Share 4 Somethings August

Tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month and time for the Share 4 Somethings link up with Jennifer. Once again we'll be sharing some things we've loved and/or disliked, accomplished, some things we've improved upon and/or that need improvement, and noticed Loved/Disliked: Loved: My creativity has come back in a big way this month and I completed another painting, worked on so many beautiful cards and scrapbook pages, and even tried my hand at a few new recipes (like making pickles and relish!-- though I am terrified of making my family sick... ) Disliked: I was deleting a bunch of old Google photos only to find that it erased many of them (from prior to 2017) off my blog posts as well so I've been working overtime trying to "fix" my old posts. Recreating many of the recipes I need photos for-- like our summer squash lasagna, waffled French toast, chicken/broccoli/rice casserole. Accomplished: We got Alec all moved in! Something I've Improved Up...