Throwback Tuesday: 10 Challenges We Faced While Unschooling
Originally shared February 11, 2013; life was very different 12 years ago. The boys were aged 8, 7, & 5 and we were doing lots and lots of learning through play and exploration.
Since yesterday's post seemed to be so popular I thought today I'd talk about what some are of the hardest parts of unschooling.
The biggest challenges of unschooling:
Most of these are things I struggle with on at least a weekly basis, if not daily!
I've developed ten little mantras to repeat to myself.
Here are my mantras and what they mean:
1. Don't panic! Believe it or not this happens to me a lot (and yes, I know if you read my blog you do realize this!). These two words have sort of become my internal mantra-- "Don't Panic!" Earlier this morning I was sitting here thinking; "jeez, we haven't done anything in a while. How can they possibly be learning?!"
I struggled with this when we homeschooled actual lessons and I really struggle with this now that we're unschooling.
You can't see all the learning that happens all the time and it's hard for me, in the moment, to sit back and say relax, it will come in time.
We have time. (as I sit writing this blog Ian asked to make some play dough out of Kool- Aid; Kitchen science!... see it takes time.. if I take the time they eventually show me the way and the panic subsides).
Homeschooling and Unschooling can be nerve wracking. It takes faith; faith in yourself, faith in your child and faith that the relationship, memories, and experiences you create together will last a lifetime. It can be hard but it's oh so rewarding too.
2. Don't compare! Being a teacher, I am so used to state set standards it's very hard for me not to think about all that they don't yet know that they should. Of course, there is a lot that they do know that they wouldn't have yet learned if they had stayed in school.
Learning is not always linear either; Alec doesn't know all his addition facts yet but he does know some multiplication facts and can add and subtract large sums of money from all the Monopoly and Life games we play.
I constantly need to remind myself not to compare them to anyone else.
Every child in every public school is different, they know different things and learn differently too. I need to remind myself that my boys know what they know and they'll continue to learn what they don't yet know. But I struggle with that one so much!
3. Don't rush to Fix! As parents we naturally rush to our child's aid when they're hurt, when they're upset or when they're disappointed. But we're so quick to offer an immediate fix for whatever is going on in their lives that we've become what specialists are calling helicopter parents. We hover, watch, and swoop in at a moments notice of any problem.
Without realizing it, we often deny them of the opportunity to learn. How can they learn to be independent if we never let them try to work out problems on their own.
Sometimes it's OK for them to get a little frustrated, sometimes it's OK for them to be disappointed. Sometimes it's better to ask questions and let them come up with the answers.
It's not easy but it's necessary.
4. Live in the moment/ Don't sweat the small stuff/ tomorrow is another day. I combined these mantras because they go together so well that I often repeat them in that order over and over again in my head!
I often forget to live in the moment. I'm always thinking ahead, where do I need to be next?, how am I going to get this stuff done?, how can I keep the house clean?, is it time to start dinner yet?, etc, that I often forget to enjoy each day as much as possible.
Live in the moment.
Watch the world through the eyes of my children.
Don't sweat it that the house isn't as clean as it could be, don't worry about the laundry, the dishes, or the errands; there's always tomorrow and tomorrow is another day. It's a huge part of the reason why we find time to homeschool. I put the boys and their needs first 80% of the time.
As I'm typing this Evan came over with a book; just to ask me a question about it, but I stopped typing, pulled him onto my lap and started to read it out loud. Alec joined us and then they went to get another book.
Self- guided learning forces me to live in the moment; if you say "wait" every time they ask something they'll stop asking and I loose those moments that mean so much more than making sure there aren't dirty dishes in the sink.
5. Stop, Look and Listen. It's easy to get caught up in what I'm doing or spend time away from the kids when I'm planning, blogging, cleaning, etc. that I don't always remember to stop what I'm doing, and really observe my kids at play.
I love listening to them from a far. It's when I learn the most about them; what they're interested in, what they've learned, what they're dealing with at the moment.
Sometimes I'll join them, ask questions and play alongside but mostly I like to sit back and quietly observe.
It helps me to find the joy in parenting as well as allowing them to gain independence. I learn the most when I stop what I'm doing and focus on watching them and listening to them. The vocabulary, imaginations and interpersonal skills can be astounding! I also need to practice this when they're trying to tell me a story or ask me a question. If I stop and give them my undivided attention they'll learn to do the same.
watching Evan bust out his dance moves |
When they're obsessed with something and talking about it constantly to the point that I want to scream, I have to remember that they will move on to other topics. Our lives won't always revolve around Pokémon. I try to grin and bear it as best I can, knowing it will pass and I'll look back on these days with fondness when they're older.
