Our Final Month of CSA Boxes

 In writing up my final post today I realized I must have forgotten to photograph one box somewhere along the way as I recounted our pick up days and found that we have had 17 Thursday pick-ups but I only have 16 photos. I'm betting there was zucchini, and corn, and tomatoes... and more of the same! LOL.  All in all this program was well worth the $500 it cost us at the start of the year as I feel 100% confident that buying this much produce over the span of 17 weeks would have cost me more than $500. 

I feel like we did real well with minimizing food waste too and actually used 99% of what we were given. That said I think if we were to participate again next year I'd drop us down to the 1/2 share size only because the vast majority of the vegetables were only eaten by my husband and myself. And it really started to feel like a job to find something to do with the produce before it went bad. 

Box 12: Corn on the cob, zucchini, butternut squash, green beans, mini potatoes, tomatoes, green peppers and garlic. 

We ate the corn as a side with dinner and I roasted the garlic (along with another clove we had at home). 

I like to keep a mini jar of roasted garlic in the fridge.

We used the potatoes and green beans as a side one night and the butternut squash another. We used the tomatoes in various dishes like this sausage tomato cream pasta one from Momfessionals.

Box 13-- A dozen corn, more tomatoes, green beans, zucchini/squash, honey nut squash, & broccoli.

We served the corn and broccoli at Evan's birthday party and used the green beans and honey nut squash as a side dish one night. I used the tomatoes to make some more marinara along with the tomatoes leftover from last week. We cut up the zucchini/squash with some onions and mushrooms to eat as a side with breakfasts and lunches. 

Box #14-- Mini and large orange/yellow tomatoes, radishes, butternut swash, zucchini, peppers, and 12 ears of corn. 

I shucked the corn and froze it in small batches for use throughout the fall and winter. We used the radishes in our salad and I ate the small tomatoes as snacks here and there. The larger tomatoes were used for BLT sandwiches and we roasted the butternut squash to go with our pot roast. 

Box #15-- corn, green beans, tomatoes-- lg and small, zucchini, radishes, peppers, acorn squash & spaghetti squash.

The green beans were used that very night as a side dish with dinner (I was more focused on the orange chicken but you can see the green beans in the bottom of the photo).

I made up more marinara with the large tomatoes and some large ones we had left from last week. We had the corn with dinner and I made a corn and zucchini casserole with the leftover corn mixed with the zucchini. 

Another night I made stuffed acorn squash for my husband and I. I used the spaghetti squash for myself the night the family had spaghetti and marinara. 

Box #16 (though it was really the 17th box we picked up)-- Our last box was a cardboard box so we didn't have to worry about returning it and it was stuffed!   12 more ears of corn, a couple butternut squash, some more honeynut squash, radishes, large and small tomatoes, lettuce, and banana peppers. 

I immediately cut up the lettuce and radishes to add to our salads and cooked 2 ears of corn for the boys. The other 10 ears we saved for the weekend when Alec was home and we made steak fajitas to go with it (I had chick pea fajita rice instead.  I ate the small tomatoes for snacking. 

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud, Spread the Kindness, 


  1. That's cool that there are different size boxes you can get. I don't think you could have gotten organic veggies at the store for anywhere near what you paid for all of your boxes. I'm sure it was a little challenging to find ways to use it all but that just got your creativity flowing! And I don't know about you, but it is not uncommon for me to use not all of or even any of a vegetable that I buy at the store and forget about or don't use in time such that all or part of it needs to be thrown out or composted. So using 99% of what you received in your boxes is an impressive feat!

    1. We rarely throw away fresh veggies or fruits from the store either since I'm pretty good about cooking them up/using them before they go bad (though of course there are those times when a fruit or veggie wasn't as fresh as I thought they were and they went bad seemingly overnight!).

  2. It really made you eat your veg! I think half box would be good for you, like you said. The quality looks great, too. I bet you are kinda glad to get that monkey off your back but maybe you will miss it? Erica is bringing acorn stuffed squash for our lunch today and it will be the highlight of my day I'm quite sure!

  3. Nice job- you really maximized your veggies- so impressive

  4. I'm amazed at all the ways you came up with the use all the veggies! I know you were glad for these boxes as it made you consume such a great amount of them each day.

  5. I enjoyed your creativity with each box! I've been buying the bag of applies from a local farm at Whole Foods and they taste so much better than the regular apples for sale.

  6. I love the variety of the produce you got and how creative you were with each! It's been hard getting fresh produce here in Alaska with how far we are from everything.

    1. Oh I bet! We are lucky to live near quite a few farms.

  7. This is such a great and sounds like an economoical program! I feel like having fresh vegetables on hand is always a challenge, so how nice to have it appear at your door.

    1. Well, technically I had to drive to the next town over once a week and pick them up but it was nice that they were all packaged up and ready to just grab and go.

  8. All of it looks good and for a great price.

  9. It's great that you jarred and froze some of the produce so you'll have it later. I love how creative you got.

  10. I am really amazed by how creative you were with all the veggies. They look great. Chick pea fajita rice sounds intriguing.


  11. I used to belong to a CSA for many years. Eventually, after we retired, we ate out more and it just didn't work for us. It is challenging to make sure you use what you get from the box. You really did a great job.

  12. I am so impressed with all the creative ways you used these vegetables. I have looked, and there isn't a program like this around us. I really wish there were because I think we'd definitely eat more vegetables.


  13. I love how you get creative! During COVID, there was a neighborhood church that was giving boxes of veggies and stuff out and a neighbor who knew me through the blog started giving us a box as there were too many boxes leftover. It was fun to see what I could come up with!

    1. Thank you! We had a few local organizations doing that through Covid too and we got a box here and there as well.

  14. All of this looks so delicious! That roasted garlic looks so good too. Yum!


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