Currently... February 2025

 It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for another edition of Currently with Jennifer. This month we're looking at what we're currently Loving, Anticipating, Remembering, Sharing, and Well-Wishing*. 

 We had some warm and sunny days last week and I was loving that we got to go hiking a few times... one of which I didn't even need to wear a coat!

Anticipating: I'm anticipating winter to last several more months and I'm trying to remind myself that each day we're one step closer to spring. I'm trying to plan some vacations and outings that we can look forward to. 

Remembering: I saw a recipe for some incredibly looking flaky biscuits on a blog site and it immediately made me think of the ones Jennifer, Marilyn, Tanya and I tried when we were in Nashville... which then led me to thinking about other things on our trip.

Sharing: My husband and I shared an appetizer when we went out for our date night; something we never usually do but the Lobster Rangoon was so delicious. I forgot to take photos of the dish but we do always share a few bites of our meal with each other too.

We ate at a totally new (to us) restaurant inside Foxwood's casino

I got the salmon and it was incredibly good.

(*so apparently the last prompt was wish-listing that I somehow mis-read/miss copied but I'm keeping my answers since this post was already up on the blog before I noticed!).

Well-Wishing: I have been trying to be more intentional about sending out cards this year. I'm really good about sending cards for an occasion but this year I'm trying to send out one or two each month "just for fun." I have quite the collection and enjoy making them so why save them and not share the joy? 

I sent this one to my best friend from college

This one is heading to Alec with his Valentine's day gift box

This one is going to my Card Chain Challenge pal

Linking up with:


  1. Yep, warmer weather will arrive for good (for a season anyway!) in time. The beautiful days are wonderful reminders of that. It got up in the high sixties on Sunday which felt incredible. Your cards are so creative! I'm sure the recipients of them will be pleased as punch- both with how pretty they are and the thoughtful gesture in your sending them. Have a great day!

    1. Wow! 60? That's incredible. I mentioned hiking without a coat-- it was 45 that day and felt so unbelievably warm! LOL

  2. As soon as you mentioned "flaky biscuits", it also made me think of that delicious meal! I just recently finished the biscuit mix I bought on that trip. It was so fun! How nice to take a walk this time of year without a coat! Our weather has turned warmer the last week, but I'm not quite ready for our steady warm temperatures yet. Have a good day!

    1. I thought of you and your mix when searching for these photos! We're bracing for a snowstorm tomorrow so I don't have to worry about steady warm temps for a while yet.

  3. I love reading thees "Currently" posts! I appreciate your mindset about winter as we too have a looong stretch still ahead of us. Your cards are so beautiful and what a special way they are to show others you care! A true gift!

    1. Aw, thank you! I figure I have this stack of cards I keep on hand for "just in case" but hardly use them as I use any excuse to create new cards so I might as well put them to good use. Everyone loves getting some happy mail!

  4. oh I love lobster rangoon and your dinner looks amazing! Where is that restaurant?

  5. Love these pretty cards and that restaurant looks wonderful!

  6. It has warmed up here too, still not warm enough to go out without a coat but it's getting there. I am so looking forward to spring.
    That looks a fantastic place to eat, the salmon looks so good.
    Your cards are so pretty and it is lovely that you are sending them out just for fun.

    1. It was only 45 that day but the sun was out and there was no wind of any kind.. .mostly I think it was just comparison to the below freezing temps that made it seem so darn warm. I did have a turtleneck and sweater on.. and probably a scarf too but no coat!

  7. We had one warm day here and then it got cold again, with ice coming down overnight. I'm looking forward to spring too.

    1. Yeah that's about all we can hope for is one nice day of warm-ish weather at a time; we're supposed to get lots of snow tomorrow. Things are already closing down and making cancelations...

  8. Such great memories from the trip! :)

  9. Oh my goodness, biscuits are my weakness and they look soooo good!!

    1. Funny enough I didn't think I liked biscuits but wow those were so flaky and buttery and good.

  10. I love that you send out cards just for fun! One of my friends has a rotating list of people who she sends notes to in the mail every month and I love that she does that. I always look forward to receiving happy mail from her when it's my turn!

    1. Oh that is such a fun idea! I figure everyone can always use a little more happy mail. If you ever want to email me your address I'd happily send you a card!

