Talking About It Tuesdays #29

Thanks for all your well-wishes last week! Alec was in and out of surgery in no time.  We were back home by 10:30 in the morning after having his wisdom teeth out last Tuesday. He then slept on the couch until well past lunch time. We got him to eat some soft, cold foods and take some pain meds, and he seemed to perk back up. 

While he mostly ate smoothies, ice cream, and milkshakes he was eating boxed mac and cheese and pancakes and scrambled eggs by the second day and feeling just a bit sore. I am so glad to have that behind us and those days of rest gave us a bit of time to get some more stuff for college done (like apparently we were just supposed to know that the high school needed it in writing that they had to send his final transcript to the college!).  A few phone calls and some computer work later and we think we have everything straightened out. 

We had so many great articles linked up with us last week. I added at least a half dozen recipes to list to try! I am loving reading about everyone's travels and summer plans and memories. I just love summertime. 

The link with the most views from last week's party: 

Recovery Going Well by My Seventies Split

A few that caught my eye:

Cheesy Zucchini Cornbread Casserole by Drugstore Divas

PNW Vacay Part 3: The Oregon Coast by Show Me & Sweet Tea

This party will remain open until the weekend.  My hope is that everyone will share all sorts of wonderful posts: travel, recipes, how to's, crafting ideas, and more.  Anything that is family friendly is welcome; even old posts that you'd like to get some new views.

Linking up with:


  1. That is great to hear about Alec and his recovery! I hope the healing process continues to go smoothly for him. I love trying new recipes, too! Thanks for the link up!

    1. You're welcome! I think he's back to nearly 100% by now but they did sew his cheek up as part of the process so he can't open his mouth fully yet since the muscles have to stretch back out.

  2. So glad the wisdom tooth recovery is going well. All the paperwork for college is annoying!

    1. I am so happy to have both of those chores behind us!

  3. So glad to read that Alec is recovering nicely! :)

  4. Glad Alec's surgery went well. Thanks for the party.

  5. Happy Tuesday, Joanne! So happy to hear that Alec's recovery has gone so well! What a relief for a mama! Thanks, as always, for hosting us each week! It's always fun to stop by to see what everyone is up to!

    1. It has been such a huge relief to have that behind us. I keep joking with my youngest that he's probably next!

  6. Glad that Alec is doing well. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  7. Wisdom teeth can be horrible! Glad that they are a once and done item and that Alec is already feeling better! Thanks for hosting, I sure appreciate it! Melynda @scratchmadefood!

  8. Joanne,
    Now that Alex's surgery is behind you, I will tell you my horror story with having my 4 wisdom teeth removed many years ago,,,Since I have a small jaw, mine were almost sideways... I started to wake up while hey were digging, yes digging, out the last one!! Not fun! Because they had to dig them out, I had a LOT of swelling and pain so I was on Percocet, which I then had an allergic reaction to... It took over a week for the swelling to go down and I could eat and talk normally...To make matters worse, fast forward to 35 year later when they discovered a piece of a needle embedded in my jaw on a routine dental xray....I traced it to when I had my wisdom teeth removed...Just when you think it could not get worse,.... I had already had an MRI of my head!! It is amazing that that needle was not pulled right out through my jaw by the MRI machine which is a powerful magnet!!!! Crazy Huh???
    Thanks so much for hosting this charming party!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. YIKES! That is a crazy story (and by far one of the worst I've heard!). Alec did have 2 bottom teeth that were completely sideways and because of that they have to do this "fancy" fold/ envelope stitch where they actually use part of his cheek muscle to cover the holes so while he's 100% healed from the surgery itself he can't quite open his mouth fully yet. From what we're reading it can take up to a month for the muscle to stretch back out.

  9. Glad to hear that Alec is doing well and that you sorted out the college info.
    Thanks, Joanne, for hosting weekly. Enjoy the rest of the week.
    My entries this week are numbered #37+38
    Please join and share your posts with us

    1. Thank you! So glad the college is great in updating their checklist on what still needs to be done or we'd be totally clueless.

  10. I am glad to hear that Alec is doing well and you got the college paperwork all sorted out. Hopefully it will be all smooth sailing from here and you get to just enjoy the summer. Thank you so much for hosting!


  11. I'm glad to hear that Alec's wisdom teeth surgery went well! I'll never forget going through the pain of an abcessed impacted wisdom tooth when I was young, so it is good to have them removed before that happens as most dentist advise these days.

    1. Definitely! My husband and I were in our 30's when we had them removed and we've heard many times that getting them out of the way young is the better way to go.

  12. I'm glad the party seems to be a success -- thanks for hosting each week! I have to admit I'm not a great fan of summer -- it's just too hot and humid here in GA. But I love all the other seasons!

    1. You're welcome! While our summers can get pretty hot and humid here in New England that heat and humidity is often short lived... but I'll still take that over those below zero freezing days of winter!

  13. I'm glad Alec's surgery went well. No funny videos, huh? Thanks for the link up!

    1. Nope, none of my boys ever acted weird after anesthesia; just tired.

  14. What a heartwarming and uplifting update! It's wonderful to hear that Alec's surgery went smoothly and that he's recovering well. Your positive outlook and detailed recount of his recovery process are truly inspiring. I'm glad you could take advantage of this time to prepare for college and tackle those administrative tasks. The blog party sounds fantastic—I'm excited to check out the great articles and recipes you've mentioned. Summertime truly is a season for making memories, and your enthusiasm is contagious.

  15. Glad it all went well! Thanks for the link-up

  16. I'm so glad Alec had a smooth recovery. Each patient is definitely different, with one of my kids sailing through and the other having a really rough time!

    1. His only struggle was that they sewed part of his cheek over each of his bottom holes so he can't open his mouth very wide even now that all the stitches are gone.

  17. Oh, my gosh, that cornbread looks so good. Pinning it all over the place so I can be sure to find it.
    Glad Alec did well with his wisdom teeth extraction. Certainly no fun. My daughter needs to have hers all pulled and I just hate it for her. And it is so expensive, even with their insurance!!

    1. Yeah, our insurance covered hardly any of it at all!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. It’s so good to hear that Alec is doing well and has that surgery behind him. Thank you for the party, Joanne, and have a great week.

  19. I'm so glad to hear that Alec is doing well! That's great news!


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