Share 4 Somethings in June

 Tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month and time for the Share 4 Somethings link up with Jennifer.

Once again we'll be sharing some things we've loved and/or disliked, accomplished, some things we've improved upon and/or that need improvement, and noticed

Loved/Disliked: I have loved so much about our month! We started the month with a fabulous graduation party for Alec. The next day we were in Acadia for a mini vacation and I just loved our time there. Then we came home and threw ourselves into one final week of senior activities and awards and graduation night; which I also loved. 

Grad party (you can read about that here):

Acadia (our trip was recapped here, here, and here):

senior awards night:

graduation (more about that here):

Accomplished: I got all sorts of grad gifts put together; most of Alec's friends ended up (or will end up!) with these candy jars of cash and then a framed photo from graduation night. 

Something I've Improved Upon/or that Needs Improvement: Our fridge/freezer combo has been leaking water onto our floor for months and I finally gave up and gave in and bought a new fridge/freezer. We decided to try an entirely different style.  It hasn't arrived yet but I'm hopeful it will be an improvement over the old one! 

We also replaced our kitchen faucet after the old one broke but while the new faucet may look a lot like the old one it feels so cheap and fake-- it could definitely needs improvement but.. I've Noticed... 

Noticed: That even though the cost of everything keeps going up the quality keeps going down. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, Final Fridays, 


  1. I have also noticed that the prices go up but quality has gone down! It seems like that’s with everything. Our June was full and busy, and we really enjoyed our month. I love those graduation jars - what a fun idea!

    1. Aw, thanks! I thought they turned out rather cute myself.

  2. You had a full and busy month! Those gift jars are cute and fun; I´ll bet the recipients really like them. The photo is a great personalized touch.

    1. We definitely had a lot of fun and a very busy month.

  3. Gotta love inflation but love seeing all of your family's joy over the last month! :)

  4. Our freezer hadn't been working for a long time. It was leaking water as part of this and that's why I slipped and pulled my hamstring about a year ago! Now I know what it's like to have solid ice cream in my freezer again. Our ice cream had been mushy! Ha! It sucks to have to replace major appliances and yes, they want them to break down more often now!

    1. Weirdly our freezer is working fine so I'm almost wondering it has something to do with the ice maker but either way I am so sick of cleaning up water! Thankfully no one has slipped on any but I no longer walk in the kitchen barefoot or with sock on; only my shoes. LOL

  5. I couldn't agree more with your last statement. I notice that every time we have to replace an appliance!

    1. We do a lot of repairs ourselves because my husband is one of those handy, handy guys and it's incredible the amount of plastic parts that all these companies use nowadays.

  6. Acadia is on the top of my list for dream trips. I really want to take Wyatt on a trip to the NE. We went as a kid and it was a trip that stuck with me and made an impression.

    And yes, I totally agree. Quality is down as prices go up.

    1. I couldn't believe that I had lived in New England my entire life and had never been to Acadia at all up until last year-- it is so pretty! I also realized that we've never taken our kids up to Maine either so I hope to make that happen next year.

  7. I love the grad gifts and Acadia pics.

  8. Those candy/cash jars are such a cute & fun idea!

  9. That graduation gift jar is the cutest!! Such a great idea!

  10. Replies
    1. I'm really excited now that we've got one ordered. I can't wait to see it in person.

  11. Definitely a true observation of things getting more expensive and quality not being as great. I hope the new freezer works out well. Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Those candy jars are freaking ADORABLE! What a fabulous idea!

  13. I like that grad jar gift idea. I've noticed price & quality too. Congrats for the graduate.

  14. The quality of appliances has been shown to be less and less. It's crazy how much we can spend yet it falls apart so fast.

    1. It really is! I mean I know they've always been big, expensive purchases but at least I was guaranteed to get 15-20 years out of them. I can't even tell you how many dishwashers and microwaves we've been through... but I know it's a lot.

  15. What a great month, Joanne. Congratulations on Alec's graduation, and WOW to your mini vacation.
    Sadly, it is equally true in my part of the world about prices going up while quality continues to go down!

  16. Prices of appliances are so high, and I believe they have built in "Planned Obsolescence". My latest washing machine is a horror that I want to replace. 1st world problems though. Graduations are an exciting time of change, enjoy the years!

    1. Thank you! We have definitely moved onto to college thinking already-- he can not wait to go.

  17. I think I read somewhere or was told appliances are no longer built to last for years and years. My mom had an old Maytag wringer washer. That's what we used so, when Mike and I got married, he had to teach me how to use an automatic washer! Luckily, we have always replaced appliances because we were remodeling rather than them breaking down. I love those jars of money...what a clever idea! Have a wonderful weekend, Joanne!

    1. Thank you! And I have definitely heard that too about appliances (and pretty much everything) not being built to last.

  18. What a fantastic month. Jumping back in to say thanks for linking up. Oh, and love the graduation jars.

  19. A lovley collection for the month Joanne, congrats on the graduation gift ideas - very clever of you!

  20. Glad you had such fun times celebrating Alec! We finally had to buy a new fridge a few months back, but I got the exact basic model as before. :) Sometimes you know what you like and you keep it. ha. I hope that you love your new one and that it comes in soon!

    1. This is the first time I haven't just bought the same model as before! We have always, always had a side by side.

  21. Joanne, your June sounds amazing!
    Celebrating Alec's graduation and your trip to Acadia must have been fantastic.
    Those candy jars are such a fun idea for gifts!
    Hopefully, the new fridge/freezer solves your leaking problem.

    Here's to more great times ahead in July!

  22. What a lovely month you had. Congrats to Alec on his graduation. They grow up so fast don't they?!
    And I agree, prices of things are just getting silly and the quality does seem to have dropped.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend Joanne. :)

    1. Aw, thanks! They really do grow up so fast.

  23. A bag of sugar used to be 5lbs and less then the now 4lbs!
    What a fun June you and your family shared. Are you doing okay with Alec graduating? When my kids graduated they went off to college and did not return to live with us. I was lost for a bit of time. So much time on my hands, too much.
    Have a wonderful holiday week!
    Take care and best wishes.

    1. The bag of sugar now costs more too.

    2. Yeah, I've noticed the change in package sizes too!

      I have been doing great with graduation and I am so excited for him starting college since HE is so excited. I didn't cry at all... yet but I'm betting I will when it's time to say goodbye at his dorm.

  24. That graduation jar is so creative! Love it!

  25. What a memorable month you and your family have had, Joanne! And I love that jar of graduation gifts. What a clever idea!

  26. What a joyfulmonth you’ve had. The candy jars of cash are creative gifts that I’m sure the graduates would love. Thank you for your weekend coffee share


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