Throwback Tuesday: Homeschooling for the Long Haul

Originally posted January 4, 2013 when my boys were 5, 6. & 8 

I had a few days over our Christmas break where I had a mini anxiety attack, once again thinking we've hardly covered anything this year. 

My sister in law is a public school teacher and she pointed out, with much excitement, that the school year is half over.  My heart literally jumped in my chest and I felt my stomach lurch for one fear induced moment and I thought "Oh My GOD!  We're not anywhere near our half-way point in our math curriculum!" Honestly, I think Alec is only on lesson 11 and Ian is at 26 (out of perhaps 150).

  • I had to remind myself that we do so much more for math than just our curriculum.  I was seriously considering not buying any curriculum for next year since we don't seem to follow them anyway. 
  •  I also reminded myself that we don't have to follow anyone else's schedule but our own. 
  •  It didn't hurt that when talking about how I felt with my husband he quickly pointed out all that they have learned so far and how much more they can do on their own now.  He also reminded me of all the reasons we prefer to homeschool them. 
  • I reminded myself that we're in this for the long haul!


 Luckily, on days when I really start to doubt myself and think about all they haven't yet learned they show me in small ways what they have learned.

Over the past week of break:
  • I have caught my boys creating elaborate Lego structures, playing guitar and practicing piano.
  • Alec got a new clock and has been teaching himself how to tell time; the hour/ second/ minute hand, and what all the birds on the clock are as well as what sounds they make.  
  • They have read books
  • They explained to their father why plants grow so large in Alaska
  • They exhibited many math skills in our every day life that I'm not sure they would've known if we weren't homeschooling.  
  • We've played Clue, Payday, and many other games where they've had to use critical thinking and math skills. 
 In other words, they learned, reinforced previous learning, and in general continued to grow.

We're going to start back into our schoolwork slowly  and so for today I only planned on a bit of reading and some math.  Two subjects seemed like a good starting point and, if you've read my blog before, you know I think of those as being of  primary importance.

The older two boys each did a lesson in McRuffy and Evan worked on another dot- to- dot.

Evan has been getting really good at counting to 100 and when I pointed to the numbers written on top of the page he started saying them out loud with me 10, 20, 30, I slowly stopped speaking and listened to him count to 100 by 10's on his own!  I was so proud and pointed out to him what he had done.

Alec started in on subtraction and his lesson was "so easy!"  While Ian worked on fractions & on subtracting three digit numbers with borrowing.

After Evan finished math he asked to read and picked out two Bob's books.  I was amazed at how well he read them since they were two of the hardest books we've read yet and we hadn't read in two weeks.   He's coming so far so fast! 

Alec begged to do a science experiment.

He had received a crystal growing kit for Christmas and really wanted to try and grow a crystal so, of course, I agreed.  We all worked together to read the instructions but I'm worried that it may turn out like our rock candy experiment.  We followed instructions as best we could and now we'll wait and see what happens. 

I then read Ben's Dream by Chris Van Allsburg, New Year's Day by Dana Meachen Rau, and L is for Lone Star; A Texas Alphabet by Carol Crane to all the boys and we talked about the stories, the pictures, and what we learned.  

L Is for Lone Star: A Texas Alphabet (Discover America State by State) by [Crane, Carol]

I had the older two boys pick out a book of their choice and read for at least 15 minutes.  Alec chose to read Vultures and finished reading Crocodiles (which he just checked out yesterday!).  I joked with him that he just devours books!  Ian finished reading The Wump World

 We listened to some books on CD in the car while running errands.  We had some that we had checked out; Do Onto Otters by Laurie Keller (again- they just love it!) and I Got Two Dogs by John Lithgow. 

Do Unto Otters: A Book About Manners by [Keller, Laurie]

I Got Two Dogs by [Lithgow, John]

 Once home we had some lunch and got all dressed up in our winter gear to head out for our 15 minutes of outside time.

Though it was a battle to get them outside (my middle boy in particular HATES the outdoors in winter but he does break out in hives in the cold so I can't blame him!) we had such a great time.  And like the book promised we ended up staying out so much longer than 15 minutes.  I made it an hour and the boys played out an additional 15 minutes over that (yes, even Alec!!).

