Share 4 Somethings July

Tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month and time for the Share 4 Somethings link up with Jennifer.

Once again we'll be sharing some things we've loved and/or disliked, accomplished, some things we've improved upon and/or that need improvement, and noticed

Loved/Disliked: We LOVED our time at the shore with our friends! 

We also LOVED our day at the botanical gardens.

Accomplished: A lot more college prep and planning, we also had Alec's wisdom teeth out and all went well. I accomplished a lot of the usual-- cooking, cleaning. groceries, etc. Plus a ton of food prep with all our CSA boxes. I made (and froze):

2 jars of pesto using this recipe

we picked and froze some blueberries and tried making blueberry jam using this recipe as well as blueberry boy bait both were delicious!

squash casserole

Something I've Improved Upon/or that Needs Improvement: I really need to find my motivation... I have not felt like doing much of anything in the way of housekeeping and cleaning, crafting, painting, working out, etc. Other than our two mini trips this month (to the shore and to the botanical gardens) I have mostly been cooking and reading and that's about it! 

Noticed: We've been spending about $100 a week less on groceries this summer! I'm sure that is in large part due to our CSA boxes and I'm glad to see they're working out so well. 

Linking up with: Final Fridays, Spread the Kindness,


  1. Wow $100 less/week- need your tips- that is incredible! I haven't been very motivated either - trying to lean into that but it is hard not to feel guilty!

    1. I mean, I guess it's probably not much savings since we did buy into the CSA in January but it feels like less right now and after paying our summer tax bills and college tuition I'm all for less money being spent right now! LOL

  2. Great job on the groceries! My time is mostly consumed with the puppy and his schedule this summer but I have had time to read and cook and do all the chores - harder to do the deep cleaning. I've also done my decluttering when I can. It helps that I put it immediately in my car and the donation center is so close - like 1/8 miles away.

    1. Thank you! I rarely donate much of anything other than clothes because our donation centers are rarely accepting donations and so I end up driving around with bags in the back of our car for weeks.

  3. Well, I would say to give yourself a break- you normally do all of those things you mentioned and you will likely get back in the grove of doing them. Maybe a change from routine is your body/ mind´s way of dealing with the fact that your life is going to change big time soon with Alec leaving for college. I am motivated by you making some great items from your fresh produce :).

  4. I've just had a houseful so my grocery bill was through the roof. Seriously crazy, but easier and less expensive than eating out with this whole big crowd. I think there are seasons and reading is always a good idea : ) I'm sure your motivation will return. Sending one off to college takes up a lot of space in your brain. Have a great weekend!

    1. Oh I bet! I remember trying to eat out with little kids and definitely found eating at home much easier and cheaper (still do, of course!). It really has taken up so much of my headspace and I have lists upon lists of things we want to make sure we get done before he goes.

  5. I think it's nice to embrace a slow summer and relax :)

    1. I think so too! I just feel guilty when I look around and feel like the house is a mess but with 2 guys in the sand and gravel business we always have so much sand and dirt all through the house.

  6. The botanical gardens looks so pretty and your trip looks like such fun. I feel like I've really let down on the reading this month. Hopefully. I'll get back to it soon. Have a great weekend!

    1. I'm feel like I'm only reading and not doing much of anything else! LOL

  7. It looks like a good month! As for motivation, I think our bodies and brains need time to rest, despite the fact that American culture pushes the idea that we must be continually productive. Enjoy your restful time. It won’t last.

  8. That's so great about saving money with the CSA boxes.

    1. It has been pleasantly surprising and I keep waiting for the week our bill goes back up thinking I'm just buying less because I'm being lazy about making a real list but so far it's been a good month with groceries under $300 each week!

  9. What fun the botanical gardens look with so much colour. I'm sure you are busy prepping for your son's move to college but what an exciting time for you all. Thanks for sharing your 4 somethings in July with us at #WBOYC? Enjoy your weekend, Joanne. x

    1. The botanical gardens were lovely and those wide canopies of color were so fun.

  10. Jodie's Touch of StyleJuly 26, 2024 at 4:58 PM

    That's impressive about your spending on groceries. Heck, I think we pay more for ours.

