Easiest 3- Ingredient Homemade Strawberry jam

 My boys and I started making jam together when we were homeschooling. We went to a 4-H class on jam making and just loved how much sweeter and fresher it tasted and then we knew it was a pretty simple process. 

However, I could not remember everything they had done at the class but a homeschooling blog I used to follow called Tots and Me shared this simple recipe this simple recipe and we've used it ever single year since. I am not normally one to steal someone else's recipe or share it on my blog but I noticed that this particular blogger has not blogged since 2021 and I am so afraid that one year I am going to look for the recipe and find that the blog has been taken down so I am sharing it for myself as much as for you.  


2 cups mashed strawberries

2 cups sugar

2 Tablespoons lemon juice

For this batch I decided to double the recipe and make a few jars. I mashed the strawberries and measured them. 

Then combined all ingredients together in a saucepan over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Around this time I put a small plate in the freezer for checking the jam when I think it's ready. 

Then bring mixture to a boil by turning up the heat. Boil for 10 or so minutes stirring constantly. It should reach around 220 degrees if you have a candy thermometer (we don't so I just put on the timer for 10 minutes once it reaches a boil). 

After the jam has boiled for 10 minutes I put a small amount of jam on a plate and stick it back in the freezer for just 1 minute. Then I make sure if I run my finger through it it will stay separated; that way I know the jam is ready.  If it doesn't (and it didn't this time) I boil for another 5 minutes and try again until it does.

I pour the hot jam right into the clean jars and seal; I was taught to put the jars upside down because the heat and pressure will seal the jars. And keep them there until they are nice and cool; nearly a full day. 

I am really not good at filling them equally! 

BUT since I didn't boil/sterilize my jars I still store the two excess jam filled jars in the freezer just to be safe and put the one we'll use in the fridge. 

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  1. Yum! It looks delicious. What a fun activity to do together.

  2. This does sound easy and delicious! Saving this recipe now.

  3. I love homemade jam and apart from all the hassle of sterilising the jars it's a really easy process. I've never turned mine upside down but it does make sense :)


    1. I was really surprised that it was so easy; my boys took a class when we were homeschooling and we went home determined to make our own the following week while the process was still fresh in our minds.... then ended up finding a recipe to follow on line since our memories weren't as great as we had hoped!

  4. So no pectin? Wow! It looks amazing, too!

  5. This is pretty much the recipe we follow as well!

    1. I thought it looked familiar when you made yours!

  6. Strawberry jam is one of my favourite jams. I love this recipe as it's so simple.

    1. It's my favorite too; though I think we might try making blueberry jam this week.

  7. This does sound really easy, and I like the part about putting unused ones in the freezer. #MMBC

    1. It's so much easier than worrying if I've sanitized and sealed them properly for storage in the cabinet!

  8. I've never tried making jam and this actually looks really easy! I always thought it was so much more complicated than this!

    1. We always thought so too until my boys took a morning jam making class at 4-H and I sat there thinking "wow, this is easier than I thought!"

  9. I've never made jam, but strawberry is my favorite. This looks easy and delicious!

  10. Looks yummy and so easy to make.

  11. Wow that is easy. Better than buying ones with all kinds of preservatives!

  12. That looks delicious and easy!

  13. Thank you for your recipe! My oldest granddaughter loves stawberry jam and I should really try making my own instead of buying it.

  14. I'm saving this for sure because I've never been a "canner" and the whole sterilizing stuff is too much for me. This is easy and if you have the berries, you're good to go. I wonder if you could do with the same quantities of raspberries or blueberries?

    1. I don't see why not; in fact I was thinking of trying it with some blueberries this week since we just went and picked a bunch of fresh ones.

  15. Nothing better than jam on scones (with cream, of course!) #SeniorSalonPitstop

  16. I'm going to give this a try. Looks delicious!

  17. That looks fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing!


  18. Looks so good! I used to make a freezer strawberry jam we loved, but haven't done that in years. Might have to pull that recipe out now. Have a nice week!

  19. I’ve never attempted to make jam before, and this seems surprisingly simple! I always assumed it would be much more complicated.

    Happy Tuesday, Joanne!

    1. I always thought so too until we tried it!

  20. I don't think I've ever made jam or jelly. When I was in 7th or 8th grade, my church group made apple butter for a fund raiser, but I have no idea how we did it. I remember my mom putting the jars upside down, too! This looks delicious, Joanne!


  21. I need to do this! I used to make freezer jam when I lived in a place with a lot of strawberries, but it's been a while. You're right that fresh tastes SO MUCH BETTER! Thank you for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #42 linkup. We hope to see you sharing more posts at #43, which opens next Monday morning. Have a great week. :)

  22. What an easy recipe. My mother in law used to make one that was similar. I never have enough berries to make jam bc we eat them all so fast!

    1. We eat a lot of berries too but when we pick a whole flat of them I've learned we can only eat about 1/2 before they start to go back. Typically we just wash and freeze them but this year we didn't have any left to freeze!

  23. Yum! I like this simple recipe: and since it is a small batch, it will be eaten quickly.

    1. I like a nice simple, small batch recipe too. I just used this recipe to cook up some blueberry jam yesterday and it filled 1 mason jar.

  24. That’s exactly how I process jam, too, but I don’t leave them turned over that long. A friend told me about this probably 47 years ago!

    1. It tastes so much better than the stuff we usually find in stores too.

  25. This post will be one of my features for this week's SSPS, thank you for sharing with us! Pinned. Melynda @scratchmadefood!

  26. I can just smell this jam bubbling away! My mum used to make jam when we were small. Thanks for linking.

  27. Yum! This sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #47.


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