What's Up Wednesday in May

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday. I can not believe it's already the end of May. These next few weeks are going to be SO busy with just 12 more days left of school for Alec (the other two boys already ended school in May).

What I've Been Eating this Month: I shared a lot of the healthier meals I've been eating this month in my Weigh-in Wednesday post but we had plenty of not so healthy foods too. Life is all about balance after all. 

Mother' day lunch was a veggie wrap with fries

Panera Bread's Strawberry Poppyseed Chicken Salad is back for the summer and I had to stop and get one!

I enjoyed tuna on some Tuscan wheat bread with lots of veggies

I had a chicken, bacon, ranch deep dish pizza at Alec's school

What I'm Reminiscing About: How is this boy already graduating high school and heading off to college in the fall? I have had a wonderful time culling through all our old photos and photo archives to pull together a slideshow to play during his party.

What I'm Loving: My sister sent me some lovely nail decals for Mother's day and I am loving painting and decorating my nails. 

What We've Been Up To: I've spent just a few days in the sun reading my book, we went on lots of hikes, enjoyed some ice cream when our local stands opened up and a few foggy mornings on the lake too. I took my mom out for an early Mother's day lunch and we all went to eat lunch at Alec's school one last time. We saw Alec and his friends off to their senior prom. 

What I'm Dreading: Nothing at all! 

What I'm Working On: I have been working on getting the whole house and yard all prepped and ready for Alec's graduation party and this week I am in full on prep mode cooking and baking and setting up.  We decided to throw his grad party before his actual graduation because that just worked better with our schedules and I can't believe it's just a few days away! 

What I'm Excited About: Our Acadia Trip! I can not wait to relax at our bed and breakfast and hit the trails. 
We're staying at the same place as last year!

What I'm Watching/Reading: Anyone But You (Netflix), The Idea of You (Prime), Royal Pains (Netflix),  Mother of the Bride (Netflix), etc.  I shared about some of my favorite shows I've been watching lately in this post just a couple weeks ago. 

I read/listened to well over a dozen books this month and will have a full review up next Thursday for our second Share Your Shelf link up (not all books I read are in this collage).

What I'm Listening to: I've been listening to lots of great audiobooks this month and my favorite is pretty much a tie between Will by Will Smith and The 4th Wing by Rebecca Yarros.

What I'm Wearing: Sadly we're still wearing mostly pants and long sleeves here. Though I will absolutely change mid-day if it even warms up remotely!  We have had some random 80 degree days though and it looks like it will be warming up.. 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: We have a busy weekend with Alec's high school graduation party and the start of our anniversary trip to Acadia (the boys will be staying home for this one). 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: Graduation, senior awards night, the start of summer, Father's day weekend, and all sorts of fun stuff. 

What Else is New: I think that covers it. 

Linking up with:


  1. Busy time for sure! Good luck getting everything ready for the party- I know much work that is and will be. How nice to look forward to getting away after the event to go to a beautiful place!

    1. Thank you! Other than cleaning the inside of the house and mixing up a few recipes I don't have much left to do... though I probably should start packing soon!

  2. What wonderful things to look forward to! Love these cute pics of your son. I am also preparing for our graduation party. These last couple of months are going to go too fast!


  3. Have fun prepping for the party! And yes, I am enjoying the bits of warm weather we are getting too. This is a tough time of year to dress for and many days, I wish I was at home to change midday! Enjoy Maine!!!

  4. What adorable pictures of Alec! Can't wait to hear all about your trip.

    1. I have so many things to blog about in June that my blogging calendar is crammed full and June hasn't even started yet! Pretty sure to squeeze in all the grad party/ graduation/ Acadia trip recaps, etc. I'll have to post a few posts some days.

  5. Such an exciting weekend ahead! Crossing my fingers for perfect weather for you :)

    1. Thank you! So far it's looking good but I'm keeping my fingers crossed too.

  6. You have a lot coming up to be excited about!

  7. I love your hair straight- looks fantastic! Aww Baby Alec- so sweet! Such an exciting time for all of you :)

  8. Your meals always look so good. I am determined to try strawberries on my salads over the summer.
    I love your nails, they're so pretty!
    I hope Alex's graduation party goes well, it sounds like you are well prepared for it. Have fun.

    1. I love all sorts of fresh fruit on my salads; especially in summer. They add just a bit of unexpected sweetness.

  9. Oh my word - all of those sweet baby pictures!! I know it's such a bittersweet time sending your babies off into the world. I don't think I'll ever be ready for that!

    1. I don't know; while I will obviously have sad times about sending him off I'm mostly really, really excited for him and to see and hear about all that he gets to experience.

  10. Those jumpers on Amazon are so comfy. I own a couple of them. It's been chilly here, too.

  11. I just got a jumper from Amazon but it had been nice here, I honestly should have worn it today its chilly. The picture with the fog is pretty.

  12. Aw, thank you so much! I do love that I feel like everything around the house is set for quite some time now and we can just relax the rest of the summer (after throwing the actual party and cleaning up from it).

  13. Have so much fun on your Acadia trip!! It's on my list!

  14. Have fun at Acadia.

  15. Those baby photos are the sweetest! You've been busy lately! I need to catch up on the american version of Ghosts. It's so funny!

  16. Wonderful celebrations, good food, memories. YOu can't beat it. And you're right -- that time goes so fast!

  17. You've certainly been an active participant in life, Joanne. Good, healthy food, socialising, spending time in nature and of course being with your beautiful family. Thanks so much for linking up to #WWWhimsy and don't forget #WBOYC? is tomorrow. Would love to see you there. x

    1. Hi Joanne, just popping back to say it was lovely to see you link up with us at #WBOYC? Have a great week! x

  18. So many good things! Enjoy your sons graduation and your anniversary trip!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  19. Wow! You are going to be busy, but I'm sure you've got it all under control. All those photos of a young Alec are so cute! I have been wearing shorts for several days now so I'm sure your time is coming! Enjoy the weekend!


  20. It was 87 here today so definitely into our summer wardrobe. That first baby picture is too too cute.

  21. Those kid photos are so heart warming. And I love that you have such fun with your nails. I need to do that more often.

  22. A fabulous post with all your great activities Joanne, so much going on! I must say that skirt and pink top look lovely on you! Thanks for joining us for #wwwhimsy this week.

  23. How quickly they grow up! Enjoy the graduation party and shenanigans. It's such a milestone. Thanks, as always, for your support of our linky.

  24. Now that was a busy month. Congratulations to your son. Graduation is so special! Lots of photos there to love too Joanne. Hope all your plans went well and you can enjoy your break. Denyse

  25. Yes, 'tis the season to reminisce about past school years and marvel and how quickly our kids have grown up. Congratulations to your graduate! (And that pizza looks SO good!)


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