We made a snowman standing on his head, made snow tunnels, buried each other in the snow, had a snowball fight and then Evan had the idea to slide down our snow piles on his belly like a penguin.  It was great. 

We came back in and warmed up with some hot cocoa and Alec finally got to paint his large 3-D shark he got for Christmas while Ian made a puzzle and Evan played Lego's.  It was a great day!

By the end of our day we had covered so much more than the reading and math we had set out to do; and I was once again reminded that we're in this for the long haul.  I don't have to worry about every little benchmark, milestone and checkpoint in our curriculum.  We are learning ALL the time and it will add up to such a wonderfully enriching education for my boys.

Linking Up With: Thinking Out Loud, 


  1. These "throwback" posts make me so happy, Joanne! As a retired kindergarten/first grade teacher, I love seeing examples of learning embedded in meaningful experiences. In fact, that's what my master's degree focus was - experiential education. I've always found that kids embrace learning when their curiosity was challenged and their interests explored. I can only imagine the rich learning that's taken place in your home over the years!

    1. Thank you so much! That is so sweet to hear. My masters was in early childhood education and I focused heavily on hands on/minds on learning that I just could not help but bring to my own children and our homeschooling days.

  2. Obviously the home schooling has paid off for your boys! It's fun looking back at their sweet, little faces!

  3. This is so timely for me because literally yesterday I said to myself "We are so behind! The year is almost over and Little Miss and I haven't done enough math! She needs to learn more and be up to speed with other kids her age and...and..." And then she was sick again and I was like, "Oh my gosh! Noooo! Now we are having a sick day??! We are behind more!" Yes...I had that breakdown, but had to remind me of the things you mentioned in this post. I will worry the kids aren't learning enough and then my son will speak to me for 30 minutes about the Byzantine Empire, which he reads about on his own because he is fascinated about it. I didn't even assign him anything about it but by homeschooling he has a love of learning and doesn't feel it is something that he "has" to do. He wants to learn and doesn't fear he'll be scolded that he didn't learn the right thing like he was at the private school he used to go to. He's a senior this year so I do worry at times that I've messed up his education but....hopefully it will all be okay.

    1. Yes! That desire to learn and seek out information on their own is so huge! I really noticed that when Alec went to public high school and was so eager to learn everything while the majority of his classmates seemed so burned out and disinterested in learning much of anything. It has followed him into college as well and we noticed this freshman year that he has so many more life skills than most of his peers too. He has been teaching many of his dormmates how to clean, do laundry, and other household skills like that that they're all doing for the first time.

  4. I love this reminder that learning happens in so many ways! It’s easy to stress about keeping up with a curriculum, but your boys are growing and learning all the time, even in the little moments. It’s so encouraging to read about how they’re developing their skills and exploring new things. Keep up the great work—you're doing amazing!

  5. Looks like you have done a stand-up job with the homeschooling, you should be proud of the accomplishment. Public schools in too many regions have turned into violent toxic free for all places where little learning takes place. Thank God for homeschooling, charter and private schools so the whole generation is not lost. My son was educated abroad and foreign schools are a world apart from what is going on in the west. He now has an MA in english and ESL plus a WA state teaching license with two endorsements. What the heck is going on with teaching jobs now? listings full of so called para educators, substitutes and part time/on call? He has applied there but only gotten three interviews, even though he teaches english at a big university in Saudi.

    1. Thank you so much! We really loved homeschooling and I'm sad that we are coming upon our final year.

  6. I applaud you for all of the hard work you are doing - your schedule is right where it needs to be for your family. You will look on this time of your life as very rewarding!

  7. I remember when I was homeschooling Ella, how much I learned from you! You were such an inspiration. I loved reading through this—it was like a trip down memory lane. 🩷

    1. Aw, thank you so much. I'm enjoying these trips down memory lane too. It all went by so fast!

  8. Thanks for this reminder that we don't need to be on schedule! I love this look at how your homeschooled. :)


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