10 on the 10th on the 9th in August

Tomorrow is the 10th which means it's nearly time for 10 on the 10th with Marsha. This is one of my favorite link ups each month. This month we're talking about 10 Things Liked or Disliked About School. I never know what theme or questions or whatever Marsha will ask of us but it's always fun! 

I struggled just a bit with this prompt because I feel like my memory for life events isn't as good as it should be! Funny because I had a great memory for learning. I did awesome in school and didn't feel like I had to put in nearly as much effort as everyone else... so for the most part I enjoyed it. And as I began writing up the post one memory would lead to the next and I ended up sharing BOTH 10 things I Liked and 10 things I Disliked. 

10 Things I Liked About School:

1. The friends I made! Sadly, I've lost touch with just about everyone but there were only 100 or so students in my grade so at one point or another I felt like I was friends with nearly all of them since my friend group often changed based on the year, the classes we took, how our personalities changed and meshed. 

8th grade graduation; I'm in the back on the right

senior prom-- I'm second from the left in the middle row

2. My teachers-- I had some really, really fantastic teachers. My high school art teacher even bought me a frame for one of my paintings! I'll never forget when I was in the 4th grade and had a broken leg-- the elevator broke down and my teacher carried me up and down the stairs that day! Talk about going above and beyond! One year (I'm going to say 5th grade?) we watched Alex the Life of a Child and I broke down sobbing at the end having just had my newest baby brother die and my teacher knew (because again I lived in a small town!) and she hugged me so fiercely that day. I still remember that hug! 

My 4th grade teacher and class-- teacher is the one with the mustache and I'm wearing a blue plaid vest with pink shirt in the middle

3. Group projects-- Okay, sometimes I really hated these but when I could pick my groupmates it was wonderful. Most of my best friends were in the same class as me so we often worked together and it worked great because I would do most of the behind the scenes work and they would do most of the presentations. I suffered a lot with social anxiety from 5th grade on and they were great at supporting me. 

somewhere in middle school (maybe 6th grade?) I'm on the left in the pink & white

4. Class trips! Probably my favorite trip ever had to be the trip to France that a good handful of my French classmates and I took. My best friend was on that trip too and good thing or else I might not have made it. I was so sick with nerves driving to the airport with my family but oh I am SO SO glad I went! We also had a really fun class trip to a local amusement park that has since closed down.

5. Extra curriculars & school dances-- I was involved in a lot of extra curricular activities at our school. I enjoyed chorus-- I even tried out for made the select chorus and a few solos here and there. I was treasurer of our yearbook and had the best time helping design and take photos for it. I joined photography club, the prom committees, cheerleading (both in elementary and in high school), softball (only in elementary school and mostly because we got ice cream after every game!). 

select chorus-- Me on the far right

elementary school Halloween party in a crayon costume my mom made

6. Learning-- I love learning new things so I found so many things fun and fascinating. That 4th grade teacher that carried me up and down the stairs loved science and I still remember so many of the fun science experiments we did. My 8th grade teacher saw that I was hugely advanced in math and let me work as far ahead in our pre-algebra book as I wanted which meant by mid-way through the school year I was doing full on algebra.

High school--chemistry perhaps? I loved chemistry!

7. Our building-- I know that's a weird one but hear me out; our elementary/middle school building was the coolest. In the elementary wing they recruited a bunch of us students to paint murals all up and down the hallway and I remember getting my turn to paint! Then in middle school nearly every classroom had a wall that had a door to the class next to it and I remember in 6th grade my best friend was in the class next door and our teachers (who also were great friends) would open the door to talk to one another often enough that I can remember me and my best friend sitting on opposite sides of the opening talking, working, and learning together at our teachers' feet. 

8. Art-- My grandmother was an amazing artist and signed me up for private art lessons starting at age 5 or 6 so when it came time to put art projects together in school I really shined. So much so that I often got selected for extra programs. One summer I had an art and theater camp I attended at our local school by invitation! By my senior year of high school I had a good 4 classes in the art room-- several of them independent studies my art teacher and I worked to coordinate.    

