Our First Month of CSA Boxes And What I Did With ALL those Fresh Vegetables

 We tried something new this summer, a Community Supported Agriculture program (called CSA) through one of our local farms. We pay up front and then get 17 boxes of fresh produce throughout the summer and into fall. 

Box 1: Along with some butter lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, and peas we also got some garlic scapes and a lovely hanging basket of flowers. 

I used the veggies to make a salad and tried to use the garlic scapes to make pesto but the entire family thought the pesto was much too garlicy for us. 

Box 2: Lots of cucumbers both large and small and same with tomatoes. There was another head of lettuce and some squash and zucchini too. 

our boxes-- I return it each week and pick up the next one that's all ready to go

I used the lettuce, mini tomatoes and small cukes in our salad. I made some sauteed squash and zucchini as a side dish. We used the big tomatoes and cukes for BLT sandwiches and side dishes.

I would often slice a cucumber (or 1/2 of one) with a large tomato and an apple or peach and dunked the veggies in plain hummus for lunch.

Box 3: Even more cucumbers and tomatoes, some red lettuce this week, lots of zucchini and yellow squash and some golden beets. 

I peeled and sliced the yellow beets and mixed them with the zucchini and squash and some onion, red pepper, and mushrooms I had on hand to serve with our pasta and sauce (and then I ate leftover veggies with my eggs for breakfast). I used the red lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes in our salad. 

We had so much squash and zucchini that I made 2 small 8x8 dishes of my favorite squash casserole

Box 4: We had a huge bunch of kale, fresh basil, more zucchini, cucumbers, and tomatoes and green beans. We also got a couple of spring onions with greens attached. 

I wash, chopped, and froze the kale to use in soups and stews in the winter (we are not fans of  raw kale). We used the cucumbers and tomatoes for lunches and on sandwiches and had the green beans as a side dish with our steak dinner one night. I made pesto with the basil.

I froze some shredded zucchini for zucchini bread and had lots of fun with onion greens adding them into everything. We used the actual onion bulbs in our chicken fajitas and our kabobs one week. 

One day I mixed the onion greens into cream cheese, spread it on bread and filled my sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and cucumber. It was delicious!

I made zucchini fries to go with my sandwich one night; I just cut a zucchini into triangle shaped wedges tossed them together with some homemade breadcrumbs and popped them in the air fryer on air fry for 10 minutes; switching the racks 1/2 way through.

Box #5: Had cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, red lettuce, onions with the greens again, potatoes, & a clove of garlic.

I used the garlic, onion greens and potatoes all roasted together at 450 for 45 minutes as a side dish to go with our chicken. 

I used the tomatoes and some pesto to make this delicious chicken dish-- baked in the oven and topped with cheese.

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  1. All the fresh veg! I really want to make zucchini fries. You are really doing well with eating the rainbow!

  2. I love watching what you’ve made.

  3. Oh you did some great things with this haul- nice job!

  4. It must be fun to see what will be inside your box each month! I will check out your squash casserole. I am finally getting a few zucchini in the garden and know that I should make more than unhealthy bread and brownies with them, lol. I am with you on kale. I had the loveliest looking kale plant in the garden two summers ago (I didn´t plant it- it just showed up as veggie plants do sometimes due to the compost bin) but no one likes kale. I hated to not use it- I should have done what you did with yours.

    1. I haven't made any zucchini bread yet; I keep planning to but then we use it up for meals and I don't have any left! LOL.

  5. Nothing like fresh summer produce! My daughter's in-laws who live not far from us have kept me in cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, and squash all summer long. I love it!! I have a basil plant that has done really well this year so been making lots of pesto.Enjoy your day!

    1. I've been getting a few cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini and fresh eggs from my mother in law too but luckily she has a small garden so we only get a few here and there.

  6. I love this and your creativity with all the veggies!

  7. We used to get a CSA order way back when and I really enjoyed it!

    1. This was our first time; I was surprised that it was hard to find a local farm that participates since we have so many farms around us.

