Share 4 Somethings in September

Today is the last Saturday of the month and time for the Share 4 Somethings link up with Jennifer.

Once again we'll be sharing some things we've loved and/or disliked, accomplished, some things we've improved upon and/or that need improvement, and noticed.

Loved &/or Disliked: Our weather has been just wonderful this month so we've gotten out for a few long hikes. I just love afternoons spent outside with beautiful views. 

Castle Craig

Bull hill preserve

Bigelow Hollow

Pulaski park

I also loved seeing 21 Pilots in concert! I never thought I'd be a "concert" person but that was really fun.

Accomplished: Evan and I started homeschooling and I've been making comprehension questions and things to go along with his zoology book. 

Improved Upon/needs improvement: We made a few new recipes this month but I have to keep working on them to improve them a bit... the first was a chicken, broccoli, and pasta dish that was lacking in flavor. 

This one pan teriyaki chicken/ veggie stir fry dish was also a bit watery and flavorless. I think next time I want to marinade the chicken and veggie in the teriyaki all day before roasting in the oven. 

Ian said my homemade thousand Island dressing was really good but a bit watery. I did blend it in the blender to make it nice and smooth and I'm wondering if I should just skip that step next time. 

Noticed: Wowza! Has postage gone way up! I went to mail a small care package to Alec and even the postal worker at the desk joked that it might be cheaper to drive the package to Providence myself. It was just about $10 to mail this box to him... and I'm not even sure I spent $10 on the stuff I put in it.

Linking up with:


  1. Yes! Postage is crazy. We tried to send Mason a new debit card and it was going to be $70 to England. That is why free shipping and returns are the only kind of orders I make! Great month! Check out Slender Kitchen pasta recipes. I talk about this site all the time but they are seriously so good.


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