My high school art teacher

My artwork with the frame she bought me (It still hangs in our dining room)

9. Presentations and "fun"-- We often had an ice cream/ popsicle day at the end of the school year, we had field day, we had lots of fun presentations from authors and singing groups, and even a laser light/music show one year. Our school hosted an egg drop each year and not only did my egg survive but I won an award because I hand painted my entire shoebox to look like a brilliant sunset. 

10. School plays-- starting in elementary school I took part in many school plays and while I had zero desire to act by middle or high school I still had lots of fun painting sets and seeing the productions with all this local talent it seemed like everyone kept hidden until school play night or our yearly talent shows (which were also a lot of fun to watch!). 4th grade my teacher wanted me to be Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz but I broke my leg and settled for Auntie Em instead. Weirdly I had zero social anxiety until the following year-- I often joke that breaking my leg broke all my confidence but honestly I just think it's more to do with how socially aware we become in American middle schools. 

I'm the one in read reading aloud from the paper; I think this might have been the 3rd grade class play

Me as Auntie Em sitting in the chair

10 Things I Disliked About School:

1. The food-- I HATED the cafeteria food and honestly ended up skipping lunch most days; even when my mom packed a lunch for me I often ended up throwing it away electing to eat once I got home from school. I struggled with anxiety which often made me feel sick and after actually throwing up at school a time or two I was literally afraid to eat so I mostly lived on tums and saltine crackers for much of 7th & 8th grade and branching out to soft pretzels for 50 cents from our school cafeteria in high school. 

2. Homework-- I hated working on homework, especially those sheets that seemed totally useless and more like busy work. In high school our district required that my advance classes give us a minimum of 30 minutes of homework a night-- I had advanced classes for all my core subjects plus French was also considered an advanced class so that meant several hours worth of work. BUT since I have never been a procrastinator I often worked quietly during class (while my teacher was teaching! and got a head start on my work) and during study halls so I often got the bulk of my work done before leaving school. 

3. Gym-- oh gosh unless it was parachute or scooter day in elementary school I HATED gym class so much; especially once we reached middle and high school and had to change for gym. I have never been super athletic or coordinated and gym class gave me such anxiety. 

4. The bullies/cliques/always trying to fit in and be like everyone else. I was pretty lucky that I was mostly popular and well liked in school but I was always terrified I was going to do the wrong thing or say the wrong thing and get picked on. I still remember a girl telling me my brand new dress made me look pregnant when I was a freshman in high school. I never wore that dress again and to this day I am hyper aware of my belly. I went from being this loud center of attention person in elementary school to never wanting anyone to notice me at all (unless it was the latest cute guy I had a crush on).

5. How Homogenous my school was-- I could probably list the names of the students in our entire school that weren't white/Caucasian on one or perhaps 2 hands (depending on if I was going by last names or first names). At the time I never thought much of it since that pretty much was the sampling of our entire town but as I got older I realized that I was at a real disadvantage not having been exposed to many other cultures or ethnicities. 

High school graduation- the whole class fit on the stage & me walking to get my diploma

6. Social anxiety-- I began throwing up every single morning before going to school somewhere around 5th/6th grade and while my parents signed me up to see the school psychologist and put the school nurse on high alert (to not send me home every time I got sick) we just weren't real great at dealing with anxiety back then. I'm thankful that I learned some coping skills/mechanisms but it made for some really rough years of school. 

7. The endless rules! I get that schools and classrooms need rules. I do. I've been a teacher myself and a big part of teaching, especially in the elementary years is all about behavior and keeping the literal peace in the classroom. But oh there are just so many rules; some of which don't even make much sense... I remember one of my 8th grade teachers not liking my outfit and telling me I couldn't come into her class unless I changed. My mom was livid having approved my outfit before I left. 

8. Fire Drills-- Again, I completely understand why we need fire drills but every single time they went off I felt like my heart jumped into my throat and they scared me. I'm still easily startled by loud noises.. 

9.Smoking in the bathroom-- so I hope it's obvious this was only a problem in high school but our bathrooms were so smoky that I actually refused to use them; there were 2 bathrooms in the entire building I'd go into. 1. The nurse's office had their own bathroom and she was super sweet. 2. Our band room/auditorium had one back stage and since our music teacher was always there no one smoked plus I was in chorus and loved our music teacher so it gave me a chance to visit with him. Both these bathrooms had the bonus of being a single use bathroom too so no stalls or worrying about running into anyone else. 

