What's Up Wednesday in January 2025 (With a Bit of December 2024 too)

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday. Since I missed December's What's Up Wednesday I plan to combine both months into this one post... so it might be a tad long! Sorry but not really sorry. 

What We're Eating:

Sunday: Shrimp carbonara (the kind with no diary or cheese but made with tempered eggs) with salad.

Monday: BLT sandwiches with chips and salad (I'll end up eating just the salad).

Tuesday: Pumpkin mac and cheese with broccoli

Wednesday: Burgers and hot dogs with tater tots and salad (I'll have a garden burger and some butternut squash fries).

Thursday: Crock pot lasagna soup with garlic bread

Friday: Pork chops with Hasselback potatoes, and green beans. 

Saturday: Pineapple teriyaki chicken (we'll cook them up in the air fryer since if it is too cold to grill) with rice, corn and salad.

What I'm Reminiscing About: This guy turned 19 this month! 

What I'm Loving: We have had some lovely sunrises and sunsets and I'm noticing the days are getting longer! Oh I am loving that extra daylight. 

still light at dinner time!

What We've Been Up To: I felt like the first two weeks in December were just one long waiting period-- waiting for the boys to finish up their semesters' work, waiting for our trip, waiting for nice weather to get out and hike. Then we spent nearly 2 full weeks in Hawaii!

Alec's cake decorating final 

we went on a couple of winter hikes

Hawaii was beautiful with beaches, hikes, sunsets, whales, plants, waterfalls and more! We saw palm trees and volcanoes and  I spent most of my blogging recapping our day to day activities and photos. 

Once home with celebrated Christmas with my mother in law then got caught up on physicals, dentist appointments and hair appointments before it was time for Alec to head back to college. We celebrated Ian's college graduation, went on a few hikes, and then had a small party for Alec's 19th birthday.

We ended the long MLK Jr. weekend with an immersive Van Gogh experience.. and a snowstorm.

What I'm Dreading: Nothing right now. 

What I'm Working On: I spent most of January in the house working on cards, scrapbook pages, reading, and puzzles. 

What I'm Excited About: I'm planning some trips and activities to look forward to this year. 

What I'm Watching/Reading: I started re-watching Who's the Boss (Hulu), Landman (Paramount +), Man on the Inside (Netflix), So Help Me Todd (Paramount +), White Collar (Netflix), Summer Camp (Hulu), No Good Deed (Netflix), The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes (on the plane), Gone Girl (Hulu), Army Wives (Hulu), The Pitt (Max)--- I might have to do a separate post on things we've been watching lately because I feel like we've stumbled upon some pretty good ones!

Between the two months I've read over 20 books and I'll be sharing a full recap complete with reviews next Thursday. 

What I'm Listening to: I just started a new audiobook called Camino Island that seems pretty good. 

What I'm Wearing: ALL the warm clothes and layers and lots and lots of scarves but I am really missing those shorts and flip flops I got to wear in Hawaii!

What I'm Doing This Weekend:
 We don't have any plans.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: Evan and I have his last college visit before we start filling out college applications this summer/fall. 

What Else is New: Nothing much; winter tends to be a slower time of year for us. 

Linking up with:


  1. Alec's cake is beautiful- my mom decorated cakes and she made those beautiful roses as well. Your celebrations look nice. I hope the month ends nicely for you!!

    1. Aw, thank you! Weirdly he doesn't enjoy decorating cakes and doesn't think he's that good at it either. But, I think we're always most critical of ourselves.

  2. What a busy month. Beautiful pics. Love Alec's cake. We went to Hawaii, the Big Island, a few years ago and unfortunately didn't see hardly any of the island. The hubs did the Hawaii marathon and wanted to relax the rest of the time. Your pics show me what we missed!

    1. Thank you! We definitely tried to pack a lot into our trip.

  3. Such an exciting time for your family! Such a trip of a lifetime- loved the pictures even more today!

    1. It really was the trip of a lifetime! I'm having fun sifting through the photos and remembering all that beauty and color and sunshine.

  4. That cake is gorgeous! Alec did an amazing job :)

  5. Wow Joanne, I loved looking at the Hawaii photos. I love your winter scenes and glad the temps are a little warmer. You have such a nice and huge sweater collection that I love. I hope you stay warm and enjoy the rest of the week.

    1. I do have a really huge sweater collection; I love sweaters and wear them daily all through winter so I like to have a lot to pick from.

  6. Gone Girl is one of my faves! If you haven't read the book, I think it's even better than the movie.

    1. I started watching the movie thinking I HAD read the book but the further the movie went the more I realized I had zero idea what was happening (and therefor did not read the book!). LOL

  7. What a packed month! I love that the days seem longer there, too. I can finally notice and feel the 10ish minutes that we're getting per day, and I love it so much!


    1. Yes, I am noticing the difference and while I know that won't mean it'll magically warm up at least we're heading in the right direction!

  8. So many things to comment on...the lake by your house is so pretty no matter the season. It looks like there are snomobile tracks on it? The thawed picture is so hauntingly beautiful. And I think I mentioned it here before, but Alec's cake is so gorgeous. He is so talented.

    1. Yes, it has been cold enough that we've been seeing quite a few snowmobiles on the lake this month. I loved the lighting in that photo! It felt very moody. I think he's quite talented too; even if he doesn't always realize it.