  11. That's an amazing savings! I wish we had something like that near us...we might, but I don't know about it.

    1. I had to do a whole lot of Google searches to find a CSA near us but I knew we had to have one around us since friends of ours participated in previous years.

  12. Continue to give yourself a lot of grace with transitions. Enjoy your weekend!

  13. That's a great saving on groceries! The prices of groceries over here are crazy, and they seem to be on the increase. The blueberries look so delicious, and what a nice big amount you picked. Summer days are good for slowing down and taking a break. I'm sure you'll be motivated to do 'all the things' once everyone is back into routine. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you! I figure once we're all back into a routine I'll find my motivation again too.

  14. That's a big saving on groceries to be sure! Love the pics from your beach trip and when you find your mojo can you check that mine isn't hiding behind it?

  15. Such a lovely group of shots from the beach. How wonderful to make those memories Denyse x

  16. I love the Elin Hilderbrand book peeking out of your photo. Great summer reading!

    1. It was a perfect book to bring to the beach.

  17. Oh well, summer isn't for being busy with household things. You are good at saving money!

  18. That lake is beautiful! I love any body of water, truthfully, but there's something so nostalgic about a lake for me. I grew up going to Hot Springs, Arkansas multiple weekends every summer, and I loved going there more than any other place. I loved that it was close, deep enough to never touch the bottom, and I always enjoyed eating at places right on the lake. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Believe it or not those are actually photos of the ocean! It's just a pretty sheltered cove so there aren't big waves there.

  19. It sounds like you had a busy but fulfilling month! It’s great to hear that your time at the shore was enjoyable and that Alec’s wisdom teeth surgery went smoothly. Managing college prep, food prep, and the usual household tasks is no small feat. READ MY NEW BLOG POST> THANK YOU>

  20. Those blueberries look amazing and it looks like you had a wonderful July.

  21. It looks like you had a lovely time on your two outings. The photos are beautiful. Also, congratulations on the grocery savings. That's incredible.

  22. Beautiful pictures!! I hope you are enjoying your weekend!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  23. Looks like you're enjoying the summer Joanne with reading and resting. Lots going on in your life at the moment. Thanks for joining us for #WBOYC this month, and hopefully August goes well for you.

  24. The motivations that inspire and activate us are different for everyone!
    You will find them.
    Maybe you need a break.
    Amazing photos for the two mini trips!!
    Thank you!

  25. Summer memories are the best, but it goes way too fast! Keep enjoying the moments!

  26. I have also been struggling with the motivation to work out. I am in a weight lifting class on Friday's, but other than that my motivation has been awful. Glad you enjoyed your time away, great pictures.

    1. I go to a Curves-type gym for women 3 days a week but I can just tell that it's nowhere near the amount of exercise I was getting last year.

  27. Sounds (and looks) like a fabulous time at the beach! Wish I lived closer. We made a stop at a Lake Michigan Beach this summer and while it might look similar to the ocean when you look out at it there is no comparison without the ocean breeze.

  28. The Botanical Gardens looks so nice! You got some pretty pictures!

  29. Hooray for less grocery spending! That's fantastic. I should do better at tracking my spending. I have not had squash casserole in so long...but I love it. I think I will make one this week! Thanks for the inspiration!!

    1. It has been great; especially since I feel like we're spending money everywhere else!

  30. I think I have pinned your squash casserole recipe before, but repinned so I can access it faster. Sounds scrumptious.
    The botanical gardens were lovely. And your vacation to the shore looks like a good time for everyone. We are enjoying a week at South Padre Island as I type this. Oh, how I love the slower pace.

    1. I am so glad to hear you are having a lovely vacation!

  31. Love your photos from the shore and the botanical gardens! That's interesting that you've noticed your grocery bill come down - we really need to spend less on groceries (and other things as well!) and often it's hard to know what to cut back on. Hope you have a great August!

    1. Thank you! More than 1/2 our cart is always fresh produce so I'm sure getting a box of veggies from the farm each week is really helping with that.

  32. The shore and botanical garden trip look so relaxing and peaceful. Sending have a great August wishes your way.


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