10 Most Popular Posts of 2024

Each year around this time I like to look back at the blog and see what posts were the most popular for the year. It seems I peaked a bit early this year as all my most popular posts were clustered around Jan. & Feb (of course those posts have also had the most time to be seen so it does make sense that all my most popular posts are from the 1st half of the year). But I do remember so many of these being so popular right from the start. 

10. Making the Most of Our Maxi Skirts with Ageless Style had 1,167 views!  Weirdly, I think this has been my favorite outfit post of all time since the lighting, the background and colors are just perfect. 

9. My Girl's Trip to Nashville Day 1 & 2 was quite popular too with 1, 174 views. I was thrilled this one was so popular as I definitely had a fabulous time with these wonderful ladies. 

8. Share Our Lives: 5 Items I can't Live Without had 1,186 views. I'm kind of amazed by this since I felt like I had a really hard time coming up with my list. 

7. The Books I Read in January and My Start to the 52 Book Challenge came in 7th with 1,232 pageviews. I love a good book post and I'm glad to see my readers do too!

6. My Sister-In- Law's Art Show got 1,235 views and I am so tickled by this! I think my SIL is hugely talented and I know she is working so hard to try and get her art career off the ground to support her lovely homeschooling family so thank you all so much!!

5. My January Prime Purchases had 1,244 views; those Prime posts are always so popular! 

4. Alec's SCAP (Senior Culinary Arts Project) Assignment and Meal had 1,303 views and you know this proud mama is just glowing over that! 

His food was incredible!

3. My Favorite Based on a True Story Movies had 1,406 pageviews. I love a good movie round-up too!

These next two were not at all surprising since they also made it onto my most popular posts of all time that I posted in December. 

2. Throwing a Fabulous 70th Birthday Party at the Last Minute has 7,053 views! It really was a simple party with some cute last minute themed decorations and a wonderful night celebrating my mom. 

1. Favorite TV Shows Growing Up in the 80's & Early 90's  already has 58,335 views. All I can say is that it's true; nostalgia sells! I too love seeing what others of my generation enjoyed when we were growing up. 

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  1. It is so interesting to go backand read these. Those were some great posts! Happy New Year!

  2. So many wonderful posts! Happy New Year, Joanne!!

  3. Reading about TV/ movies is my least favorite post (of anyone's!) just because I am not a big movie or TV watcher and never have been. But you're right, it was likely nostalgia for your number one post. What I like about your top ten is that there is such variety in the types/topics of the posts. You write about a variety of topics and those posts appeal to a variety of people. Happy New Years Eve!

    1. Thank you! I was surprised at the wide range of posts but I really liked that too. Happy New Year!

  4. It's always so nice looking back on old posts. Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  5. I always love looking back at this too, but I always forget to share about it on my blog. Those were some iconic posts that you made this year; I smiled when I saw us in Nashville, because that same picture made my blog post today as well! Happy new year, my friend!

  6. So cool! Those maxi skirt photos are really good! I enjoyed reading about the blogger weekend again!

    1. Thank you; I love how those maxi skirt photos came out too.

  7. I enjoy reading your blog! Happy New Year!

  8. happy new year, Joanne! i love these end of the year reviews ... oh so fun and fulfilling to look back even as we're looking ahead. can't wait to do 2025 with you, friend.

    1. Thank you! I can't wait to see how 2025 shakes out for you and your family; wishing you all the best in the new year!

  9. Happy New Year. Hugs.

  10. I've read them all- always such interesting content- Happy New Year!

  11. I remember so many of these! Happiest of new years!

  12. Great list, I enjoyed reading these posts in 2024. Happy New Year!

  13. Those were some good posts. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  14. Love the maxi skirt and Nashville post. A great year of blogging.
    Jen (Show me and sweet tea)

  15. Jodie's Touch of StyleDecember 31, 2024 at 5:22 PM

    I love that the maxi skirts made it in the running, and those 2 best are so fun.

  16. The blog trip was such a highlight for me in 2024! I can't believe how many views your top post got...wow!!!

    1. I was really stunned over that one too; usually I'm happy with a few hundred pageviews!

  17. These were some great posts. I especially loved your cruise post. It looked like you had an amazing time! Wishing you many blessings into the New Year for you and your family.

  18. What a grand blogging year you've had. I missed so much of everyone's year and feel bad. Glad to be catching up with my favorite bloggers again. Your maxi skirt outfit is perfection!! And would work great for the Ageless Style January prompt. Love love love turtlenecks and with that pretty print skirt and your denim jacket...just A+. Going to check out your SIL's art. Hope her career just takes off. Loved seeing you gals on the blog trip. Hope 2025 is healthy and happy and as successful for you and yours.

    1. Thank you! I was told that my sister in law sold one of her painting this month to someone out in Pennsylvania so I hope that is her first of many.

  19. What a way to wind up the year! You've had so many wonderful posts; this had to be tough! Have a wonderful start to 2025, Joanne!


  20. It really is fun to see which posts were the most popular!

  21. A busy and satisfying year! May there be more of the same in this new year!

  22. My prime posts get lots of hits too although maybe not now with the link up ending.

    1. Yeah, I figure without the link up they aren't going to get nearly as much traction either so I really don't plan on doing many of them.

  23. What fab posts! I think I have read all of them.
    Happy new year, wishing you all the best for 2025.

  24. Looks like some great posts here. I will have to stop by a few and catch up.

  25. These round-ups are so fun! I'm always surprised by what people love! I will say that you are killing it with the graphics! I think that really helps draw people to specific blog posts! For sure something that I need to work on haha!

    1. Aw, thanks! I've been working hard to up my photography game these past several years.

  26. Love your movie posts so much, you inspired me to do an entire year of them myself!


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