Labor Day Weekend Wrap-Up

 It's been a long time since I've written a wrap-up post but we had a pretty busy labor day weekend. If you are stopping by the blog for my weekly Talking About It Tuesdays link up I'm still hosting it this week and you can find that here. I'm just writing this wrap-up as a bonus post. 

My holiday weekend started Friday afternoon when I picked Alec up from school. He had been planning to stay at college for the whole month of September but his laptop was hacked and he was frozen out of it. Both he and the bank thought his banking accounting might have been compromised as well so they had frozen his account and recommended he come home over the long weekend to get it straightened out. So I picked him up late in the afternoon after the school's job fair. 

We had a lovely long discussion on his way home and the whole family was together for dinner. 

There are the only photos I thought to take all day though! 

my very late breakfast/early lunch 

Saturday morning Alec headed off to the bank to get his account transferred over to a new one and he decided to pop in to his work and have brunch with his co-workers and tell him about his wild day of the hack (it's a pretty long story that end with him at the courthouse and a district attorney chewing out the hacker on Alec's phone!).

My husband and I had a funeral to attend. His aunt's mom had passed away at the age of 93! The sweetest lady and the funeral was such a moving tribute to her. We left the house at 9:30 for the calling hours, sat through the full catholic mass, went to the graveside service, and ended our afternoon at the reception at The Black Dog. We actually sat with his aunt, uncle, and their best friends and had a rather fun afternoon reminiscing and catching up. We didn't get back home until nearly 3! 

My funeral outfit; though I ended up shedding the jacket by the time we reached the church

My husband and I were full from dinner so I cooked up some fried rice with peapods, chicken and shrimp for the boys. After I changed into some comfy clothes and worked a bit on the yard/garden. My husband and I settled in to watch The Boys in the Boat. 

Alec got a text from our friends that we went to spend time at the beach with this summer (while we were watching the movie)-- Our friends live in/around Providence and the son was home for break. They wanted to get together with Alec if he was at school and show him a few of their favorite places, have him over for dinner, etc. So in talking it was decided that we'd bring Alec back to school Sunday morning instead of Monday afternoon. 

Bright and early Sunday morning my husband and I went grocery shopping (picking up some fruit and yogurt for Alec's dorm as well) then came home to pack our bags for our overnight trip to Foxwoods. I looked over Evan's first college assignment he got on Friday then Alec, Ben, and I headed out.

We dropped Alec off at college then headed to Foxwoods from there-- stopping to check out the quarry my husband has been working at along the way. We were able to check in early after walking around for less than an hour.   

We watched TV and rested in the room for a bit before heading out to meet one of my husband's colleagues and his wife who were also at the casino. From there I went on the search of a cardigan since the air conditioning was really cold and we had at least another hour before our dinner reservation.  

We ate at this delicious Italian restaurant (it shares a kitchen with the steakhouse next door so you can order from either menu!). I had eggplant rollatini with angel hair spaghetti. It was DELICIOUS! 

We had an hour or more to kill between dinner and the show too so we wandered around for a bit. Spent all of $15 and a handful of minutes playing slot machines.. and honestly it was a struggle to stay up until the show started at 8:45! LOL

Once the show began though it was great and I was well entertained. We had no idea that the show wouldn't end until nearly midnight and we were so thankful to have booked a room to stay in for the night. Fluffy's Don't Worry Be Fluffy tour was great! 

We slept until 8 or 9 Monday morning and I woke to some pictures and a text from my friend showing her mom, Alec, her son, both their roommates, etc. hanging around their table playing cards telling me what a great time they all had last night.

We lazed around in bed watching TV, dozing on and off and then I snuggled up in this fun little triangle sunny spot in our room to read my book. 

It was nearly 10:30 by the time we checked out and since we couldn't find anything else to do in the area we wanted to do we decided to just stick around the casino/hotel until 11 and get some lunch at The Sugar Factory. 

Burger, fries and...

cookie jar milkshake! 

I couldn't eat it all but it was delicious. We then headed home, I made a salad and checked in with the boys then took a nap most of the afternoon. 

Linking up with:


  1. What nice little stay! The hotel/casino looks so nice! And, so nice for Alec to get to do that, too.

  2. What an incredible weekend- just love Foxwoods and your dinner looks and sounds amazing! So great, despite the circumstances, that Alec got to come home for the weekend :)

  3. Busy, yet relaxing as well. I love the outfits! Your casinos on the East Coast are lovely, it is a bit more rustic on this side.....

  4. Always fun to have a nice little overnight getaway. I need an afternoon nap now if I'm staying up past midnight : ) Sorry about the circumstances, but I'm glad you had some unexpected time with your son. Have a nice week!

    1. I still feel like I'm in recovery mode! I was never one to pull all-nighters in college or anything either... I never did develop a taste for coffee so I have zero help from caffeine.

  5. Oh no! That is rotten about Alec's laptop. What a drama but a treat to have him home for a little while.
    It sounds like a lovely funeral for your husbands aunts mom and what a fab break away you had. Your dinner looks so good.

    1. It was a whole lot of drama and seemed so much worse at the time.. I hated feeling so helpless and so far away! But it really was resolved rather easily and we have things in place to help him going forward.

  6. I love that you got a little getaway in. ❤️

  7. What a nice place to stay and glad you got to enjoy some good Italian food!

  8. What a wonderful weekend! The food you guys enjoyed looks so delicious. Yummy!

  9. It sounds like a delightful weekend! Sometimes funerals can be such a wonderful time to visit for family. I remember my grandfather's funeral being like that. Looks like a lot of yummy food on your little trip!

    1. It was a lovely time visiting with family; especially since we don't get to see this branch/side of the family very often. I think being that she lived such a long and happy life really helped too. Of course her immediate family was sad but they knew it was also time and that she was in a better place now.

  10. I'm so sorry for you and your husband's loss. 93, though! That is quite a long life!

    1. It sure is! I loved hearing all the stories about her too since I only knew her slightly and hadn't been around for them all.

  11. That’s so terrible about Alec getting hacked! Also, I’m so sorry about the loss of the sweet Aunt, but how nice that you could attend the Mass and services. You did have a great weekend for Labor Day and your outfits were all cute!

    1. Aw, thanks! It made for a stressful day for sure but it was easily put to right. That memorial was so special and I am so glad we were able to make it.

  12. I hate when stuff like that happens, but luckily he has yall. Adulting is not fun sometimes.

  13. What a fantastic weekend filled with blessings. I am glad you got Alec's hacking situation fixed.

    1. Thank you! It was such a relief to send him back off all "fixed" and happy.

  14. What a wonderful long weekend with almost all lovely experiences! The restaurants look fabulous - and you look fabulous in all your mirror photos too! So glad Alec's hacking situation was resolved and all was well. I guess he was very lucky!


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