My Fall Bucket List & How I Did on My Summer Bucket List

With the first official day of fall this weekend I figured today was the perfect time to share my fall bucket list and also look back on how I did on my summer bucket list! 

My Fall Bucket List:

  • Break out my puzzles again and work on a few
  • Celebrate Evan's birthday 
  • Go to the 21 Pilots Concert
  • Go to the movies
  • Go on lots of hikes
  • Pick apples and make apple pie
  • Decorate the house for fall
  • Burn some fall scented candles/melts
  • Make a new Spotify playlist 
  • Find some good books to enjoy
  • Work on another couple of painting/art projects
  • Find a fun way to celebrate my husband's birthday!
  • Send Alec a couple of care packages
  • Enjoy parents' weekend at his college with him
  • Try some new fall recipes

My Summer Bucket List

1. Enjoy some fun and cute summer beach reads!  Check! 

2. Try and get to the beach. Check!

3. Spend an overnight near the shore with our friends-- Check! (See same photos as above!)

4. Celebrate my birthday-- Check! 

Shopping day with my mom

5. Enjoy 4th of July with the Family-- Check!

6. Watch some fireworks-- Check!

7. Make some homemade jam-- Check! We made strawberry and blueberry jam this year. 

8. Enjoy an occasional ice cream treat without any guilt-- Check! (though I'm not sure about the no guilt part!)

9. Cook up some delicious recipes (old and new!) with our CSA box of produce-- Check!

10. Go kayaking!-- Check! 

11. Visit the botanical gardens-- Check!

12. Take Alec shopping for college-- Check! We ended our shopping trip at two local nurseries since he had a few plants he wanted to buy and bring with him too. 

13. Try a new restaurant-- Check! We went to Alicante and had a delicious date night out.

14. Go to the movies-- Check! We went to see Bad Boys: Ride or Die 

15. Play cornhole-- Nope! 

16. USE my calligraphy set!-- Check! I don't like how anything came out and I'm really struggling to get ink to stay in the pen that came with the pen and ink set but I'll keep at it. 

17. Get caught up on scrapbooking-- Check! Of course this is ongoing and I now have more photos but at the very start of August I was completely caught up. 

18. Paint at least a few new pictures using the new paints I was gifted for Mother's day-- 1/2 a check.  I only got one painted finished.

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness


  1. Sounds like a brilliant list. Lots would be on mine too. Do join my Chicandstylish linkup this week. Jacqui xx

  2. What a great summer it looked like you had! Good luck checking off your Fall items.

  3. I think you did great on your summer list and your fall list is do-able! It's really fun to make these lists and be intentional!

  4. What a wonderful summer it was! I love your list for fall.

  5. Great job! Always love seeing what you accomplish :)

  6. Your summer was such a good one! Enjoyed seeing all of the photos and getting a recap of all of your bucket list items. Good luck with your fall list :).

  7. You aced your summer bucket list! I enjoyed looking at all your summer fun and delicious food-now it's our turn soon. Yay!!

  8. All of that yummy ice cream is making me hungry! Happy belated birthday! It looks like a good one!

    1. Aw, thank you! I can not pass up a good ice cream cone in the summer.

  9. Your summer looks picture perfect! Enjoy your fall adventures!

  10. Looks like a great list! I love puzzles, but once I start I can't stop.


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