Share Our Lives: My Least Favorite Activities

It's the second Monday of the month which means it's time for the Share Our lives link up.

This month for the Share Our Lives link up we're sharing some of our least favorite activities. 

Some of my least favorite activities include:

  • cleaning house-- especially cleaning the bathrooms, changing the sheets/bedding, doing dishes, and washing floors & windows
  • exercising (unless it's hiking or walking outside)

  • flying- I love to travel and see new places but I dread airports/security/flying
  • preparing our taxes/FAFSA, paying bills-- I find finances stressful especially when I know if I get it wrong there could be massive penalties
  • Gardening/weeding the gardens

The flowers sure are pretty though

  • Menu planning-- I don't mind cooking but hate that I am almost always the one to plan what everyone will be eating for dinner. 

I hope you'll join us next month when we look at Finding Peace in Our Day

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  1. I don't like cleaning either but there is nothing better than climbing into freshly washed and air-dried sheets!

    1. I LOVE clean fresh sheet but man I hate making the bed; ever since we got one of those deep mattresses it feels like such a herculean event to get that fitted sheet on and be able to tuck in the top sheet and blankets.

  2. I'll do all your gardening if you'll do all my cooking! Let's just find someone else to menu plan for us, okay?!?!?

  3. All of these are relatable! I don't mind menu planning most of the time but do get in a rut.

    1. I go through spurts where I really enjoy menu planning and get all creative with it but then I go through times like now when I hardly want to pick out one meal; never mind 7 of them.. in a row!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! Glad I'm not alone (I'm seeing lots of similarities on everyone's lists!)

  5. No one likes doing taxes. I also dislike most of your list. #MMBC

    1. Very true! Even my sister in law (who is a tax accountant-- so probably likes doing taxes sometimes!) puts hers off until the very last minute.

  6. Ahh! I am not a fan of most of these things either. Cleaning the house is just never ending. I like the cooking part of the meal planning but I hate having to think up what we're eating. Thank goodness for our Gousto boxes which help us out.

    1. Yes, I like the actual cooking part too but thinking up ideas (especially those that will satisfy everyone!) can get annoying.

  7. I'm not good at planning dinner either. And I'm also not a fan of flying.

    1. I used to love to fly when I was a kid and knew nothing about how stressful it was to worry about connecting flights, lost luggage/lugging your own luggage through the airport, etc.

  8. My least favorite activity is emptying the dishwasher. I can never decide what to have for dinner, it's a constant struggle in our house.

    1. That is one chore I try to assign to my boys but I'm finding the more they work/aren't home the more that job falls to me too; it's not the worst but I do feel like it's a constant job! The other day our dishwasher ran 3 times BEFORE dinner!

  9. I'm with you on flying. We have two trips this fall and I try not to think too hard about the actual flights. I have flown many thousands of miles in my life, but fly so much less these days. When I was flying often I think I worried about it less. I'm out of practice now lol. Have a great day!

    1. I try not to think the actual flight until the day we fly; up until then I just focus on packing and planning. ;) Weirdly, I have never actually missed a flight or had anything major go wrong so I'm not sure where my anxiety stems from and why it seems to get worse as I go!

  10. After last week and flying around a tropical storm, then being delayed 2 and a half hours coming home I am not a fan of flying. I always stress over carry on items and every time we go it is different of what we have to take out of our luggage.

    1. Yeah, I was surprised that the last few times I flew they didn't want us to take anything out of our bags. BUT I have learned that no matter what they say not all airports agree on the "rules!"

  11. Most of your least favorites are on my list too!

    1. I'm finding a lot of the lists have a lot of overlap!

  12. Those are my least favoite things too!

  13. Enjoyed your list and actually agree with most of it! lol Have a great day!

  14. Jodie's Touch of StyleAugust 12, 2024 at 3:04 PM

    Planning meals is always the hardest I think. That's why I have gotten in the habit of just making what we have. So many times it is the same as what we've had in recent days, but I don't care, haha.

