Weigh- In Wednesdays-- Healthy Snacks

After rejoining Weight Watchers, I knew I wanted to reinstate my Weigh- In Wednesdays posts. On the third Wednesday of every month I'll have a new post/party up for everyone to share workout tips, weight loss thoughts and ideas, and healthy recipes to fuel us on our journey to better health. 

Last month I shared what is a typical week of meals for me (for the most part anyway). This week I thought I'd share some of my regular "snacks" with you. I have actually gotten pretty good about not snacking much at all but when I do snack I fully admit that I haven't kicked the processed foods. 

I am a huge fan of these Yasso bars-- particularly this past week or so while I've been dealing with a horrible sore throat. I feel fine otherwise but sound so hoarse and it feels like I've got razor blades in my throat when I swallow so these soft, cold foods have felt wonderful.

Since I eat a late breakfast of whole foods and lunch is typically either a salad or some leftovers from dinner; both of which are filling meals I've been cutting out my afternoon snack. Occasionally I'll eat a handful of mixed nuts and if I'm craving something sweet I'll add in a handful of my homemade granola.

I'm trying to get into the habit of reaching for things like an apple, some carrot sticks with hummus, hard boiled eggs, etc. I make sure to use a small snack size plate so it looks like a lot. 

Another favorite I recently remembered was a snack my girlfriend and I used to make in high school. It's 1/2 an apple (cored), with a bit of peanut butter and covered in shredded coconut. It's delicious particularly this time of year with orchard fresh apples. 

I have been pretty good at making healthier snack choices but overall I find that just going for a walk or getting up and moving finds me forgetting about snack entirely. I do tend to be hungrier at the next meal after skipping snack but I just add on some extra veggies with my dinner instead. 

Do you have a favorite healthy snack? 

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  1. Regarding missing your snack and being hungry for your next meal- I started experiencing something similar when I started doing IF and breaking my fast until well past the traditional breakfast hour. I enjoy eating my first meal when hungry. When I ate earlier in the morning, I found that I was rarely hungry by lunch time but I ate anyway because, lunch. But now I am usually hungry for my lunch and I like that! It´s also easier to stop eating when full because you started off on empty- getting to full feels different. Good for you for eating more whole foods for snacks and such! I am trying to incorporate more whole foods into my diet as well!

  2. Those Yasso treats are so yummy! Your snacks remind me to try healthier options.


    1. I need the reminder too! I try really hard to keep any of my favorite unhealthy snack foods out of the house.

  3. We love Yasso bars- they definitely cure the sweet cravings!

  4. I usually grab an apple or a Quest protein bar because they are quick! I often will get a cheese stick or a cup of yogurt too, if I haven't had any for breakfast that day. Hope you feel better soon and those Yasso bars are good!

    1. I don't ever think to try protein bars (mostly because on WW they are SO many points!) but they are nice and filling.

  5. Thanks for the snack ideas Joanne, it can be one of the hardest parts when trying to lose weight and can undo all the good work. #Teamwwwhimsy

  6. I have enjoyed the Yasso bars in the past!

  7. I am sharing a couple of my favorites, because when I "need" a snack to see me through, I am usually really hungry. And while the serving should be small, the nutrition needs to be a bit bigger!

  8. Replies
    1. I used to enjoy the Enlightened brand of bars too but they seem to have disappeared from our store shelves.

  9. I definitely think an apple cut into slices feels like so much more of a snack than eating one whole, even though it's exactly the same amount. I try to cut up veggies and keep them in the frig to easily grab. Doing the little bit of prep work ahead of time makes it easy and I'm less inclined to grab something else.

    1. It's funny how it feels so much bigger when it's cut up! It's that whole eye/brain/mouth connection. We do that same thing with prepping fruits, veggies, and even hard boiled eggs.

  10. Our nutritionists suggested that if we want to grab an apple, so make sure to pair it with peanut butter or almond butter, so you have a protein with it.
    It's very filling too!

    1. Yeah I find I definitely need some sort of protein with my fruit!

  11. Hi Joanne, those are some delicious looking healthy snacks! I find I'm snacking too much lately and not getting out walking like I should so I'm feeling a bit blah. Life is a bit hard for me at the moment so I'm trying not to be too hard on myself, but I'm gonna try and fit in a walk now and then to help me feel better in myself. Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy ! xo

    1. I'm glad you're trying not be too hard on yourself and realize that this is a very difficult season you're going through.

  12. I have been having a handful of cashews and a cheese stick for a snack lately as I'm trying to up my protein. But, all of these look good. I would have never thought to add coconut to apples and peanut butter! Thanks for the link up!


  13. I am a snacker. Yikes, it's true and midafternoon I always crave something on the sweet side. I don't eat a lot of it but I do love a couple of pieces off chocolate or a little sweet cream in my afternoon coffee. I do however enjoy apples, carrots with hummus and bananas. Good for you for getting back into WW especially if that's something that makes you feel better.


    1. Yum! Other than the bananas... I do not like bananas.

  14. I could do with one of those Yasso bars now, I have a sore throat. I love the sound of the black raspberry chip one's. I love apple and peanut butter, it is such a nice treat.

    1. I am so sorry to hear you have a sore throat!

  15. I actually said “ooooh” when I saw those raspberry Yasso bars. I need to look for those. I hope your sore throat is better!

  16. Feel better. Saving this post. Thank you friend.

  17. So sorry you've been feeling bad. Sore throats are the worst! Feel better soon!

  18. Those snacks look great. I'm very good at reaching for unhealthy snacks but ave been trying to eat three meals a day, except I have an afternoon protein shake with berries. Chocolate would be my preferred snack, but these days if I need a snack it's a protein bar.

    1. A protein shake is a great idea for an afternoon snack.

  19. I heard that in Australia they're not having face to face WW meetings anymore :( Is it the same in teh States? Anyhoo, love the look of the apple and peanut butter, I'm definitely going to give that a try. I do something similar with a banana - slice the banana in half top to bottom and sandwich together with peanut butter. It's so good and if you want to be really fancy you can pop some walnuts in the middle too :)


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