Highlights and Favorites: A Sentence a Day in September 2024

 We had a really fabulous September! We had great weather, lots of fun plans, and lots to celebrate too.

1. Up early to grocery shop, then we dropped Alec off at college and headed to Foxwoods for a comedy show, dinner, overnight stay. 17, 379 steps. 

2. We hung around our hotel until check out time, had some lunch and headed home.. where we both ended up falling asleep and taking a much needed nap after our very late night show. (weirdly my step counter says I walked 50,964 this day but I KNOW that is not correct... but I do think I was somewhere around 10,000).

3. I spent a quiet day at home reading, painting my nails and starting a new painting project. 10,715 steps.

4. Gym with my mom, home to prep some food then Evan and I headed out hiking (though I forgot to take any photos). 11,602 steps. 

5. I spent all morning working on my latest painting(s), some cards, housework, etc. then Evan and I went for a walk to the state park after lunch. I picked up our CSA and swung by the grocery store. 12,140 steps. 

6. Gym with my mom, saw Evan off to his class and talked with Alec to check in on his week. I spent most of my day reading, working on the computer, and paying bills tough I did take a walk up the mailbox in the afternoon. 8,863 steps. 

7. After running to the library and the post office, I spent most of my day working on scrapbook pages, proof reading Ian's latest assignments when asked, and reading/listening to my books (I started 3 of them!). 7.986 steps. 

8. All four of us loaded in the car after breakfast and headed to the middle of the state to hike Castle Craig, then had a nice lunch out before returning home. 14,630 steps. 

See the castle in the distance?

We went up in the actual castle too

9. I skipped the gym since I developed a horrible sore throat the previous afternoon but I still tackled schoolwork with Evan and lots of household chores before heading out for a quick little 45 minute hike with Evan and a quick stop at the apple orchard. Pretty sure I reached over 10,000 steps today but forgot to record it. 

Evan's zoology textbook didn't have any questions or quizzes with it so I'm reading through each chapter and making up our own workbook pages to go along with it. 

10. More chores, homeschooling, crafting, and painting today! 6.095 steps.

11. Gym with my mom, school with Evan, hiking, a little shopping, and then I worked on putting a care package together for Alec. 15,688 steps. 

12. We hiked with our hiking group; meeting a new (to us!) homeschooling family. We all hiked together for over 3 hours. We had no idea that trail would take so long but what a sense of accomplishment! 20,018 steps.

my hiking outfit (though I did swap to hiking boots for the actual hike)

my after hiking outfit

13. Gym with my mom then grocery shopping and a quiet day spent watching movies, doing laundry, and working on the blog. 11, 024 steps. 

14. After helping Ian and Evan with a bit of their college work, Evan and I headed out hiking at Pulaski. I did my nails, read my book, and went for a walk with my husband in the afternoon. 9,583 steps. 

15. Moving day! We all went to my mom's house to meet up with my brother and his oldest two boys to get my mom's house all emptied out for the closing. 6,266 steps. 

We finally finished around 3 pm. 

16. Gym with my mom in the morning, then working on schoolwork with Evan, and a quiet afternoon watching TV/working on the blog. 8,775steps. 

17. School with Evan, then we went hiking, then I spent my afternoon repotting some indoor plants. 11, 863 steps. 

18. Gym with my mom, school with Evan, house cleaning, laundry, bill paying, etc. 10, 619 steps.

19. I had a haircut in the morning, picked up groceries at Bj's on the way home, worked on Evan's birthday card, then picked up our latest CSA box in the afternoon. 5,063 steps. 

20. Gym with mom, a little house cleaning, and then we headed to Boston with Evan to see 21 Pilots. 9,221 steps. 

21. We left Boston, grabbed breakfast at Panera Bread in Millbury, stopped at Market Basket and then came home to prep food and finish cleaning the house for Evan's party tomorrow. I made a Heath cheesecake. 10,023 steps.

Evan's Heath cheesecake without the toppings

Parm. roasted salmon with honeynut squash and green beans.

22.  I worked in the kitchen all day, pulled out the fall decor, put away all the summer garden decorations, and hosted the grandparents for a little pre-birthday birthday party for Evan.  7,716 steps.

homemade thousand island dressing

homemade marinara

Evan's birthday dinner

23. Gym with my mom, school with Evan, hiking with Evan then I worked on my painting and sat down with Evan to plan a few college visits for the fall/winter.  12, 252 steps.

I never even changed out of my gym clothes

I did have a piece of leftover cheesecake though.

24. Spent the morning packing away all the spring and summer clothes to make room in my closet for all my sweaters and sweatshirts. School with Evan then a quick hike before lunch. 11,815 steps

25. Gym with my mom, school with Evan, then we headed out hiking. I ran to the apple orchard in the afternoon and nearly finished up my latest audiobook. 15,021 steps. 

26. A very rainy day at home once our hiking group activity was canceled; we worked on school and then I set about making some chili, cornbread, fresh sandwich bread, and picked up my latest CSA box. 

27.  Gym with my mom, then I showered and ran errands while Evan was at school and spent my afternoon working on the blog & doing laundry. When I took my step counter off at 5 (since the low battery sign was flashing at me) I had 10.405 steps. 

28. My husband, Evan, and I went to tour Clark University in Worcester Mass. It's a beautiful campus and we had a lovely time. 10,499 steps.

29.  I spent a quiet day at home cleaning and cooking and preparing for my mom and step-father who will be staying with us for 4 or 5 days until they head south to North Carolina. 6,070 steps

30.  Gym with my mom, school with Evan, baked up some granola and then Evan and I headed out on a nearly 2 hour hike. Fall was showing off today! 16,381 steps.

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Beautiful nature pictures and food pics! What a nice month- enjoyed seeing all your photos. Seeing your step count made me realize that I need a new battery for my Apple Watch. It won´t hold a charge. I want to start tracking my steps but with a battery that lasts twenty minutes after a full charge, I am not getting an accurate count...Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you so much! I do find I am more aware of my steps again but, of course, there are days when it malfunctions or I forget to charge the battery and it dies. But I am enjoying having a watch again.

  2. That overnight you had looked so nice and loving all the pics of nature. It was a great month!


  3. Oh the weather though right?! You do such a great job capturing all of the pics- love it!

  4. What a great September you had.
    You have done really well with all of the steps, even on the days where you stay at home. What great photos! I love the one's from Castle Craig.

    1. Thank you so much! I am finding that having the step counter helps motivate me to move more.

  5. What a truly beautiful life you live! I always love reading through your posts! Stay blessed my friend <3

  6. All of that time spent outside sure did give you some good steps this month! Especially on day one!

    1. Yes, though I'm pretty sure that first day was all that walking around the casino-- it was HUGE (and we kept getting just a tiny bit lost/turned around).

  7. You always post the prettiest pictures! I would love to live where you do, so many gorgeous places to hike. And let's just say my mouth is watering over that cheesecake you made for Evan's birthday - wow!!! Happy birthday to him and how fun that you all are visiting colleges, such an exciting time!

    1. Aw, thank you so much! It has been a lot of fun researching and visiting colleges-- while we toured 2 with Alec he pretty much knew what he wanted but Evan is much more open to everything so we're exploring a lot more.

  8. Such great pics - love the outfits! What a great September you had. The cheesecake looked amazing, as did the homemade bread. I've been doing my nails lately, too - love the boost it gives me. Have a great weekend!


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