Our Weekend with the 21 Pilots' Clancy World Tour Concert

Evan had asked months and months ago to go to a concert for his 17th birthday. It just so happens that one of his favorite bands, 21 Pilots, was having a concert in Boston pretty darn close to his actual birthday so we bought tickets and booked a hotel and made an overnight trip out of it.

My concert attire wasn't the greatest but I wanted to be comfy and have enough pockets that I didn't have to bring anything else with me-- I brought my phone (with tix on it), some earplugs, and my hotel key.

Now, I too happen to enjoy 21 Pilots so I wasn't totally mad about his choice! It really surprised us all that my husband wanted to go too. We ended up having such a great time. They put on a really good show. 

We headed up to Boston mid-afternoon on Friday and checked into our hotel around 3/ 3:30. From our room we could actually see TD Garden; the arena we were heading to that night. It was a nice room, shaped like an L with 2 queen beds, a nice big bathroom, a desk, mini fridge, and tiny little walk in closet. 

It looks small but felt spacious; it opens up a lot after the corner of the TV wall

The black building with the small green box and yellow lettering off to the right is where we were headed. 

We watched some TV/read books then headed to dinner in the hotel pub where 21 Pilots music was playing on repeat. Evan and I were mouthing/singing along and we could see others doing the same so we assumed they were heading to the concert too; some were even wearing past concert merch. 

I had a good meal but only managed to eat 1/2 of it. My husband said his meatball sandwich was cold and Evan's burger was practically raw so if you stay at Hotel Indigo in Boston I'd recommend eating off site.

It was 5:30 when we finished eating and the concert didn't start until 7:45 so we decided to just head back up to the room and hang out while watching TV. We could not get over the # of people already in line waiting to get into the Garden. In no time the line(s) were around the block! 

The line continued on down the left side as far as we could see!

We decided to leave the hotel at 7 and by the time we crossed the street the line had already shrunk enough that it was level with us (we used the crosswalk above with the two black cars crossing it). In under 5 minutes we had entered the arena and were in line to buy merch. They Garden had merch tables set up two or three per floor so the lines weren't super long and they moved so fast! We quickly found our seats after that and settled in to people watch until the show started.

My husband had thrown his back out earlier in the week and while he was feeling much better he did keep getting up and walking around waiting for the show to start. Family and friends asked for photo proof he was there; not believing he was really going. 

The opening band was a duo of brothers from New Zealand called Balu Brigada and they were pretty good. I'll definitely be checking for their music on Pandora.

21 Pilots took the stage an hour or so into the show and we hardly sat down at all after that. They had such great special effects... since I've only ever been to two other concerts in my life (John Legend maybe 8 or so years ago and Boys II Men/ TLC back in the early 90's) I had never seen a show with pyro techniques, confetti, lots of lighting effects, etc.  I know that's crazy but it's true!

They had a fabulous mix of old and new and favorite songs from so many of their albums. They were out in the audience, pulled a little kid up on stage to sing with them, had some fun audience participation portions with cell phone lights and things.  Evan and I were hoarse by the end of the night after belting out lyrics. 

We were clapping along, singing at the top of our lungs, dancing, and had a ball. 

We were back at our hotel by 11:30 and in just as few minutes as it took us to get there. 

The next morning we were up and out of the hotel by 9 or so and drove to Millbury Mass. for a very late breakfast at Panera bread. We made a quick stop for groceries and then headed home. We spent our afternoon cleaning and prepping for Evan's party with the grandparents on Sunday. 

Sunday morning I finished making Evan's Heath bar cheesecake with chocolate ganache and whipped up some homemade thousand island dressing.

I had time in the afternoon so I pulled out all our fall decor and decorated the house inside and out (though I do need to get some mums or something for near the front door). 

I also ended up packing away all the garden decorations and started cutting back all the dead plants in my garden in preparation for winter. 

My parents and in-laws all came over around 5 and we had dinner-- steak, potatoes, broccoli, corn on the cob and salad. 

