Currently... February 2025

 It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for another edition of Currently with Jennifer. This month we're looking at what we're currently Loving, Anticipating, Remembering, Sharing, and Well-Wishing*. 

 We had some warm and sunny days last week and I was loving that we got to go hiking a few times... one of which I didn't even need to wear a coat!

Anticipating: I'm anticipating winter to last several more months and I'm trying to remind myself that each day we're one step closer to spring. I'm trying to plan some vacations and outings that we can look forward to. 

Remembering: I saw a recipe for some incredibly looking flaky biscuits on a blog site and it immediately made me think of the ones Jennifer, Marilyn, Tanya and I tried when we were in Nashville... which then led me to thinking about other things on our trip.

Sharing: My husband and I shared an appetizer when we went out for our date night; something we never usually do but the Lobster Rangoon was so delicious. I forgot to take photos of the dish but we do always share a few bites of our meal with each other too.

We ate at a totally new (to us) restaurant inside Foxwood's casino

I got the salmon and it was incredibly good.

(*so apparently the last prompt was wish-listing that I somehow mis-read/miss copied but I'm keeping my answers since this post was already up on the blog before I noticed!).

Well-Wishing: I have been trying to be more intentional about sending out cards this year. I'm really good about sending cards for an occasion but this year I'm trying to send out one or two each month "just for fun." I have quite the collection and enjoy making them so why save them and not share the joy? 

I sent this one to my best friend from college

This one is heading to Alec with his Valentine's day gift box

This one is going to my Card Chain Challenge pal

Linking up with:


  1. Yep, warmer weather will arrive for good (for a season anyway!) in time. The beautiful days are wonderful reminders of that. It got up in the high sixties on Sunday which felt incredible. Your cards are so creative! I'm sure the recipients of them will be pleased as punch- both with how pretty they are and the thoughtful gesture in your sending them. Have a great day!

  2. As soon as you mentioned "flaky biscuits", it also made me think of that delicious meal! I just recently finished the biscuit mix I bought on that trip. It was so fun! How nice to take a walk this time of year without a coat! Our weather has turned warmer the last week, but I'm not quite ready for our steady warm temperatures yet. Have a good day!

  3. I love reading thees "Currently" posts! I appreciate your mindset about winter as we too have a looong stretch still ahead of us. Your cards are so beautiful and what a special way they are to show others you care! A true gift!

  4. oh I love lobster rangoon and your dinner looks amazing! Where is that restaurant?

  5. Love these pretty cards and that restaurant looks wonderful!

  6. It has warmed up here too, still not warm enough to go out without a coat but it's getting there. I am so looking forward to spring.
    That looks a fantastic place to eat, the salmon looks so good.
    Your cards are so pretty and it is lovely that you are sending them out just for fun.


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