    1. I'm pretty sure when it's just the two of us living at home that's exactly what I'll do but I find otherwise I tend to think I actually have more supplies on hand than I actually do... and then I don't have enough to feed us all.

  15. I feel the same way about menu planning and cooking!

  16. I have gotten on board the menu planning train and think it has actually made my life easier, grocery shopping easier and there is a lot less waste. I love a clean house but I too dislike cleaning.

    1. Definitely but after a couple of years I feel like I am always putting the same thing on each and every menu plan! LOL.... and I still get complaints from someone at nearly every meal.

  17. I agree with the taxes and bills! Oh, and pulling weeds should have also made my list too. It seems to be neverending!

    1. I try to weed no more than 3 times a season!

  18. Oh my goodness Jo - I could tick every single one of those too. Especially airports and all the checking and waiting and time wasting. I'm also not a lover of gardening or housekeeping - fortunately my husband has stepped up in both areas over the years and I get to share the "pain" :)

  19. Except for gardening, I agree with every one of these things! My mom used to get up early in the morning and clean one room a day. So, by the end of the week, the entire house was clean, but not really because the first room would have been dusty all over again!

    1. That's what I used to do when the kids were little and had exactly that same problem... not matter what it takes me a minimum of 3 days to get the whole house clean so I never feel the whole thing is completely clean.

  20. Totally agree about the flying! Yikes!!

    1. I try not to think about that part of travel when planning a trip.

  21. I have a love/hate relationship with cleaning and exercising as well. :-)

  22. I was so suprised to read that you don't enjoy exercising (you seem so outdoorsy and fit - like an exercise enthusiast!) or meal planning (you always have the best things to eat!) I wouldn't have guessed it....but enjoyed the link-up!!

    1. I HATE to sweat! LOL. I've talked myself into be an outdoorsy hiker and while I do love the views and feel good after for having done it I often have to force myself to get up and get moving.

  23. Haha, I could fill a whole list just with the household cleaning chores I don't like doing! And I hear you that general "exercising" and hiking outdoors are very different activities.

    1. Right! That's why I had to link up all the household/chores together or I could have gone on and on...

  24. My least favorite chores is washing windows! No mattewr what I try th neyever look crystal clear and they get streaky just a few days later. I use Pinterest for meal inspiration. I have a secret board called "I Made This" that I pin recipes I really want to make and then I make a shopping list. If it is a winner I keep it on that board and make it again sometime in the future.

    1. I only wash our windows once every couple of years for that exact reason! I have a recurring blog post with all the recipes we've made and enjoyed (and the tweaks I've given them). I do use Pinterest for lots of meal ideas.

  25. My least favorite chore is showers! They are never easy to clean in my opinion so I tend to let it go longer than normal and then it's always harder to clean! haha

    1. I don't mind cleaning my own shower since I'll do that when I'm in right before taking my shower but it's really hard to reach the boys' shower from outside it and I don't feel like it's ever really clean!

  26. When it comes to things I do not like to do, it sounds like we have a lot in common. I definitely feel the same way about meal planning. I don't mind cooking but I hate having to figure it all out what to make.

    1. I used to try making it a family affair and getting input from everyone but they always shrug their shoulders at me!

  27. Looks like we have many dislikes in common, bathrooms for sure for me, and fafsa was not fun at all this year!

    1. I don't remember FAFSA being fun when I was in college either... especially since no one informed me it had to filled out EACH year! I nearly missed the financial aid deadline my second year of college.

  28. We have many in common! I hate cleaning, too! I don't mind tidying, but actual house cleaning? No thank you.

  29. I don't love cleaning the house either! Thankfully, Travis does a good job w/ that. I'm good about picking up and tidying up. I'm not a huge fan of flying either. I always need a distraction like a book or movie.

    1. That's sweet that Travis pitches in like that... my family only cleans when I really guilt them into it or ask for them to clean in place of a birthday or mother's day gift!


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