Prime Purchases for July

In looking at my July purchases from Amazon I realized that only a handful of items WEREN'T for Alec's dorm. I had planned to share his dorm purchases in a later post complete with details about move-in day so for today I'm just going to share the other items we bought. 

Evan needed new socks and complained that all our local stores only carry either the crew style or the under the ankle ankle socks. So he was thrilled I found these!

During prime days I was on the lookout for some new luggage; all my boys have tiny carry on bags from when they were little and needed something bigger for our 2 week trip. I found these Kenneth Kole suitcases with great reviews and only paid $94 for each of them (I bought 2)! 

I forgot my phone charger and cord behind on our beach trip so I ordered this 2 pack; I am loving having a longer charger cord.

I bought this pretty long sleeve top for under $10 during Prime days and think it will be perfect for fall. The sleeves are sheer and but the front and back are fully lined. 

I have never bought a portable charger for my phone before but have always wanted one so I bought this 2 pack 

My husband needed a new belt so we reordered this one; we were going to buy just the belt itself since his buckle works just fine but it was only a $2 or $3 savings and since his buckle is all scraped up I just went ahead and bought the whole thing. 

I could not find dixie bathroom cups at the store so I bought this 300 pack and I am loving the cute designs. 

I lost one of our flash drives and while I needed a replacement we decided to buy 2 of these so Alec would have one for college too. 

I bought another bottle of this lotion; I just LOVE the scent for fall.

And then Alec bought himself 2 new books



and some Dungeons and Dragons Dice- they are so cool because the glitter moves inside when you roll them sort of like a snow globe. 

and he bought himself this tray/case for his dice sets.

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  1. I always enjoy seeing your Prime purchases! The blouse is so pretty and those Dungeons and Dragons dice very special!

  2. My kids play D and D. They had friends over Tuesday night and played.
    That blouse is so pretty!

    1. My sons play with their friends online (which is great since they also include their cousin in North Carolina!); it's so fun to hear even just their one sided squeals and giggles and trash talk.

  3. Wow! You did a lot of shopping! I love the pink top :)


    1. Thank you! It has been a very expensive month. LOL

  4. I enjoyed reading about your July Amazon purchases!
    Those Kenneth Cole suitcases were a great find, and the sheer-sleeved top sounds perfect for fall.

    Happy Monday, Joanne!

  5. Great finds! I love Dionis lotion.

    1. Me too! Alec and I use lots of their scents.

  6. That top is so pretty, and I bought one of those belts for my hubby and he loves it.

  7. Hi Jo - I love that blouse - very pretty, and I've read all Annette Marie's books - they were such a fun I'll have to check out Alec's other choice to see if I want to read it....

  8. Great collection of purchases - I really like the suitcases and the charging cord. It's really terrible when you forget to pack those essentials. #MMBC

    1. It really is! I couldn't believe when we got home and I realized I had forgotten them behind. I'm SO good about doing a final walk through to make sure everyone has everything...

  9. Great finds! We have those chargers and love them!

  10. Welcome to the long charging chord club! I don't know what I ever did without mine. You purchased some great things last month!

    1. We sure did! I'm almost tempted to steal the boys' luggage for myself!

  11. I love your blouse, it's very pretty. I have a portable charger but I don't use it much because I don't really go out much, it's handy for holidays though. I love the D&D dice. My daughter collects them too, she'd love these.

    1. Thank you! I figure the portable chargers will come in handy when we lose power (which sadly happens quite often in the fall/winter!).

  12. It is amazing the variety of items you can get from Amazon!

  13. You got some practical things! I need a backup charger that isn't super bulky but I haven't seen great reviews on any, so I'd love to know how yours is!

    1. Obviously they're fairly new but so far so good!

  14. Good choice with the luggage and I love your new blouse. That's gorgeous! I don't play D&D but the dice are very cool!

    1. Thank you! I don't know much about D& D but I thought those were very cool looking dice.

  15. I will have to remember that dice case, we have D&D fans here also. Visiting from #MMBC.

  16. Those suitcases were a real bargain!
    When we went away I forgot my phone charger cord and ended up getting one for £2 from a bargain shop and it was only later I realised it was so long, I wished I'd bought more!
    I love the sound of that body lotion and that Dungeons and Dragons Dice is so pretty. I saw a stall full of them at the Comic con event that we went to, they are amazing. x

    1. It is really neat to see the glitter swirling around inside.

  17. I love that new top you bought and I know you will look great in it. I hope you enjoy the week.

  18. I love these posts! That top is so pretty!

  19. Such a pretty top. Nice suitcases and I'm interested in the Goat Milk Lotion. Hope you have a great day!

    1. We love that lotion! It really helps with eczema flare ups.

  20. I am on the hunt for a new suitcase too, so will check out your link. I love the top! I have a similar one in fall colors and I wear it a lot. I need to figure out what I need for fall. We're traveling so I have got to get myself in gear. Have a nice day!

  21. I love that shirt! It would be a great transitional piece here as we wait for cooler weather. I have a portable charger & bought some for my girls too. They are especially useful on vacation. I used mine today!

    1. I was thinking they'd come in handy on vacation and whenever we lose power.

  22. Love the shirt! I have also had trouble finding the bathroom cups lately. Maybe they are not a "thing" anymore?! Thanks for linking up.

    1. I guess not... my husband and I don't use them in our bathroom but the boys all do.

  23. Oh those goat milk lotions!! I received a sampler awhile back (maybe even at Christmas) and I love them. I so need that full size one...and in a fall scent! YUM

    1. Right?! That's how I learned about those lotions too; I was gifted a sample size and I just loved it.

  24. I love shopping on Amazon. It's a real game changer not having to go to the store for everything. Love the shirt !

  25. Joanne,
    Thanks again for stopping by!! I love the blouse...So pretty!!! I hope you have a great week...We are supposed to finally get a cool down which I am looking forward to....
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. That does sound nice; I think we're in for another hot, muggy, and very rainy week.

  26. What a pretty blouse! I am sure you will wear it often. I'm so glad we don't have Prime! I would spend way too much!

  27. That top is gorgeous!! And what a STEAL! I can't believe it was under $10!

    1. I figured at that price I had nothing to lose if I didn't love it; but thankfully I do!

  28. I love that pretty top, and I always enjoy seeing what you’ve bought.

  29. What awesome buys Joanne. And that top is gorgeous.
    Visiting today from Will Blog For Comments 44 #35&36.

  30. Such great purchases. I Love that pink blouse. Amazon is a wonderful place to shop. Thanks for sharing Joanne at Love Your Creativity.

  31. Wow, that is a great price for a suitcase! You found a lot of great things. Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #44 linkup. #45 opens Monday morning--we hope to see you there sharing more posts.

    1. I really like them too; I just hope they hold up well!


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