NO matter what our struggles may be they will pass and we will all be stronger for having surmounted any difficulties.
7. What are we going to do today? Unlike homeschooling where I had activities planned, we don't have a plan most days. The kids often turn to me and say "I'm bored" or " What are we going to do today?" We're new to unschooling so they're still very uncertain as to what to do with all their free time.
I try not to get discouraged that they don't have these big elaborate plans for their day like other unschoolers I've read about.
I know it takes time for children to explore, create, and decide-- I've been warned it can take up to a year for them to start to find their way.
I try to have suggestions on hand and give them a rapid- fire list of suggestions so they can run with an idea that sparks them, but sometimes I let them be bored; after all what better way to motivate them to learn to occupy themselves? But it can be trying to hear after a while.
So my first thought most day is What are we going to do today? or What can I suggest for them to do today?
Most days I am content to let them lead though. Usually that is when we have our best days.
8. Just say no! To screen time that is.
For me dealing with the constant battle of screen time is very unsettling. I've read tons on the subject of screens. Many unschoolers allow screens (TV/ computer/ video games, etc.) whenever and for however long the children want them and they swear that given the choice the kids will eventually get bored and choose other options.
Perhaps I'm not nearly trusting of my kids enough, but I don't see my middle child in particular EVER getting bored with screens and choosing something else. We've experimented off and on but my kids never choose anything else when screens are an option.
So for now the rule is on a school day screens aren't allowed until dinner.
But, like all rules the kids try to bend them, argue them and in general find a way around them. I admit I'm not as consistent as I'd like to be and so this battle of screens is one of my daily challenges. I try to remember to just say no. Without discussions, yelling, or cajoling them. They know why we have this rule and really "no" is all I need to say.
9. Easier isn't always better. I have to remind myself that while it may be easier to do things for the kids, that isn't teaching them anything.
They need to learn responsibilities like cleaning their rooms, making their beds, making breakfast/ lunch, setting and clearing the table, etc. Chores became a battle a long time ago and no matter how many times I explain that having them homeschool creates more work for me so I need more help, it usually falls on deaf ears.
I'm not nearly as good at making them help out when I can just do it and get it done quicker and faster without the battle. But that's what's easiest; not what's best.
I also try to make myself encourage their help when doing other things around the house that I might prefer to do alone like cooking, painting, or organizing. If I don't ask them to help, how will they ever learn to do these jobs? I find myself not asking sometimes for fear that they'll want to help and I have to remember that I should and ultimately do want their help.
In the moment it may be easier to do it myself, but in the long run helping them develop household and life skills will benefit us all!
10. I'm only human. Sometimes I am way to hard on myself:
- I wish I did more with my kids
- I wish I didn't yell so much
- I wish I had all the patience in the world to answer each and every question they ask without getting frustrated
- I wish my house was spotless.
- I wish the laundry was always clean and folded.
- I wish I always had the energy to cook healthy, wholesome meals.
- I wish I were more physically active.
I know I'm not perfect. I'm human, I make mistakes.
I forget to say simple things like please, thank you, and I'm sorry. I'm not always the role model I wish I was and I have to learn to cut myself some slack. My kids know I love them, I want what's best for them and I'm trying my best. We're all human, no one is perfect (even if they seem like they are) and that's OK. I am enough and I am doing a good job.
Linking up with:
I loved reading this! It takes me back to the day when mine were at home with me. How did I miss that you are a fellow unschooler?? I was doing that before I ever knew it was a thing, and then I got ahead of information about Charlotte Mason, and that's all it took. We used the world/neighborhood and city/town for many of our lessons! We did also do actual lessons as well, with regular books. Those were the days!
ReplyDeleteWe did a mix of a lot different homeschooling methods through the years but I always tried like crazy to embrace unschooling. But it was hard and the "teacher" in my often took over so we sprinkled in read lessons too here and there. My sister was a big Charlotte Mason follower so we often piggybacked on her lessons since we got together with them at least once a week. I think her oldest son's obsession with birds sparked Alec's obsession which then leaked over to me and my husband. We were big scientists and animal behaviorists!
DeleteI respect and admire anyone that can do this. I feel like I homeschooled in the summer. I had my nieces one day a week and we had projects and themes. We went on cultural field trips. We had so much fun. Parents have to accept that they are their kids' number one teachers in the school year and the summer. I am so tired of schools being blamed. I let my kids' interests guide us. They were interested in insects, atoms, and all kinds of things I would never have thought of.
