Share 4 Somethings in February 2025

Tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month and time for Share 4 Somethings with Jennifer. The prompts for the entire year will be the same each month—some things we loved, some things we learned, some things that went well, and some things we let go of. 

Some things I've loved: We've had some really beautiful mornings on the lake.

Some things I've learned: 
I learned how to make homemade crescent rolls! 

Some things that went well: I've been doing so well with my healthy eating! Listening to books like Good Energy motivate me to try even harder.

vegetable and farro soup

Spinach, mushroom, feta and basil crustless quiche

Some things I let go of: Ian cleaned out our shed and we let go of several of the old bikes, shelves, and assorted bows/arrows that no one was using anymore (with my approval). When re-painting Evan's room we got rid of 4 bags of "stuff"-- stuffed animals he had outgrown, old discolored comforter and curtains, some old posters and frames, old toys, etc. 
Linking up with:


  1. I love your photos of the lake—what beautiful views you have! And oh wow, homemade crescent rolls! They sound delicious! I’d love the recipe.

    1. Aw, thank you so much. I followed this recipe to make my rolls:

  2. Thanks for the reminders of the prompts- I am shocked that is time for SFS already! Congrats on getting rid of things this month. That always feels good! I hope you're enjoying Good Energy- I thought the information in it was fascinating and it definitely prompted to me to make a few changes. Have a great weekend!

    1. You're welcome! I can't say I've learned a whole lot from Good Energy as it seems to say a lot of what the other nutrition books I've been reading say but it definitely has prompted me to clean up my eating once again (those bad habits are so easy to slip into!).

  3. Wow! The crescent rolls came out great! Your meals always look so colorful, healthy and yummy :)

  4. Inspiring! I learned I love farro! I am giving myself too much grace as I grieve but it's time to start preparing and eating healthier again.

    1. I really like farro and quinoa a lot but still hardly ever think to reach for them so I'm trying to make more meals with them.

  5. Those mornings look beautiful - magical almost. And your meals all look so nourisihing.

  6. All your food looks so delicious. My mom makes crescent rolls that look just like that and they are one of my absolute favorites, especially when they are still hot from the oven.

  7. Those rolls look so good and what beautiful mornings these pics show!

    1. Thank you! At least if it's pretty I don't mind that it's so miserable out there nearly as much.

  8. I might add this to post to my rotation this year. I enjoyed reading yours. How motivating it sounds to clean stuff out. I always feel like I need to declutter and get rid of stuff. Such a good feeling when its done!

    1. That would be fun! These prompts get switched out from month to month and I enjoy the easy format so much.

  9. What amazing photos! give me some of those crescent rolls right now! I could eat them for breakfast! I hope you have a sweet weekend!

  10. The lake really is beautiful and well done with your bread rolls! It sounds like you have done really well with your healthy eating, the food looks so good!

  11. All of these answers are great responses to the prompts! Great job on the accomplishments. Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Your homemade crescent rolls are perfect!

    1. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy they were to make.

  13. Jodie's Touch of StyleFebruary 21, 2025 at 1:10 PM

    Brava for continuing the healthy eating. I am finally at the point where I can tell the difference in how I feel now that I gave up sugar and eat so much better.

    1. Thank you! I feel like it takes constant vigilance right now but I know I'll get there.

  14. Your lake views are so peaceful and beautiful. I’ve always wanted to try making croissants, but I’m afraid I’d eat the whole batch. I’d like to let go of my feelings of anxiety.

    1. Aw, thank you! I was pretty proud of myself for only eating 2 the night that I baked them and then most of our leftovers went into the freezer to enjoy another week with our soup.

  15. I love your lake views. How gorgeous! I want some of those crescent rolls. It's nice to clear out clutter and let it go!

  16. Love the look of the lake! so beautiful. and the veg. soup and quiche look very delicious!

  17. I love these prompts Joanne and your replies to them. Your outdoors photos are beautiful and very atmospheric. I love them and that soup looks so good.

  18. What a beautiful lake photos, amazing! Enjoy your weekend!

  19. What a blessing to look out your window to that view each day! Gorgeous! That veggie farro soup looks amazing (I made your cabbage one this past week and really enjoyed that, too). When I read the prompt "letting go" I thought about decluttering... I'm definitely in the midst of that ongoing project! Happy Saturday!

    1. Aw, thank you! That view never gets old. So glad you enjoyed the cabbage soup; I'll be sharing the vegetable/farro soup recipe soon.

  20. What beautiful lake photos and those crescent rolls look amazing.

  21. Your lake mornings are truly beautiful and everything on your table looks fantastic!

  22. Oh, Joanne, your photos are just magical. I want to come sit on your porch or lakeside and breathe in all of that beauty and fresh air. My goodness, you have such an incredible view every season!!

    Your crescent rolls look yum. And more substantial than the little mouthful of dough that comes from the canned refrigerated kind. Would be so good with a stew or chowder!!

  23. Those crescent rolls look good, I have a similar recipe that uses mashed potato in the dough which gives it a nice texture and better yet, no eggs in the recipe. With Trump and that parasite Elon Musk deporting all the migrant workers, there is now an egg shortage and soaring prices so eggless recipes are now a necessity.

    1. There were no eggs in the dough recipe but I bet the mashed potatoes add a nice texture.

  24. Beautiful lake views and your homemade crescent rolls look perfect. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  25. What a gorgeous view you have over the lake! I'm so glad you were able to let go of so many items that no longer serve you or your family. My daughter and I just surrendered two bags of clothes that no longer fit her and it felt *so good*! Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!

  26. Such beautiful winter lake pictures! And the food looks delicious! We too are working on letting things go. Planning on doing a yardsale in the spring, so that motivates us all a bit to actually get rid of stuff!!

  27. The pictures of the lake are fabulous!!! I found a free fitness app that is helping me on my journey, Fit On, not sure if you saw that post or not. Your food pics look yummy! Visiting today from Share Four Somethings, but here is my post on the app:

    1. Thank you! I use the Weight Watchers app to track my food, water, exercise, etc.

  28. Well done on your healthy eating! I am also on a journey and testing lots of new recipes.

  29. Wow, what a beautiful lake! Truly a blessing to wake up to that each morning, I'm sure!!

  30. Wow, those lake photos. What a beautiful sight in the mornings. How do you pull yourself away from that view to do anything? And hmmm. I think I might make a quiche soon. It feels rather springtime!

  31. The icy lake looks very dreamy.

  32. I loved the lake scenes, the scrolls look delicious, we should all try to aspire to healthy eating, and cleaning out the shed - hmmm....something we or should I say I need to do. Have any enjoyable week! and thankyou for visiting my blog this week.

    1. I was thrilled my son wanted to tackle that job and asked for very little input from me (just double checked that those things he wanted to get rid of were okay to get rid of!).

  33. I love that first photo. I would love to make homemade croissants and your food looks so good. I need to look at that book.

    1. Aw, thank you! I loved the first part of the book but, at times, I did think she seemed a bit delusional about how easy all these things would be to implement.

  34. Those crescent rolls looks fantastic! And your lake views are always so beautiful!

  35. Those pictures of the lake are beautiful. It's wild how you can't even see it in the first picture!

    1. I love those foggy mornings on the lake but that is the first time I noticed such pretty lighting with it.

  36. The lake looks so lovely Joanne. Thanks for joining us for #WBOYC and well done on your healthy eating progress. I'm trying hard too but am a work in progress.

  37. You have had some beautiful mornings on the lake for sure, Joanne. And those crescent rolls look wonderful. Nice job on your healthy eating and decluttering goals.


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