Share Our Lives: A Day in the Life, Summer Edition

It's the second Monday of the month which means it's time for the Share Our lives link up.

This month for the Share Our Lives link up we're sharing what a day in the life looks like for us in summer. 

I have no summer routine or typical day in the summer. I set my schedule each day based on what we're doing. So I did pick a day that we had a few plans-- Thursday June 27th to be exact (otherwise I think this would have been a very boring post!). 

I didn't sleep well at all and was up by 4:30 on the 27th. I grabbed a new novel off my library stack and started reading. 

5:00 I set my book aside and pulled out my laptop to work on some blogging. 

6:00 I got up, got dressed, made the bed, etc. 

6:30 headed downstairs, put away the dishes, figured out dinner (it was ravioli and sauce with salad so I didn't have to make anything or thaw anything out). 

6:45 sat back down at the computer to read some blogs since I wouldn't be home most of the day.

7:00 Alec came down to make his breakfast and we talked through our plans for the day as well as the plans for next week's beach trip.

8:00 Alec and I left to drop him off for his overnight Freshman orientation. I realize I haven't written about my breakfast yet and that is not a typo. I was really nervous (not about dropping Alec off since he was excited and has been overnight at the college before) about driving into the city and finding a place to park that wouldn't require parallel parking! It's a skillset I just do not possess and when I get nervous I get so queasy that I literally just can not eat. 

9:00 We arrived and ended up finding our way to the college's parking garage so it wasn't bad. We got him all settled in his room and hung out on the quad for an hour and half. We struck up a conversation with two other moms and their daughters and we happily watched all 3 kids head off together. 

10:30 I left Alec with a hug and headed out with the 2 moms I met; they walked me to the parking garage since they were headed to a parent portion that I opted out of (since we live so close I wasn't staying overnight). 

11:30 I arrived home and had fruit/granola for a late breakfast/early lunch.

12.:00 Evan asked me to go hiking while I was eating so I said sure and headed upstairs to change, then we measured our fridge and I was back in the car.

12:00- 1:30 We got gas then to pick out our new fridge at the appliance store (our has been leaking water everywhere).  I was happy to find that they had great 4th of July sales and that they could even deliver the fridge before the 4th! 

1:30-2:30 We hiked around Old Furnace State park-- it was hot and sweaty but it felt good to get out hiking again. We have been taking far too many hiking breaks. 

2:30-3:30 We drove out to Woodstock and picked up our CSA box from the local farm-- lots of yummy veggies this week!

3:30 I got all the vegetables put away and started taking food from the freezer side of the fridge/freezer combo into our basement chest freezer since the new fridge will be here on Wednesday and they're hauling the old one away. We're going to work on using up ALL the fresh food and condiments we can before I have to empty everything out Wednesday morning. 

3:45 I sat down to do my last bit of blogging for the day. 

5:00-5:30 I got dinner ready and we sat down to eat.

spinach ravioli and sauteed summer veggies with sauce and garlic bread and a salad

6:00ish cleaned up from dinner and got our grocery list done.

6:00-7:30 Went Grocery shopping and got all the groceries put away. 

8:00--showered, in pj's and watching TV

8:30/9-- in bed... still watching TV but nodding off already... 

I hope you'll join us next month when we look at Our Least Favorite Activities 

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  1. Beautiful photos of Old Furnace State park. Where did you buy your book light from? I often don't sleep well and would like to read in the middle of the night, but the side light bothers my hubbie. I need one of these!

    1. I'm pretty sure I found my booklight at Barnes and Noble.. but I'm not really sure about that since I've had it for a few years.

  2. Always interesting to read.... I would have to do a day in the life where I had a few things planned or else a post that I wrote about it would be very boring. How nice that Alec is not going to school far away!

    1. I love that he's sticking close enough to home that he can come home for long weekends (which for them is pretty much every weekend since they only have classes M-Thursday).

  3. Busy day! I am scared of parallel parking and garage parking! I also hate when I go somewhere new and I don't know exactly where it is or what the situation is for parking. I can always eat, though! In fact, I probably stress eat in those situations. When my Dad was in the hospital for 7 weeks in my city (an hour from my parents' small town) the parking garage was horrible but I faced my fear. It was downtown - boo - and had a crazy spiral you had to drive at the entrance to the parking garage. Oh, and I always duck my head because the ceilings are so low.
    I can't believe all that you did on this day - college orientation (some of it), hiking, grocery shopping, and fridge buying! Wow!

    1. Yes, I duck my head inside too! LOL. Luckily with my newer smaller car I don't find parking garages as intimidating but I still don't like it; though it is better than parallel parking! My anxiety used to cause me to throw up each morning/day before or at school through most of middle and high school and while I am much better at controlling my anxiety I still don't trust myself to really eat anything any time I am anxious.

