
Showing posts from July, 2024

Currently in July

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for the Currently link up with Jennifer. This month we're talking about what we're currently Loving, Looking forward to, Savoring, Celebrating, and Remembering.   Loving:  Our weather has been perfect this past week or so; sunny and warm but with a nice breeze. We've gone hiking, I've enjoyed lots of time on the deck reading-- and I am loving all my summer reads so far.  Looking forward to: The nice long 4th of July weekend; my husband has tomorrow and Friday off so we're looking at a 4 day weekend!!  Savoring:  This time right now with all my boys home (not every day since the older two work) but I know Alec will be off at college before I know it. His overnight orientation last week was just fabulous and he is so excited about getting started. We're talking about something college related nearly every day and in full on planning mode.  Celebrating:  In the next few days we'll be celebrating the 4th of Jul

Talking About It Tuesdays #27

Wahoo! We hit over 70 posts linked up last week-- guys that is huge! I am amazed at how much this little party continues to grow each week and I am loving it. Thank you. Of course the more posts that link up means I have an even harder time picking my favorites but it's such a great problem to have!  If you live here in the states I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July holiday; anyone have any special and fun plans? We'll be heading to my husband's family cottage over the weekend to celebrate with a cookout even though so many of his family members can't make it this year I know we'll still have fun. Anyway enough about me and onto the party.  The link with the most views from last week's party:  It Has Been A Minute from A Day of Small Things A few that caught my eye: 20 Hours Alone by The Glorious Mundane Creole Broiled Catfish by At Home With Lisa This party will remain open until the weekend.  My hope is that everyone will share all sorts of wonderful posts

Prime Purchases in June

 At this point in the year I've just made peace with the fact that this is going to be one of those years where I just spend a lot every single month.... Between graduations, dorm buying, etc. I relied on Amazon A LOT.  ... buckle up; it's a long one! 😊 Apparently chairs became our theme this father's day! I bought  this chair for my step-father after I saw him looking them up online at Alec's party. He sat in the one my sister in law owns and just loved it. Then Ian and I picked out  this one for my husband. I'm sure he'll be napping in it a lot this summer. We put together a few grad gifts for friends: This book This bedside organizer This clip lamp This power strip   (I bought 2; one for Alec's dorm room as well) This clip fan This keychain We bought  a set of mason jars to make these cute gifts; I filled them with a variety of Lindt chocolates and some cash.  I also bought a bunch of graduation frames to put photos in for Alec's friends-- a gift