  9. beautiful pictures I simply love looking at them not such a fan being out in them. I also agree with the double layers of clothing and you look great. Thanks for sharing I will be posting again as well. You can find me at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  10. Jodie's Touch of StyleJanuary 29, 2025 at 3:47 PM

    Alec's cake is truly amazing. That boy has talent beyond talent.
    I loved your Hawaii photos and the sunrises and sets are beautiful.

    1. Aw, thank you so much! Though he's much happier this semester working with breads & yeast.

  11. You've been seriously busy! Good food, cute clothes, wonderful photos. And that cake rocks! You've definitely had what looks to be a wonderful month!

    1. Thank you! We really did have a great month despite the cold weather.

  12. I'km so glad you enjoyed your two weeks in Hawaii, it looks amazing! The snowy scenes are sucha. contrast to our sweltering hot summer days, so beautiful to see them.

    1. Oh we have definitely had plenty of cold and snow! At least our below freezing temps are over (for now); I don't mind the cold as long as it's not ridiculously cold.

  13. Hi Joanne, oh my gosh so much to take in in this post! Firstly, as an Australian and Queenslander (where it's very tropical and hot) I am so taken with the snow pictures and is that ice on the lake that your verandah looks over? It looks amazing!! I went to the Van Gogh immersive experience here in Brisbane - isn't it fabulous? Happy 19th Birthday to your son! You've had a very full and adventurous time over the last couple of months. Hopefully more fun and adventures to come! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy xo

    1. Yes, that is an icy lake we look over; in fact the ice has been so thick this year that we've had lots of snowmobiles out on it.

  14. What a fabulous cakes! And those views from your home are amazing. Love the black and white knit dress!

    1. Thank you! That is one of my favorite dresses too.

  15. What a fabulous month! I enjoyed all you shared about your trip to Hawaii. That cake is beautiful!


  16. I thought No Good Deed was just okay, it had it's moments. We are currently watching Landman and loving it. Have you watched The Lioness? That's a good one, two seasons. Great month you had, and is January over yet? haha

    1. We loved Landman too and The Lioness is up next on our watch list!

  17. We are loving the later daylight, too! I can't wait to be able to resume my after-dinner walks again! We're watching No Good Deed right now, too, and it is definitely interesting! It's a quirky one!

    1. Yeah, I think quirky defines that one best. I was really surprised to hear it might be picked up for a second season.

  18. Lots of joy in your month, Joanne. Your meals look healthy and delicious, your son is 19! I bet the years have flown. The cake looks magnificent and you have peaked my interest in visiting Hawaii. Thanks so much for sharing with us at #WBOYC? Sue L x

  19. You've packed so much into your month Joanne. Two weeks in Hawaii would have been the icing on the cake. Speaking of cake, that cake looks amazing.

    1. We definitely found Hawaii to be the highlight of the year!

  20. Happy 19th to Alec!
    Your food in the top images looks so delicious! And how lovely to go to Hawaii at this time of the year. We usually have quite varied weather but this is my first year in Ireland when I feel, in January, that we really need spring to come now or I need to book a trip somewhere! At least now the days are longer here too. And we are still blessed to have no major cold snaps or snow.

    1. Thank you both for the well wishes and the compliment! It was lovely to escape the cold in Hawaii but both my youngest and I have been joking that it has made us weaker as this winter feels so much longer colder than I remember (even though I know it's actually been quite mild!).

  21. Wondeful photos, Joanne. I especially loved the cake and your sweaters (i could use a good sweater right now --- brrrr)!

    1. I am so thankful for our sweaters; it's been very cold here!

  22. You guys have the best cakes at your house! Every celebration must be so exciting..and delicious!! I always love your posts with the outfit photos. You have the cutest closet! And I have printed off more recipes. Thanks for the inspiration. Hope you have a great weekend ahead!!

  23. Your Hawaii photos are all so beautiful! Both of those cakes are gorgeous too!

  24. Your Hawaii trip looked heavenly, Joanne! I'm noticing the longer sunlight hours too and loving them. We made it through the darkest part of winter. Yay!

    1. Thank you so much. I am so excited to have made it through the darkest part of winter.

  25. Lots to love with the wintry landscapes, the pumpkin mac, your scrapbooking and your son's gorgeously decorated cake.

  26. Your photos are always so beautiful (and I know I always say that, but they are)! Alec's cake decorating is gorgeous! And, of course, the trip to Hawaii...what a wonderful experience for all of you!


  27. Your photos are always so beautiful (and I know I always say that, but they are)! Alec's cake decorating is gorgeous! And, of course, the trip to Hawaii...what a wonderful experience for all of you!


  28. I love the snowscapes at Sunset. I didn't realise Grisham was still writing. Good for him. I liked that Carrie Fisher but if I recall correctly, it's a bit of a downer. Tho funny too. I read it when it came out so some years ago. #WBOYC

    1. Thank you! We've had some real pretty sunsets.

  29. Enjoyed seeing all of your cute OOTD. You have so many terrific sweaters. I really like your Fair Isles. And both dresses!! Girl, you need to be wearing dresses more often. You look terrific.
    Alec surely was a darling baby boy. Can't believe your baby is now 19!!

    1. Thank you! The Fair Isle sweaters are my favorites too! I can't believe it either.


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