Share 4 Somethings in October

Tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month and time for the Share 4 Somethings link up with Jennifer.

Once again we'll be sharing some things we've loved and/or disliked, accomplished, some things we've improved upon and/or that need improvement, and noticed.

Loved: We have been having the most beautiful sunrises lately!

Accomplished: I finished my latest painting and got almost all (40!) of my Christmas cards finished. 

Improved upon/needs improvement: I really need to go through my closet and clean out those fall and winter clothes that I no longer wear or like how they fit but I just have not found the energy to do that yet. 

Noticed: We can't help but notice everywhere we hike that we are experiencing a major drought this year. To give you an idea here is the same river; one photo taken in Nov. 2021 and one taken this month... 

same waterfall this month versus it in 2022

Linking up with: Final Friday, Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Those sunrises are so pretty! As is your painting and that neat Christmas card- very creative! We experienced a drought this fall as well. I hope you guys get rain soon. Have a great weekend!

  2. Hope y'all get some rain soon. Those are quite the comparison photos. I love the butterfly painting! The evening and morning skies are always favorites of mine too. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! We often go through small drought and then high water periods but I don't remember it ever getting quite this dry.

  3. Beautiful photos! Ask yourself, would I still buy this today and would I care if it got ruined in the wash and there is your answer. Allow yourself a bit of purgatory and put the bags somewhere for a set period.

    1. That is a good way to make decisions; I do tend to bag them up and then leave them out of sight for at least a few weeks to see if I end up searching for any of those things I bagged. Lately I've been making note of things like pants that feel tight after a long day or shirts that feel like they keep riding up and driving me crazy; knowing I could get rid of them without a care.

  4. So in love with these pics of nature! Your finished art is beautiful too!

  5. YES! The sunrises have been stunning- love your pics!

  6. Beautiful sunrises! I also love the painting you did, along with that cute card. ♡

  7. The draught is crazy! I remember last fall there was so much rain.

    1. I know; it's starting to feel like an all or nothing type situation.

  8. Beautiful pictures of the sunrise! I always say October skies are some of the best. We have not done as much hiking this month as most trails are still unsafe or challenging to get through with trees down from Helene. Still such a mess in the mountain towns near us. You are on top of things with your cards!! Have a nice weekend!

    1. They really are so pretty this time of year.

  9. So beautiful.

  10. The sunsets have been amazing here too, my youngest has been taking a photo each morning as they have been so pretty. What beautiful photos!
    Well done with your painting, it is gorgeous! I love the colours that you have used and your cards look fab too.

    1. Thank you so much! I had a bit of a struggle getting the background to look like I had intended but I am really pleased with the finished product.

  11. Wow! Those sunrises are incredible! Living the pink ones especially! So beautiful!

  12. What a beautiful painting. I would never get tired of those lake views! Have a good weekend!

  13. What a lovely idea for a link-up! It's wonderful to hear that you're enjoying beautiful sunrises—there's something so uplifting about them. Cleaning out your closet can be a big task, but it sounds like a great way to refresh for the season. The drought sounds concerning, though; it's always eye-opening to see the changes in nature over time. Thanks for sharing your experiences! Happy weekend. I hope it's a happy one for you. I’ve just posted something new, and I'd love to hear what you think. Please give it a read!

    1. We find that we often go through spells of drought followed by seasons of rain and high water tables so I'm trying not to stress too much but oddly this is the time of year many people build fires outdoors and that is super concerning with the drought conditions.

  14. Those sunrises are stunning, Joanne! I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see them for all the houses around me...not that I'm up at that time anyway! We are having a drought here, too. I don't know that they've actually called it that, but the streams and rivers look just like yours. Let's hope for a lot of rain/snow this fall/winter! We definitely need it in our part of the country.

    1. Thank you! I am usually up long before the sun (well, at this time of the year anyway).

  15. And here it is the opposite, we have to much water. Lovely cards!

    1. Thank you! I thought they turned out so cute and perfect since we'll be in Hawaii this December.

  16. Those sunrises are amazing!
    Congrats on finishing your painting and those Christmas cards—that’s a lot!
    I totally get the closet struggle; I keep putting it off too.
    The drought photos are eye-opening; it’s wild to see those changes.

  17. Yikes! That is quite the drought. We are experiencing a drought too, which is crazy since it rained non stop in the spring. Your sunrise photos are stunning.

  18. I love a pretty sunrise/set, and those are gorgeous! We also are experiencing a major drought right now; it's been a full month since we've had even a drop of rain. It's sad to see those pictures taken and compared side by side. Hopefully we'll both have some rain soon!

  19. Wow! Those befores and afters are so dramatically different. I love your sunrise photos. Congrats on finishing so many Christmas cards! You are talented. Have a great last weekend in October!

  20. WOW, WOW, WOW! Not just saying, those photos are sensational;. Really stunning. And the cards are very cute - your friends are lucky! #ShareFourSomethings

  21. I was away and just catching up. Those sunrises are gorgeous to wake up to them! I love your cute Christmas cards and that painting. We haven't had rain in so long and have such dry conditions. We really need the rain!

  22. Those sunrise photos are just gorgeous! I love to catch a beautiful sunrise, especially on my Saturday morning runs. Your cards are so pretty too! I need to get going on a photo of the teens for mine!


    1. I had to give up on photo cards years ago... my boys hate having their photo taken and once my oldest turned 18 he told me he was done! LOL

  23. The photos of the sunrises are beautiful! Well done on finishing Christmas cards. I need to stop thinking it’s September's and start getting organised-yikes! 😀

  24. You are right, it seems half the country has been in a drought. We are desperate for rain. It is heartbreaking to see that brook so depleted of water.
    The scenery from your patio is just postcard perfect. And your photos are amazing. I would want to frame every single one if I were you. Those fall colors and the reflections on the water. Beautiful.

  25. I loved looking at those sunrise photos. It's so dry here too and we need some rain. You made such a pretty painting and I love the cards. Have a nice week and a happy halloween.

  26. Your lake photos are stunning, per usual!

  27. absolutely love those sunrise photos - especially the one with the fog on the water. I've seen some great sunrises recently too but mostly when I'm driving. :-/ Sure hope the drought doesn't go on too long or raise the fire hazard risk!

    1. Our fire danger is rated as very high (not that it stops people from having fires though!).

  28. Love your sunrise pics. The comparison photos really show the difference in the rain levels. Lovely painting..


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