  4. You did have a lot going on in this day! A new refrigerator is a big purchase and there seems to be so many options out there with appliance buying these days. Sounds like a good day though.

    1. It was! It's only been in our house a few days but I am already enjoying our new fridge.

  5. I have never done one of these kinds of posts, but would like to try one sometime. I'm kind of fly by the seat of my pants on my blog so would have to pencil it in for sure! Glad you got your frig so quickly. For some appliances there is a long wait. We just bought a chest freezer and they delivered it the next day which was great. I get the parallel parking anxiety especially if people are watching. I lived in the UK for six years and had to parallel park every day so consider myself something of an expert. now lol. Forced learning! Happy Monday!

  6. I always enjoy reading a day in the life post :)

  7. I also don't like parking - never learned to parallel park!

  8. My summer day's mostly depend on the weather.
    You did have an early start!
    I think if I drove I would feel the same about going somewhere new or busy. I hope Alec had a good time at college. That is great news about the 4th of July sale for the fridge and the quick delivery!

    1. He had a great time at college and even met a person that he clicked with so much they've decided to become roommates!

  9. I always love reading about everyone's day-to-day life. It's so interesting to see how everyone spends their time. And I'm right there with you on parallel parking. I can do it, but I hate it. Haha.

  10. Productive and lovely summer day! I would love to see what is in your CSA and what you did with all of those beautiful veggies!

    1. I have a post planned with my CSA boxes; but I didn't think to add what I did with the veggies. I'll have to add that in.

  11. I love Day in the Life posts!

  12. Replies
    1. I have always been an early riser (not quite this early but definitely an early riser).

  13. YOUR GRAPES! They are so big! I am very envious. ❤️
    I love reading your day in the life.

  14. What a productive day...and hooray for no parallel parking. Something I have never mastered and, at this stage of life, will not bother to learn or master. I really need to look into a CSA around me. Those veggies look yummy. Thanks for the glimpse into a nice summer day. Have a good week ahead -

  15. such a beautiful walk. orientation already that seems so early.

    1. Yeah, I guess most colleges now do them in June and not wen school is ready to start?!

  16. I haven't parallel parked since I got my driver's license several decades ago. I love the photo of the fungus growing out of the tree with the branch in between. I remember college much information in such a small amount of time!

    1. I didn't even have to parallel park to get my license! Thankfully Alec didn't seem overwhelmed with information but I think it helps that the college pretty much sends daily emails... so we get a lot of repeat information.

  17. I get so nervous about driving to the city and do not parallel park well at all! I totally relate! It looked like a great day and fun to come along with you on it! Love that cute jumpsuit!

  18. Joanne, what a busy and enjoyable summer day!
    Your photos of Old Furnace State Park are beautiful!
    Glad to hear Alec is settling in well.

    Enjoy your new fridge !

  19. Replies
    1. We've had a great assortment of veggies so far!

  20. Looks like a good and busy day. Very nice.

  21. I never learned to parallel park, so I totally get where you're coming from! The state park looks like a lovely outing! Great pictures. Visiting from Talking About it Tuesdays.

    1. I ever did either; it's not required where we live to get our license so I never bothered learning.

    2. Same here! :) And, visiting again, I must say: I love your book light!! :) Thank you for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #42 linkup. We hope to see you next time with more posts to share, old or new.

  22. I love day in the life posts! When I get anxious about something I can’t eat either! If I had to drive to the city I probably wouldn’t be able to eat for days before. City driving scares the life out of me! So good to hear you found a parking spot and Alec is excited about college. Ruth@playworkeatrepeat

    1. Yeah, city driving is definitely not my favorite. Having grown up in the country I am really, really not used to traffic.

  23. I haven't done one of these post in a while! I always enjoy them. I've been more outdoors since summer, but that is also because of our vacation and going down the river a couple of times. It feels awesome today: we had some rain yesterday and it cooled down. Would be a perfect day for hiking but I am going thrifting in Chattanooga. Parallel parking? I have the same problem! Stayed up till almost 2 this am reading and also a little bit on my phone. I will regret that tonight when I am tired!

    1. Oh I bet! I often stay up late reading too and it does make me so tired the next day.

  24. Joanne, you packed in so much on that day! I HATE parallel parking too and I'm glad I don't have to do it too much. I hope you are having a nice week.

  25. I find this type of post fascinating. It's so interesting to read about someone else's day. I may try to join you next time. Thanks for linking

  26. What a great day. I get nervous about parking situations too.


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