Monthly Musings-- All About Halloween

 I didn't want to skip out on Monthly Musing with Holly and Patty two months in a row even though this month's topic of Halloween doesn't really apply to us anymore. Now that the boys are grown, Halloween is kind of like a non-holiday around here. We live out in the country at the end of a dead end road so trick or treaters never venture out here. But I thought I'd answer most of the questions with what we USED to do.

1. When the boys were little we used to get them dressed in their costumes and drive to each of the grandparents and great-grandparents houses (well, the ones that were local anyway; which was nearly all of them). Then as they got older we would go to either of my sisters' houses and trick or treat around their neighborhoods as a group. For the first couple of years after the boys decided they were too old for trick or treating we watched spooky/Halloween movies at home and enjoyed some candy and ice cream. Now it's just like any other night for us. 

Ian as a rock star

Ian as a penguin

Evan as a monkey

Alec as a lion

2. We don't really have any fall traditions left but we LOVE to hike in the fall.

3. I only like the Milky Way Midnight bars otherwise I stay away from anything with nougat. But I do like Skittles (Starburst are a hard no from me!). 

4. We have NEVER hosted a Halloween party so I'll go with trick or treating here. 

5. I have never lived at a house that had trick or treaters to hand out candy so again I'll go with go with trick or treaters. 

6. I'm pretty sure we typically trick or treated on Halloween night. 

7. No. I don't like Halloween much so I've never decorated for it. However, we used to plan activities (some of which were crafts!) around Halloween in our homeschool so those decorations would be up if the boys wanted to participate. Both of these projects are from our 5 day of Halloween Homeschooling Fun series

A lot of time our homeschooling group threw a Halloween party and my boys would make art projects there we'd display too; like these fun skulls.

8. As a homeschooling mom we always used our leftover candy for learning! We ran science experiments like these (the link has 14 different ideas) & math ideas and games like these (the link has 12 different ideas). Then whatever we hadn't eaten or used for science and art I'd send to work with my husband. 

you can get the "s" to float right off the skittles!

9. I don't think we ever had set times to trick or treat; if we were going by ourselves we planned to leave the house as soon as my husband got home from work but if we were meeting my family at my mom or my sister's houses we'd pick a time to all meet up. I'd guess it was usually around 6 or 6:30 and we always tried to be home by 8 or 9 depending on the boys' ages. 

10. We don't have any traditional Halloween dinners but as part of our homeschooling fun we also made fun snacks/lunches like mummy pizzas out of English muffins (English muffins, sauce, string cheese and my boys opted to use pumpkin seeds for the eyes) & Pumpkin/tootsie roll rice krispie treats. We attended homeschooling Halloween parties a few years and  made wizard hat pie crusts, puking watermelon fruit salad, and other "healthy" and fun treats to share

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud, Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Oh I love seeing the boy's pictures- so so sweet! Your Halloween treats look like some I still make here :)

  2. I'm with you when it comes to Halloween. We have never thrown a party and my boys are too old now to get into it. Need to try that midnight Milky Way bar!

  3. Love that scary watermelon- so creative and cute! All of your food looks good and the pictures of the boys over the years are great.

  4. I love all the Halloween costumes, so fun!

  5. Jodie's Touch of StyleOctober 31, 2024 at 1:00 PM

    That watermelon one is perfect...what a good way to keep the focus healthier. I just read a good email from a natural dentist about how to make Halloween more about the fun instead of the candy.

    1. Thanks! Our homeschool Halloween party was always more on the healthy side and didn't have any candy.

  6. Halloween is such a big deal in the US - in Australia we're a bit late to the party, but every year there seems to be more homes getting decorated and more people wandering the streets in costumes. I'm not a big fan of it all - it feels a bit dark and dreary - I love Christmas with the joy and twinkle lights and family time. You seem to have gotten the balance right - especially with how you incorporate some of the themes without going over the top.

  7. Halloween was never a big thing when my kids were growing up, either, because our neighborhood only had seven houses in it...six not counting ours! My SIL would take them to the local nursing home where she worked and they'd get more than enough candy there! I love that watermelon puking!

  8. Halloween is still not that big a thing here in Germany which I think it's a pity as I love it. Last night I didn't even have any candy in the house because in years I had about five trick or treaters.
    In rural areas, they sometimes still do the old German tradition of walking around not with pumpkins, but turnips.

    Visiting from Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot #80

    1. We have never bought Halloween candy since we don't get trick or treaters either but I really was craving chocolate yesterday just knowing it was Halloween.

  9. Your boys in their Halloween costumes are too cute! I really enjoy fall hikes as well! Although the trees here have barely started to change color. Halloween was never really a big deal in my family either. We would go trick or treating and carve pumpkins but that was about it.

    1. Aw, thank you! Our trees are pretty much leafless now...

  10. Joanne,
    Great post!! We have not gotten Trick or Treaters for several year but we did have 4 this year... We dd go to a Trunk and Treat with the Twins which was fun....Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    I hope you have a great weekend!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  11. I am so with you on a Milky Way Midnight. I think those are a totally underrated candi! Thanks for joining us.

  12. I love seeing the boys' costumes over the years. ❤️🖤

  13. Y'all definitely love to hike! I think y'all hike more than anybody else I know!

    1. We hike more than just about anyone we know too!


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