10. School picture day-- I never thought I looked good in school pictures and by middle school I started hiding the photos from my mom completely and refused to let her put them on the wall. She broke down and started taking me to a "real" photographer. Looking back; they honestly weren't that bad!

2nd or 3rd maybe?

Middle school- 6th perhaps or 7th?


4th grade

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. I loved reading this and seeing all your photos! School days hold so many special memories as well as some not-so-good ones! I'm so sorry you lost your baby brother. What a wonderful teacher you had who looked after you with a big hug that day. I had one teacher who was Canadian, and I wish I could contact her and say thank you as she really made such an impact on me. She wasn't very warm or even friendly. She was quite strict! But I reached out for some extra help in year 12, and she went above and beyond. She was much more helpful than the teacher who threw chalk at us if we weren't paying attention. I got pinged a few times!

    1. Aw, that is so sweet. I found that often some of the strictest teachers were the ones I really learned the most from!

  2. I loved reading this! I hope I made my students feel comfortable during the syllabus talk when I said let me know if you are having a bad day and just grab the pass and go out if you need to. I don't like to feel trapped as an adult and I want them to feel like it's ok to need a breather. I think kids need to hear that. It's so hard because some abuse that. I do try to remember that there are all types of learners and I like to give choices about how to do presentations and group/individual stuff. I hate busy work and I don't want to grade it so I try to be very intentional. It's so great that you remember so many details, even though you think you don't!

    1. From what I have seen on your blog, you sound like a wonderful and very memorable teacher!

  3. So sorry you struggled with social anxiety- my daughter does too- not fun- love all of these memories though and how you fought through it all!

    1. It really was not fun at all but it is a huge part of what made me who I am so I can't complain.

  4. This was fun to read! None of the things you loved about school surprise me. You are genuinely one of the most intelligent people I've ever met! I love that you love to learn; I also love to learn, but about the things that interest me. I may have to participate in this one tomorrow, because it's fun to think back to those days!

  5. How interesting to read this and learn more about you. I think that many of our childhood experiences really shape who we are as adults. It sounds like you had some wonderful adults in your life who poured into you. How wonderful is that! I like how you came from a small school where everyone knew everybody. There are some definite disadvantages but overall, I think it´s a good thing. My school was small and I knew everyone. My own kids had students in their grades whose names they had never heard of! Enjoyed reading about your many talents! Have a great day weekend!!

    1. Since I wasn't quite as outgoing as most of my friends there were a few (maybe a small handful) of kids who names I didn't know or I'd recognize the name and couldn't put a face to it but I did like that we didn't have hundreds of students in each grade as that would have felt so overwhelming. In high school I even knew most of the students in the other grades too!

  6. You had some really good memories and supportive teachers. I had the same issue with anxiety in the middle school grades. I missed a lot of days in 7th grade and no one knew how to help me!

    1. I missed a lot of days at first until my mom realized what was happening and then the whole school community was notified to basically not let me go home unless I legitimately sick.. but some days it was such a struggle to even show up!

  7. I always loved organizing my backpack before school started :)

    1. Yes! That and my Trapper Keeper/ folders. I LOVED new school supplies... still do! I tend to buy notebooks and pens around this time every year.

  8. I struggled with social anxiety MAJORLY in middle school, too, (mostly because I dreaded the girl drama) and there were many days that my stomach would hurt or I would feel nauseated, too. Thankfully, the girl drama settled down after 8th grade, so high school was fun, but middle school was rough at times, and I still have social anxiety today because of it. And you're so right that back in the 90s, mental health just wasn't something that people really prioritized back then. I'm so grateful that there is much more awareness/acceptance now.

    1. Me too! I feel like my anxiety definitely peaked in middle school and got better in high school but I definitely still struggled occasionally (anytime we had to any sort of presentation/ public speaking!) all through college.

  9. It sounds like you had a great time at school even with the things that you disliked. What wonderful photos and memories.

  10. What a fun post! So interesting to remember back to school days. Seems a life time ago.

  11. That painting is AMAZING!!!! You are so talented!

  12. So now I am super curious which amusement park you went to in high school in France. My class won a trip when I was in middle school and we visited the town of Poitiers, visited a castle and then went to an amusement park called Futuroscope which was really cool and advanced at that time (3D theater, 360 degrees cinema..). I don't like many of my pictures growing up. Thankfully I always had a handful of friends but was never in the popular crowd.

