Summer Photography Scavenger Hunt 2024

 This West London Life took over the summer photo scavenger hunt this year and while I haven't shared any updates as I went along I did enjoy participating!  The final linkup will be this coming Wednesday (the 2nd) but I decided to share my final round up of photos today since many of these are my favorite photos of the summer! 

Family pet or cute animal

a nest of baby birds

Look up to the sky

beautiful skies at the beach

A colorful front door

our front door

What’s on your feet

flip flops!

Favorite Summer food/meal

cookie jar ice cream

Something with wings

a beautiful pair of butterflies 

Favorite Summer reading nook/space

My back deck

Something colorful in your garden/neighborhood

hanging pots in the garden

Moving water

at the ocean

Something that casts a shadow

Ribbon canopies at the botanical gardens

A kitchen utensil you hardly ever use

My apple/peeler/corer

A place of worship

an old stone church

Mark the passage of time

high school graduation

Your nation’s flag

at the library

Alternate B: Stamping

my ocean card

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Great pictures! Those butterflies!! Fun photo prompts :).

    1. Thank you! I loved spotting those butterflies; until we zoomed in we weren't 100% sure what we were looking at.

  2. Beautiful pics as always. How did you like that book? Would you recommend?

    1. Which one? There are 2 pictured here. I really liked Comeback Summer & The Summer We Started Over was good but a much slower paced and sweet story.

  3. A beautiful look at your summer! Almost makes me miss it ha

  4. Great front door! The colour is lovely.

  5. What great photos!
    I love your front door and the wreath is so pretty!

  6. Such lovely summer photos, a reminder of warmer days..we're going to get our first frost tonight!

  7. Jodie's Touch of StyleSeptember 27, 2024 at 3:28 PM

    I have that apple/peeler and corer and it's probably the same for me. But I still haven't gotten rid of it because when you need it, it's so helpful. At least I think I still have it, haha.

    1. I do use it on occasion to make zoodles too and it is handy when I need it.

  8. Wow - great photos! A fun challenge, isn't it? Your door is so pretty and I think my favorite is the picture of moving water. Well...actually, I like them all!:)

  9. Beautiful photos! I love all your nature photos and your front door. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  10. Lovely photos. I especially like the water crashing on the beach and the purple door! I'm with you on your favorite Summer food/meal- looks perfect to me!!

  11. Your photos are always treasures. Of course, I love your reading nook. That is also your breakfast nook!! Always like to see what you are reading, too. I feel like I am peeking over your shoulder at your book.
    Yum to ice cream in a waffle cone. We treat ourselves to DQ a lot but I really enjoy having ice cream in a cone. Might need to hit up an ice cream shop.
    Great capture for the moving water, and I love your interpretation for passage of time. Bittersweet. Can't believe your babies are almost all grown up. Love the purple door, too. Wish PC would consider painting/having our door painted in some interesting color. Like GREEN!!

    I think of you as the flipflop queen. I know you don't wear them year-round of course and not to hike for sure, but lots of times you have the cutest outfits on with your darling flipflops. I wish my feet weren't so mangled looking!! Ha! I feel very self-conscious in sandals and flippies.

    1. Aw, thank you! We don't have a DQ near us but we do have lots of ice cream stands... of course all of them have closed now for the winter but we did go one last time at the very end of summer.

      I think my husband and sons nearly had a heart attack when I repainted our doors (they used to be a nice deep royal blue) because they don't like purple either... but they had to admit that it looks so nice against our bricks that have nearly the same color in them.

      I will typically wear flip flops starting in early spring and nearly right up until the first snowfall. I absolutely wear them in the car while driving to where we'll hike and I keep my hiking shoes in the car to change when we get there... then I change right back as soon as we arrive back at the car.

  12. I love the color of your front door!
    You took some great photos (as always!).

  13. Great photos! I love all of them, but especially the moving water and the butterflies. Also love the color of your front door - unusual, and so pretty! Thanks for linking up with Everyday Images too!

  14. I love those things (I can't remember what they were) at the Botanical gardens. And, your front door is such a fun color. We have to have a beige one because everyone has to have a beige one! I'm working to get that changed so I could maybe have a purple one...or turquoise...or crimson...anything but beige!

    1. Yeah they were some sort of ribbons (or plastic strips?!). I loved the too. They were such a pretty pop of color and made such a fun rustling sound in the wind.

      Oh I hear you on the beige doors; that would drive me crazy. I have even seen black doors that look so nice and striking... pretty much any color other than beige!

  15. I wished it was summer all year long. What a beautiful colour is your front door!

    1. Aw, thank you! I repainted that last summer and I just love the color.

  16. What a summer you have had. That ice cream looks great. Love the color of your door.

  17. What a beautiful front door color! The shot of the butterflies could win in a photo contest. Amazing!!

  18. What a fun post! The color of your door is gorgeous! I've thought about painting our door a wild color, but we've never taken the plunge! I do love that purple!

  19. I loved these...what a fun idea! I'm really late to commenting from last week. Catching up before I post for this week...haha.


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