Share Our Lives; My Favorite Smells

It's the second Monday of the month which means it's time for the Share Our lives link up. While this is our last link up of 2024 you'll see our graphics for 2025 below and the list of topics we'll be covering. 

This month for the Share Our Lives link up we're sharing our favorite smells. 

I struggled a bit with this prompt since it's so open ended. 

In Nature:
  • The ocean/salty sea air
  • most flowers but especially lilacs & roses
  • fresh cut grass in the summer
  • the crisp fall air in New England (I can't explain it but it's got its own smell)
  • rain
  • Apples/ the apple orchard

In the kitchen:
  • cinnamon
  • peppermint
  • citrus
  • vanilla
  • any sweets baking fresh
  • coffee (I love the smell of it even though I do not like the taste of it!)
  • baking bread
  • perfectly ripe pineapple or strawberries

Around the house:
  • my coconut hair care and body products
  • book smell when opening up a new book
  • cocoa & shea butter lotion
  • Candles-- I mostly prefer baking/food scents like caramel cinnamon bun, etc. but no florals or nature scents (they always seem a bit "off" to me)
  • cinnamon pine cones & lightly scented potpourri

I hope you'll join us next month when we talk about how we save time on chores!

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  1. All great scents that you listed! Though I am scent impaired- maybe because of it- I appreciate the scents that I can detect and that are pleasing.

    1. I think I'm the opposite where I am hyper aware of scents and so many of them bother me or overpower my senses quite quickly.

  2. Beautiful ocean photo! Since our holiday in Greece, I really appreciate a pic like that. There's nothing like a beautifully scented rose too. #MMBC

  3. I love how you broke up the smells into categories-that makes so much sense! I agree about the floral candle smells being off. I prefer zesty candle smells or sweet baked scents.

  4. These are GREAT smells and we share some in common for sure! Freshly cut grass, lilacs, cinnamon - yum!

  5. I feel like smells are more important to me than to most. I have always had a really good nose - that can detect things! The smell I would most like to smell from your list is the New England rain. I am giddy right now because I am on my patio in the light rain and it's only 50 so I can handle it. It smells so fresh and I have missed my patio mornings! lol!

    1. Lovely! We managed to get out for a hike today even with the snow on the ground it was nice and warm out.

  6. I agree with all of those good smells! Have a good Monday!

  7. What a fun prompt and we have so much in common! The ocean and candles are two of my faves :) Our flowers match up too!

  8. What a great set of lists! It can become so easy to forget the simple yet important parts of our ordinary days, because in reality they are not ordinary at all!

  9. I am with you on florals in a candle. I love the scent of cinnamon and that's my favorite in a candle. My hubs has the nose of a bloodhound so is sensitive to a lot of scents. I also love the Yankee Candle scent citrus and's just the right amount of both and that's the one I burn most often.

    1. I am a sucker for anything with cinnamon (food too!).

  10. That was quite a thought provoking prompt Jo - and you did really well with it. I'm looking forward to the smells of Christmas - the baking and the desserts - and here in Australia it's all about Summer and the smell of sunscreen and hot pavement and warm evening breezes. Thanks for staying in touch throughout the year - I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas time together. x

  11. I love baking smells. Your house must smell great!

  12. This was so much fun and I would definitely agree with you! Right now I’m smelling cinnamon vanilla and it’s so cozy!

  13. I love a lot of the same smells as you Joanne. I love the smell of the ocean and the smell of a cup of coffee. Hope you have a nice week.

  14. I love the smell of vanilla, lemon, oranges, roses. I don't like rose scent in candles or personal care items. Too strong. I think my favorite smell is apple cinnamon from baking goods. #MMBC

    1. Yeah, I think the rose scent in candles and personal care items is much too strong too.

  15. I know what you mean when you say a crisp fall day, the outdoor smells are the best.

  16. I love the same exact smells as you!

  17. I struggled with this prompt too but got there in the end. There are so many amazing smells it was hard to pick just some.
    I found myself nodding along with all of your picks.

  18. I love the smell of hot cider - or anything warm. I really hate the smell of fake pine haha those are weird options, right?!

    1. Yes! Very weird to have that fake pine smell.

  19. I love shea butter but have never heard of cocoa and shea butter lotion. I just ordered some from Amazon and can't wait to get it.

  20. Jodie's Touch of StyleDecember 9, 2024 at 4:01 PM

    Smells are always so interesting. Because i've heard there so powerful.
    With your love of the coconut in your hair care, maybe you need to live in hawaii?

    1. I definitely think I should have been born into a warmer climate with my love of all things coconut, my flip flop obsession, and my general dislike of snow and ice.

  21. yes to many of those. I don't like the fake overpowering perfume scents but love the smells of nature and spices and coffee.

  22. I love how you did this month's post, so I copied you and gave you credit of course! The ocean will always be my #1 favorite!

  23. P.S. I'm excited for the 2025 prompts!

  24. I love how your organized this! - Jen Show Me & Sweet tea

  25. This is such an interesting prompt. It makes you more aware of all of the wonderful smells we take for granted!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  26. I know exactly what you mean about crisp fall air (though not in New England). I agree with all of the others except I don't like food scented candles. I know that's strange because most people do. I like citrusy ones with other notes. What a fun prompt, though!

    1. Citrusy candles work too I just don't like any of the floral scents in candle form at all.

  27. Yes to all the cinnamon!! I've seen so many people say that. It's one of my all-time favorite scents, too!!

  28. I love all the nature smells. I didn't think of breaking it down.


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