  8. You got really creative with all of that amazing produce. It all looked delicious! I've never done a CSA but picked up my sister's once when she was on vacation. Loved it!

    1. So far we haven't had to miss a pick up but that is a great idea to pass it onto someone else when/if we can't make it!

  9. I love the community garden idea and you have some wonderful fresh vegetables. I get something a little like this, it is an OddBox of fruit and Veg. I signed up for one every two weeks all year round.

  10. What an amazing program!! I would love to have something like that here! You got so creative using all of yours, too! So many yummy things!

  11. This is giving me some ideas for our veggies. I need to try zucchini in my air fryer!

    1. They weren't quite as crispy as I would have liked but I probably should have either cooked them longer or cut them smaller but I was in a rush.

  12. What a cool program! I'd be so happy with all those fresh veggies!

    1. I am loving it. I am sure we'll be participating next year too.

  13. Great boxes and you'll really did well with using the contents.

  14. This looks great -- and what a wonderful bunch of veggies. You've been cooking up a storm and it all looks fabulous!

  15. Jodie's Touch of StyleJuly 24, 2024 at 6:25 PM

    Gosh, what a great service. I miss the days we did that. One of my favorites was making zucchini boats with hamburger and tomato sauce in them.

    1. It really is a fabulous service! I can't wait to see what's in today's box.

  16. I think this is just an amazing service! You have really made it work for your family, too. I never really had much luck with gardens, but I could usually grow zucchini. I miss that!


    1. I have zero luck growing our own food... I have a squash (or perhaps pumpkin?) plant growing in our garden. It has flowers but no vegetable starting anywhere near the flowers...

  17. Hi Joanne - all those gorgeous fresh vegetables! One thing I love to do with cucumbers is make Bread & Butter Pickles (Cucumbers). Have a google - it's delicious! Lovely on crackers with cheese! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy xo

    1. Oh I am not a pickle fan at all... but my husband and older son are!

  18. I belonged to a CSA for years but now that I'm retired and not on a schedule, it became too difficult to fit it in and we eat out a lot. However, I do try to get to the farmers market at least once a week and frequent the organic farmers to get produce. You made really good use of your vegetables and they look amazing.

    1. Thank you! It does help that we hardly ever eat out and there are 5 of us.

  19. Wow, you have been cooking up a storm with your CSA boxes! You've gotten wonderful vegetables and. have used them in so many creative ways. I have another friend posting about her CSA boxes, she loves them too~I bet it's fun getting a surprise when you pick them up!

  20. That is a great idea and you are being so creative with all the fruits and veggies.


  21. This is a great program to support, but then you need space to store the reworked products of more than 2 people in the household.
    Thanks so much for joining, participating and sharing at SSPS 320 and showing your readers where you hang out. See you again next week at #321 https://esmesalon.com/tag/seniorsalonpitstop/

    1. They have smaller boxes for smaller families too but as a family of 5 we eat most of the food fresh each week; I've only added a few small things to our freezer this way we can have produce year round.

  22. What an amazing concept! The fresh veggies look so delicious.

    1. They are so good and it's prompting me use them up before they go bad so we're eating more veggies than usual.

  23. I love that you get flowers too! Looks so fab, all those veges!! #WWWhimsy

    1. They do have just a flower CSA for those that want fresh blooms each week-- I nearly did both but changed my mind. I love that we get the occasional flowers too.

  24. What a great program Joanne, would you get it again? #Teamwwwhimsy

  25. What a great service. Love all of the yummy food you have created with it too! :)

  26. Wow! You really made some lovely dishes with all those vegetables. What an inspiration to the rest of us who aren't sure what to do with some vegetables! Ha!

    1. LOL! I have gotten very good at finding uses for veggies.

  27. What a great initiative - there's nothing better than produce fresh from the farm. Loved seeing what you did with all the different veggies. Side note - I have a kale pesto recipe on the blog (it's actually kale and basil,) and it's so yummy everyone is so shocked when I tell them it's made of kale! And it's not too garlicky either :)

    1. Thank you! I'll definitely check out that recipe!


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