ReplyDeleteYou absolutely did! Alec had one friend who's mom kept telling me she wished she could homeschool because she HATED her kids school and then she'd talk about what they did after school or on weekends or school breaks and I'd always tell her that she was homeschooling them; just on the side and it would probably be less work for them all to just go for it! She never did though and I totally understood why but always felt bad she didn't trust herself enough.
DeleteOh yes, one reason I was happy to get out of teaching was that it was so frustrating trying to reach those kids who's parents could not have cared less about school and then seemed surprised that their kids didn't care or do well either (well, the ones we actually saw on occasion anyway at least 50% I never ever knew... and I'm talking first grade!). We live in a very poor, rural area and it's staggering to hear about parents calling the school and yelling at the principal because their kid got suspended for bringing a knife on the bus, or their kid missed so many days we reported them truant, or their kid was being held back but literally never did any of the schoolwork all year-- the parent always legitimately blamed the school and the teachers for what was clearly a lack of parenting. Ian had a classmate in 2nd grade that fell asleep every single day for 2 hours after lunch during class... because he had no one at home telling him what time to go to bed so he just stayed up until 11 or 12. I can't even imagine how much worse it's gotten in the 10+ years I've been gone.
This must be so fun to look back on for you!
ReplyDeleteIt really is! I can't believe I have one last year and then it's over already. It really flew by so fast.. even if some of those days did feel like they lasted forever.
DeleteThis sounds like life lessons too.
Definitely! I feel like my boys got a whole lot of life lessons that many of their friends are just starting to learn now.
DeleteI’d never heard of unschooling. I admire you for committing to it as well as realizing there were moments you couldn’t be what you wanted. Being a parent is hard enough…adding in teaching must have been even more challenging.
It definitely added another layer to parenting but honestly, being in charge made it feel easier than the year all 3 were in school and trying to conform to someone else's schedule and 3 different teacher's expectations.. well, most of the time anyway!
DeleteI have said it before, but I admire you for homeschooling your kids. I can't even imagine what a task it is! Hat of!!
ReplyDeleteAw, thank you so much! Looking back it was the best decision we ever made.
DeleteI think it's helpful to hear the challenges of anything like this as well as the good points. Great share,
DeleteWe mixed up different schooling methods, and that ended up being the best way to make sure she was actually learning. It was definitely a process! But in the end, she learned, had fun, and made friends. I guess we can’t ask for more than that. 💜
ReplyDeleteYes, us too for sure. And in the end those were the key points I was looking for too- for them to have fun and think of learning as fun, to have learned (obviously!), and to have some good friends.
DeleteI taught public school for several years and have tremendous respect for anyone who takes on this responsibility at home. I know it can be very challenging, but also so rewarding!
ReplyDeleteAw, thank you! It sure was tricky those first few years switching from teacher mode to homeschooling mode. There are similarities, of course, but major differences too.
DeleteInteresting you say you wish you did more with your kids - if you were home schooling them you were pretty much with them all the time? Sounds like you are a bit hard on yourself.
ReplyDeleteI might have some perfectionistic tendencies! LOL.
DeleteI wish I homeschooled my children but when they were young, but it just wasn;t a thing that was done often or encouraged in the 80s. I felt that their school days were filled with a lot of wasted time and they were often bored even though they were in "gifted" classes.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it really was unheard of then. I do think that so much of the school day is filled with wasted time; especially when you are one of the really bright students. At least they had gifted classes! My son tested out as gifted as well but our school informed us that there was nothing they could really do to help him. We got rid of our gifted program for more remedial help programs.
DeleteSo interesting, Joanne. I don't have kids, but can imagine how difficult it is to find what is right for your family. Sounds like you've done a great job and have good relationships.
ReplyDeleteAw, thank you!
DeleteIt’s so weird that you would share this this week since I am stating to adopt a type of unschooling approach to school now. We will still have some worksheets and lessons because I live in Pennsylvania and we have to report what we did to an evaluator at the end of the year. For the most part, though, I am backing off and seeing what happens. I have to do some lessons, especially with the youngest, because otherwise she’d only play games on her phone. We are figuring it out, I guess you would say.
ReplyDeleteI was so incredibly grateful to live in a state with zero homeschooling laws. It was so daunting at first but I loved the freedom. I don't think we ever quite became official unschoolers but I definitely did a lot of unschooling mixed in with random lessons here and there. Best of luck! It can be so much fun. I did try my best to always follow the boys' lead and passions so even when we had lessons at least they weren't fighting me on them.
DeleteThis was so interesting to read, Joanne! I'm not very familiar with the "unschooling" concept but it does sound like a great way to personalize learning and to teach responsibility and so many other important life skills in a meaningful way! Your boys were lucky to have you - such an invested and loving mom, teacher and faciliator!
ReplyDeleteAw, thank you so much!