    1. No, in the same point of the trip to France I mentioned that our entire class had a field trip to a local (New England) amusement park that was fun BUT I see how I could and should have worded that differently! I was part of the popular crowd for awhile but honestly? They weren't a really nice and supportive group of friends to have around... I was still friendly with them after sort of leaving the group but I was much happier with some sweeter not nearly so popular kids.

  13. Your school days sound really enjoyable! I wish I had some old photographs but sadly I have no idea what happened to them all.

    1. Aw, thank you! These are all I have but I know my mom has a lot more tucked away somewhere...

  14. I am sorry you dealt with all that social anxiety. I never had any kind of anxiety though I was suffering from panic attacks and didn't know that's what they were. That being said, your school years seem to have been full of so many fun things. I guess small schools have their advantages and disadvantages, right? Oh, and fourth grade teachers are notorious for being extremely caring!

    A former fourth grade teacher!

    1. I bet you were a FABULOUS 4th grade teacher (I later had that same 4th grade teacher for 8th grade and remember her getting up with us at an impromptu talent show and lip syncing/ dancing along to a few songs).

  15. This is an interesting topic Joanne. I did well at school but could have written a never ending lost list about what I didn't like about school. I look back at my school days and shudder to remember how much I hated school. I think I was too quiet and definitely not good at mixing in social groups. However I did quite a bit of study as an adult and loved learning.

    1. I think school can be really tough if you are not a very social person; which is so funny since nearly every teacher I've ever had always told me "we're not here to socialize"... but really that's a HUGE part of schooling.

  16. Such a great reflection on your school days!
    I loved hearing about your memorable teachers and fun class trips.
    Thanks for sharing both the highs and lows—it makes for a really honest and engaging post!

  17. I think you remember a lot about your school days, I on the other hand, remember almost nothing, and it's probably better that way. I'm sorry you struggled with anxiety.

    1. I was surprised at how one memory seemed to bleed into the next!

  18. Enjoyed reading about your school days, you had some great times but sorry you dealt with anxiety that made you sick. Your painting looks absolutely amazing!

  19. I loved reading this Joanne! Your memory impresses me and your art work is so pretty!

  20. The pictures!!!! I love that you still have your framed art work hanging in your home, that’s so very cool. Teachers really do make all the difference in the world.

    Like you, I hated gym days. I spent most of my high school time doing the bare minimum to get a passing grade. I wasn’t athletic at all.

    I went to an American high school in Italy, and we didn’t have a cafeteria for students in junior high forward, we were allowed to eat in the elementary school cafeteria, but no one wanted to do that. LOL Mostly we ate at the bowling alley or at Burger King when it finally opened. It was awesome!

    1. It didn’t save my ID, this is Daenel T from www.livingoutsidethestacks.com

    2. All my girlfriends and I calculated how many gym days we could miss and still pass and we'd sit out those days that we hated the most! Some days weren't as bad as others but I still never really liked it.

  21. This trip down memory lane was so fun, Joanne! You highlighted so many great "likes" and "dislikes", many I agreed with! School picture day (as a student , a teacher and even as a parent) always brought such anxiety!

    1. Aw, thank you! Yeah I can't say I liked school picture day much more as a teacher or parent either..

  22. Very nice. Loved your old school photos. Wish I had some of mine.

  23. This was a fun read, even with the dislikes. I can relate to so much of this, especially gym! Thanks for sharing!

  24. Oh my goodness..I could relate to so many of these...I missed out on the 10/10th post thinking I didn't have anything to remember, but reading yours makes me realize I did have things to share so maybe I'll just do a post for fun and to document memories.

  25. Oh wow those are some major class trips! What I liked about school was the proximity to other people and to make friends. In adulthood it is much harder. I hear it all the time from other people. What I dislike about school was the doing the mile run. I lived in an area where it gets really hot and I don't do well in the heat.

    1. My friends and I didn't even attempt to run it; we walked the whole thing!

  26. Congrats, just to let you know that your post will be featured on Monday at SSPS 324 https://esmesalon.com/tag/seniorsalonpitstop/


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