Then Evan opened gifts (mostly money with a few candy bars and small things like that) before we sung happy birthday and bug into the cheesecake. 

fittingly he wore his 21 Pilots jacket all night. 

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  1. You all are the cool parents! How fun! And, you were super productive when you got back. Love it!

  2. Glad you all enjoyed.

  3. What a great weekend away. It's a shame the food at the hotel wasn't great.
    Oh wow! That queue is crazy but the concert looks amazing! It sounds like you all had a great time.
    Happy birthday to Evan!

    1. Thank you! Why anyone would start lining up 2 hours early to a concert with assigned seats I'll never understand but I am so glad we were able to avoid the crowds going in.

  4. What a fun looking concert! What a great birthday present for your son. The cheesecake you made looks sooo good!!

  5. You make good looking cheesecake. I'm glad your son had a good birthday. #MMBC

  6. Wow what a night out! I've never heard of 21 Pilots and I'm off to check them out on Youtube. It's lovely that you went with him and got to enjoy the experience together - a great memory to keep. His birthday dinner sounded good too (especially after the undercooked hamburger) and the cheesecake looks delicious.

    1. Some of my favorite songs of theirs are Lavish, Mulberry Street, and House of Gold...

  7. What a fun weekend! Heath bar cheesecake sounds right up my alley. Love the fall decor too :)

  8. How fortunate the concert lined up with his birthday and you were able to make it happen, sounds like a great time!

    1. It really was wonderful. I might actually enjoy concerts! Who knew?!

  9. Looks like a great weekend and fun birthday celebration. I don't know 21 Pilots but I listened to a couple of their songs and they sound good. I think I'm old lol. Your cheesecake looks scrumptious!

    1. Thank you; surprisingly my husband and I were NOT the oldest people in the room and most everyone was singing along. They definitely had a wide range of ages in attendance.

  10. Happy birthday, Evan! I know nothing about 21 Pilots but I know I sure could celebrate a birthday with that cheesecake - wow!!

  11. oh my gosh- looks and sounds like such a blast!! Your fall decor is on point- hope Evan enjoyed yesterday- you did a great job with his cheesecake

  12. Aren't you guys the best. That must have been a blast!

  13. Happy Birthday Evan! What a great weekend. I am not familiar with this group, but it sounds like they put on a great concert. I'm so glad you had so much fun!

  14. I haven't been to a concert in years! Enjoy your week ahead :)

  15. Jodie's Touch of StyleSeptember 23, 2024 at 7:58 PM

    It's fun to go to these events occasionally. Even though normally I would be in bed at the start time, LOL

    1. Yes! My whole family was joking about us not being able to stay awake for it.

  16. Happy birthday to Evan! It looks like you had a fantastic time celebrating with the hotel stay and concert! I hope your husband's back continues to improve!

    1. Thank you! He claims he's back to normal; he's back at work anyway so I hope so.

  17. Happy, happy birthday to Evan! Was the concert a birthday gift to him? I think you were so smart to stay right across from the venue...easy in and easy out. Evan's birthday cake looks delicious!


  18. Oh my goodness, we went to the Clacy tour as well! The Denver one, night #2. We absolutely loved it. I'm glad you had a blast!

  19. What a fun trip and an amazing way to celebrate a birthday! Happy happy birthday to him!

  20. What a great way to honor your son's birthday and fun outing for the family. Haven't been in Boston for many years or to a concert for many years either. You are an inspiration for me. Saw this post at Talking About it Tues. #39. My shares this time are 27, 28, and 27. Wishing you a fantastic autumn and be well. Warm regards from Nancy Andres @ Colors 4 Health.

  21. It sounds like you had a great time! And it looks like they really put on a good show! It's always fun when they use a lot of pyro and stuff. What a fun birthday trip!

  22. What a special thing to do with your son! That show looked amazing!


  23. What a fun concert, and that cheesecake looks amazing!


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