  11. Oh that appetizer looks over the top delish!

  12. Jodie's Touch of StyleFebruary 5, 2025 at 1:46 PM

    I love that you get out even in the snow, and you do so much with your card skills,

  13. Those biscuits look yummy -- and so do your cards!

  14. Off to google Lobster Rangoon, but lobster anything is great! #Wwwhimsy

    1. I agree! I love most seafood (as long as it's cooked).

  15. That Red Lantern restaurant is a mood! LOVE it.

    1. Isn't that neat? Where the purple lights are behind the bar is a window overlooking a club on the lower level (though the club didn't open until 9pm and we were already home and in bed by then!).

  16. Hi Joanne, I just love seeing your hiking photos with the snow. No snow here ever so it's such a novelty to me. Those are really lovely cards you've been making. I've made a couple lately too. It's fun and I think it's lovely to express ourselves with kindness to others in this way. Glad it's warming up over there for you. I can't wait till it cools down over here for us! lol Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy ! xo

    1. Thank you; we're bracing for lots more snow over the next several days.

  17. Those cards are so cute! I love crab rangoon & I bet lobster rangoon is just as delicious!

    1. We had never heard of lobster rangoon either but knew we loved crab rangoon so we just had to try it. It was delicious!

  18. Sounds like some wonderful memories were made! We hit 72* over last weekend and as much as I look forward to Spring, the land could definitely use some more Winter. Also, your cards are super sweet! I love the well-wishing oops :-) Hope the rest of your week is lovely!

    1. Wow! That is really warm. We're getting an icy mix of snow/ice/rain today so spring is definitely a long way off still. Thank you!

  19. It was 60 here yesterday which made me feel like Spring was just around the corner. Of course, today is was 30! I wish we'd get more snow or at least lots of rain because those reservoirs and aquifers really need to get filled up. I always hesitate to start a new craft because I never know what to do with what I make. Your cards are a wonderful way to exercise the creativity and then send them on to be loved and appreciated!

    1. It's 17 right now and we're braced for a wintery mix today that's weirdly only supposed to give us a few inches even though it's supposed to last over 12 hours. We'll see... hopefully it's more snow or rain than ice though. I don't like ice storms!

  20. Always fun to read these currently posts Joanne. The hiking in the snow looks amazing!!

  21. So fun that you make your son a valentine's box! I love seeing the snow and I always wish I lived a little further north!

    1. Aw, thank you. I typically get each of the boys a card and a box of chocolates/small gift but since Alec won't be home at all this month I thought I'd send him a Valentine themed care package.

  22. Oooh those biscuits look incredible, but your cards are so amazing! You are so talented!

  23. That restaurant looks fab and I love your cards! You are very clever! And kind too, I love that you sent them "just because."

    1. Thank you; that is something new I am starting this year.

  24. I love that hedgehog card - so cute! Wouldn't that make you smile if you found that in your mail??:) That restaurant is really cool looking. Glad you had a night out. We all need those once in a while!

    1. Right?! I figure it's just like sending smiles.

  25. Those biscuits look amazing! When I was in the U.S., I learned that what you call biscuits are more like our scones, and what we call biscuits, you’d call cookies! I didn’t love all the fast food like I thought I would, but one thing I really did enjoy and we don’t get over here is the McDonald’s sausage biscuits. I even brought back some packets of biscuit mix from Walmart to try making them at home-yum! I'm excited to recreate the biscuits, but I probably won’t have much luck with the sausage! Ruth@playworkeatrepeat

    1. I actually don't eat fast food; I gave it up nearly 10 years ago now and can't stand any of it (or at least how awful I feel after eating it). I did know that about biscuits/scones/cookies from watching the Great British Baking show.

  26. Those cards are so cute. I'm sure the brighten up the day for the recipients. I love your hiking pictures. It helps me remember that winter can be beautiful.

    1. Aw, thank you so much! I need those photos to remind myself that winter can beautiful... it's not my favorite season.

  27. Replies
    1. They were; and I don't usually even like biscuits!

  28. I can't wait until I can leave my coat at home! I have a feeling it's going to be awhile yet... And I love how thoughtful you were about "well-wishing." That's a tough prompt :)

    1. I'm pretty sure that coatless day was a fluke too as it's gotten chilly and quite snowy again.


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