Share Our Lives: Foods to Make For Someone Else

It's the second Monday of the month which means it's time for the Share Our lives link up.

This month for the Share Our Lives link up we're talking about Foods to Make for Someone Else.. I assume we mean families other than own like when there is a birth, an illness, a death, etc. 

I know it sounds pretty odd for someone like me that enjoys cooking and seems to be in the kitchen ALL the time but I rarely have cause to make meals for someone else.  I think I could count on one hand the times I've prepared meals to bring to someone else that wasn't part of a pot luck or a cookout where me and my family would be enjoying the food too. 

I distinctly remember making a meal for my younger sister and her husband when they had their first baby. I brought over 3 disposable tins of food-- one a salad (with dressing on the side), another a tray full of baked ziti, and one filled with homemade focaccia bread. 

I always try to use disposable tins or purposely buy some cheaper version of Tupperware that the recipient doesn't need to return.

I also am a huge fan of bringing casseroles; something that can be heated when they're ready to eat or popped into the freezer for another day. But I ALWAYS make sure to check if anyone has allergies first. 

In my opinion things like:

Lasagna (sometimes squash/sometimes meat/ sometimes turkey, etc). 

American chop suey/ baked ziti, etc.

and Quiche are great food to make for someone else.

I often write a quick little note about reheating times and temps. and tuck in a homemade card to go with whatever occasion.

What sorts of meals do you make for someone else?

I hope you'll join us next month when we look at a day in the life; summer edition 

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  1. Aside from cooking for family and friends gatherings, I've only had to cook for someone else due to illness maybe once or twice. Using disposable dishes is a fantastic idea and writing a homemade card is a lovely touch! Ruth@playworkeatrepeat

    1. Thank you! Even when I don't manage to make dishes I do make homemade cards.

  2. Some good ideas here. I often make meals for other people, if it makes their lives a bit easier. Lasagne is a favourite of mine, along with tuna pasta.

  3. Oh, a quiche is a great idea! All of your meals are excellent to take and yes to disposable pans!

    1. I've even made a breakfast dish before with muffins and fruit salad to go with the quiche. It seems like everyone thinks of dinner but hardly anyone thinks of the other meals of the day.

  4. Your quiche looks amazing- would love the recipe :)

    1. Thank you! If you click on the word Quiche it above the photo it will take you to my recipe.

  5. Freezer meals are always a good idea. I always try to use diposable pans too and I love the idea of adding a card.

  6. I try to always make a dish they can freeze too. Sometimes there are too many meals and having one for later is nice. I will do a quiche sometimes, but my go-to is baked chicken spaghetti.

  7. I would be happy with any of those meals especially if they were made for me. I find cooking really difficult now, on a real bad any of these would be truly gratefully received.

    1. If we lived closer I'd definitely bring one to you!

  8. This was a fun one to read and join in with! I love taking or getting lasagna; I have a great recipe that I use from Pioneer Woman that I used to take to people all the time, and everyone always loved it and wanted the recipe. There are some great ideas in these posts! Thanks for hosting us!

  9. Casseroles are a great way to cook for others. Remembering my father's death when I was a teen, a few casseroles in the sea of fried chicken would have been nice. #MMBC

  10. We have many of the same tips - one-pan meals, disposable containers, foods that can be eaten now or frozen for later. A card with the reheating instructions is a great addition.

    1. I feel like a lot of us had a lot of the same tips and favorite dishes to share.

  11. This is a wonderful idea. For me, it depends on the recipient. Sometimes I'll just do a big fruit basket with a few snacky or sweet treats thrown in and maybe a bottle of wine. And paper plates and napkins because sometimes the last thing you want to deal with is more dishes. So often when stressed, it's harder to eat healthy. And other times the easy to freeze or reheat meal in a container they can keep. A big jar of homemade pasta sauce (with or without meat, depending on their preferences), some dried pasta, wine, a loaf of Italian bread or a baguette and a salad in a bag is good. The sauce can freeze if needed (for that matter, so can the bread). I look forward to the links!

  12. My friends that have babies live in big cities so I just sent them a seamless/uber eats gift card so they could pick out whatever they wanted. Easy for me ha!

  13. I love casseroles! So easy to make, freeze, reheat.

    1. Me too! I used to make 2 casseroles each time I put a recipe together and always popped one in the freezer for "later."

  14. I cook for my family most evenings but never really cook for anyone else. These are all great meals. The Chicken, broccoli, and rice casserole looks amazing and so does the quiche.

  15. I love that you add a card and reheating instructions.

  16. I can see where this would be so helpful and great ideas. My UK friend always made shepherds pie!

  17. Those are all great meals to make for people. I always use disposable dishes or dishes I don't need/want back.

  18. I am like you and have rarely had to make meals to take to someone. If I do, I usually will just order them a meal from a restaurant and have it delivered. I'm just not that good a cook!

  19. These are great ideas! I sometimes make food for people at church--after moving, after surgery, new baby, whatever. I'm always looking for good ideas to take. Like you, I always take them in disposable pans or containers that they don't have to wash and return. I feel like it's a much better service that way! :) Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #40 linkup. Hope to see you at #41, too. Have a great week.

  20. Lasagna is always a good one!

    1. I was craving pasta after writing this and reading everyone else's suggestions.

  21. Replies
    1. I think a lot of people probably fall into this category! I am the only one in my family that enjoys cooking, my mom and my sisters only cook enough to keep themselves and their kids alive and would be hard pressed to cook to bring food to someone else. They all have other talents and ways that they are willing to help.

  22. You can never go wrong with a pasta dish! I have a baked ziti recipe that's my go-to! Pair it with a bag of salad, a loaf of fresh bread, and an easy dessert and it makes for the perfect easy meal!

    1. Exactly! I find that usually even the pickiest eaters will usually eat pasta.

  23. Stopping in again with congratulations! This post was one of the most popular at the Will Blog for Comments #40 linkup! It will be in the spotlight for the next two weeks, starting today. You are welcome to save the "This Blog Post Was a Featured Favorite" over there to share with your readers here, if you like. We hope to see you at #41 which opens Monday, sharing more posts (old or new). Have a lovely weekend!


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