Cozy Chronicles-- Fall & Halloween Traditions

It's just about that time for another link up with Jen and her Cozy Chronicles tomorrow. This month we're talking all things Halloween and fall, the cozy traditions and bucket list things we do each year. 

I almost didn't come up with  a post for this month because I wasn't really sure what traditions we had regarding this season! They've all changed so much!

When the boys were little we did pick out costumes and "go" trick or treating though since we live out in the middle of nowhere trick or treating often meant that we loaded them up in the car and driving to each of the grandparents and great grandparents houses. By the time we visited each of them the night was done.

Once the boys were a little bit older we started going to either my mother or my sister's neighborhoods where the houses were close together and we could walk and have a more traditional trick or treating experience. 

But that only lasted a couple of years before all my boys decided they were too old to trick or treat. We then had a handful of years where we watched movies and ate candy/ice cream instead. That too is no longer a tradition; but since I never really liked Halloween I don't mind that these came to an end. 

Most falls we visit the apple orchard; we used to go a few times to pick apples, attend some of the orchards fall fests and enjoy all their yummy treats and cider donuts. Now we just pop in, pick up some apples, and maybe a treat or two but we are in and out in minutes. 

I swear Ian was at the orchard with us too but he never liked having his photo taken!

We still make apple pies, caramel apples, apple crisp, etc. (and when I say we I really mean me. We used to do a lot of these things as a family but I'm pretty much the only one home nowadays). 

the last year everyone helped... 

We used to take photos of the boys each fall but the year Ian turned 18 he told me that was the last year he was cooperating... and while I had every intention of still doing those photos with each of the boys until they turned 18 that just hasn't happened. 

last fall photo of the boys... ever!

We do still do a lot of hiking in the fall though admittedly more and more it's just my husband and I hiking. Evan and I do still hike during the school week but I know this is probably our last year for that as he will be starting work and "real" school within the next year or two. 

We also used to carve pumpkins and go through a corn maze each fall. 

As the boys are around less and less my husband and I are developing new traditions/ interests/ etc.  I've rediscovered my love of puzzles; particularly pretty fall scenes. 

We've started taking off for a long weekend either in Sept. or October to Maine or New Hampshire for a hiking trip. 

We go out riding on his RZR. 

What are some of your favorite fall traditions?

Linking up with:


  1. Traditions do change over the years, don´t they? Enjoyed reading about yours and how some traditions have come and gone. All of your pictures are really good! From the yummy fall foods to your boys´ smiling faces, I would say that you ¨falled¨ well and are continuing, too, with the traditions and memories that you are making with your husband.

  2. I think New England is the best place for fall festivenss and fun- we are lucky right? Love the pics of the boys :)

  3. As our kids grow up and fly the nest we have to adjust expectation (not an easy thing for me) and create some new traditions, or maybe tweak the old. We have in-laws in the mix now too which adds another layer to anything holiday related. I bet you get some beautiful fall hikes! We normally hike a lot this time of year but most of the woods around us and for sure in the mountains are still a bit hazardous from Helene so we'll give it some time to repair. The lake is pretty in the fall too and I enjoy it a lot this season. Have a nice weekend!

  4. So fun! There's nothing better than holidays as a kid. I'm looking forward to starting some traditions next year.

  5. Such fun fall traditions with your boys and your scenery can't be beat!

  6. We used to go apple picking and to the pumpkin patch every year but now we stopped. But my boys went apple picking with their friends these past two years!

  7. It was so fun to go down memory lane with your photos! Our traditions have changed a lot as well. I still decorate for fall and Halloween. I hope to find an apple orchard near us this year because I do like picking apples. I'm not much of a pumpkin carver but I love to roast the seeds. I'm looking forward to Halloween at our new house because we're in a much busier neighborhood and hopefully we'll get lots of trick or treaters. We always had to drive our girls to other neighborhoods too!

  8. We have left our fall tradition fall by the wayside the last couple of years. We used to pick apples, go hiking and such. We still go biking but that is about it. Maybe I can convince the fam to go apple picking one weekend this month!

  9. That is a beautiful puzzle.

    Halloween and Thanksgiving are two of my favourite holidays. My boys are older now too. The youngest still goes out trick-or-treating. I've dressed up with them every year and walked around; I love it. During COVID we dressed up and had a Halloween candy hunt in the house.

    This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving. So, the boys and I are making pumpkin crisp and pumpkin pie.

    Have a great weekend. Thanks for your coffee share.

  10. What fab costumes! It sounds like you and your boys had some great Halloweens and I love the sound of your trips to the orchards.

  11. As always, your fall/nature photos are stunning! I grew up across the street from an apple orchard, and it was one of my favorite traditions going to pick apples (a few times in the season) and then my mom or dad making an apple pie.

  12. Your fall pictures are so beautiful! My favorite parts of fall are the changing colors and the cooler weather. When the kids were little, we loved going to the pumpkin farm together.


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