    I really want to cut out seed oils and sugar. Tell me how to start! lol! I have been listening to Bobby Approved stuff especially at Costco. He tells you what to buy at certain stores and he even has an app.

    1. I had heard of his app and it's a great way to get started because really to start it's all about reading labels (which is such a pain at first! but it sounds like that's what the app does for you). Honestly, I pretty much cut out anything processed and just eat fruits, vegetable, raw/unsalted nuts of all kinds, meats, eggs. Then I mix in what are called lightly processed foods like whole wheat pasta, quinoa, farro. I started making all my own marinades, salad dressings, etc. and use either olive or avocado oil. I use the Yuka app sometimes too (though mostly I forget to use it for food).

  6. Evan's room looks fab! I love the colour that he picked. I've heard good things about & Juliet, it sounds like a great evening!
    The whole college planning does sound interesting. Good luck with the process.

  7. I do love the color of Evan's room as well. We have a bathroom that color.

    1. Thanks! It's such a fun color. I'm pretty sure the boys' bathroom was the same color when they were younger.

  8. Wow that bedroom color is so beautiful! Thank you for the reminder to work on my puzzle - sometimes I forget its in there, waiting for me to finish it.

    1. LOL! It's easy to do. I try to keep our puzzles out where I walk by them frequently.

  9. Replies
    1. We thought so too! We so rarely see them-- I think the last time we saw them was probably a good 5 or even 10 years ago.

  10. Eek, the otters! So cute. I also love the colour of Evan's room, very nice. Have a great day!

  11. We loved visiting my daughter when she was in college in Providence. How nice to see that show with your son. The pizza sounded so good. Providence has a lot of good restaurants. It must be hard cutting out sugar. I always crave something sweet and just have an apple to eat. I hope you enjoy the month of March.

    1. They do have a lot of good restaurants! I thought cutting out sugar was going to be a lot harder but I do still plan to splurge/indulge on occasion. Knowing it only takes a few days for the cravings to stop entirely helps a lot. I can fight it for a few days!

  12. Cutting out sugar entirely is probably not a thing for me, but I am trying to cut back on it. I have such a sweet tooth! I try to choose sugar free when I can. Look how cute those otters are! Have a good day!

    1. I said the same thing a year or so ago but I found limiting it was so hard since even sugar free items have fake sugar that actually makes cravings much worse. I still plan to allow myself the occasional ice cream, cake, cookie, etc. but the less I eat it the less I'm even tempted.

  13. I love the brightness of Evan's room. Those otters omg so cute.

    1. Thank you! It was a fun change over from the blue he used to have.

  14. Brava for cutting out those cravings. I'd love to share with my community too...what do you think has made it work for you?

  15. OTTERS!! Omg. I would be in heaven if I saw those in my vicinity. 💜🤣

    1. Aren't they so cute? We so rarely see them so it's such a real treat when we do.

  16. The otters are so cute! We have some in the lake but it's rare I see them. The show sounds like fun. We always sit at the bar when we can...we've met some fun people that way too. Have a great day!

    1. I think this might be only or 2nd or perhaps 3rd otter sighting in the 20+ years we've lived here.

  17. The sea otters are so cute. I also love the color of your son's walls!

    I cut out all sugars and white flour several years ago and felt great. I will be working on that again. It absolutely cut out my cravings and even know after adding some back I don't have cravings like I used to at all. Now I just crave less tangible things like peace over all. Ha!

    I'm glad you and your son are having so much fun looking at colleges!

    1. Aw, thank you! It's been a real fun process and so funny to compare the whole college process across all 3 boys and how vastly different they've all been.

  18. What a treasure to have those otters so close by! We, too, have cut out sugar and seed oil as well as gluten and its made a tremendous difference, especially for my husband's overall health (he has an autoimmune condition). He's also mostly dairy free so cooking has, at times, been a challenge. Now that we are on this side of things, it's totally been worth the change!

    1. I am trying to get to a dairy free point too but I just love my yogurt so much I'm finding it hard to cut it out completely!

  19. That's so cool you have otters near you! And I love the colour of Evan's room. I love bright colours!

  20. I would love to see otters in the exciting. The trip to the theater and dinner looks really special. I'm so impressed with your dietary changes! You have a lot of self-discipline - way to go!

  21. Hi Joanne, I love your sea otter photos. How cute are they?! Believe it or not Margherita pizza's are my fav! It's funny how you've shared a pic of a meal with Chia Seeds and my post this week was a recipe for Chia Pudding. Good luck with your college planning and thank you for linking up with #WWWhimsy ! xo


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