Share Our Lives-- My 5 Favorite and Least Favorite Foods

It's the second Monday of the month which means it's time for the Share Our lives link up.

This month for the Share Our Lives link up we're talking about our favorite and least favorite foods.  I honestly thought that this was going to be such a quick and easy post but I really struggled to narrow both lists down to just 5! 

My 5 MOST favorite foods:

  • French fries!  I can never resist a good fry; but they have to be good. I don't bother eating ones that you buy in the grocery store freezer aisle. 

  • Pineapple-- a delicious ripe pineapple is perfection; fresh, in a frozen drink, cooked on the grill... all equally yummy! 

  • Homemade breads (and pastries) of all kinds-- especially if it's warm. Oh my!

  • Pasta-- the fresher the better and I typically prefer it with vegetables rather than meat but I'm not usually very picky when it comes to pasta. 
  • Salmon-- My family gives me grief since I almost order salmon whenever we go out; even when we go to high end steak houses!

My 5 LEAST favorite foods:
  • Bananas
  • Avocados
  • Goat Cheese 
  • Oatmeal (I will use oatmeal in things like cookies and granola but a warm bowl of oatmeal never looks appealing to me; it's a texture thing) 
  • Melons-- other than watermelon I don't like any other melons no honeydew, cantaloupe, etc. (at least none that I've tried yet; after Googling I found that there are more varieties of melon than I thought! 

I hope you'll join us next month when we look at Foods to Make for Someone Else 

Linking up with: Tuesdays with a Twist,


  1. All your favourites are my favourites too. It was hard only naming 5 haha! I agree with you about melons, I think they often look good but they're so disappointing! I eat avocados all the time and I love them now but I couldn't stand them as a kid. I always thought they tasted like soap except I never ate soap so I'm not quite sure how I came to that conclusion.

    1. I am such a foodie that I have lots of favorites and yet I have a long list of foods I really don't like either.

  2. This is so fun! I was surprised to see that you don't like avocados and bananas but if it is about texture I totally get that!

    1. Most foods I don't like have very little to do with flavor and more to do with texture. I couldn't eat ground beef well into adulthood since that texture freaked me out too.

  3. I agree on the honeydew and canteloupe! Yuck! But, I love all of your other dislike foods! If you got your hands on the Trader Joe's frozen french fries and air fryed them and served them with a garlic aioli - you would like frozen fries! Ha! I agree though - don't waste my time on bad fries. Cold ones are the worst.

    1. Yeah I can't eat hot food cold-- cold pizza, cold fries, cold spaghetti; just no.

  4. With you on the melons! And I feel about cottage cheese the way you do about oatmeal- the texture is a big no for me. Agree about pineapple. It is good anyway you slice it- literally and figuratively!

    1. Yeah I can totally see that with cottage cheese!!

  5. Bananas are a funny thing. I love them but they are one fruit so many don't. I try not to order french fries. I love them too much -ha! Hubs always orders them and I'll have one or two to satisfy my craving. I realized in answering this one there are not many foods I dislike. Have a great day!

    1. I try not to order them either; I usually order a side salad instead and steal a few from my husband as well.

  6. We all have our individual preferences and hates. It's fun to read about yours. #MMBC

  7. That is a hard list to make! I used to love oatmeal, but I ate it so much that I can't even look at it anymore haha. I also am very iffy about bananas but can eat all the melon and pineapple.

    1. It really was a very hard list to make! I've eaten so many great foods and my favorites and least favorites seem to change so much depending on my mood.

  8. I found this one tough, too. I never thought of French fries!

  9. Fresh bread or pasta is a YES for me too.

  10. I thought this was going to be easy to write to but I really struggled with my least favourite foods.
    We have been buying frozen fries which come in little individual boxes that you pop in the microwave and they're really good, they taste just like one's from McDonalds.
    Ahh! My eldest and I love melon but my fella and youngest hate it, they say it tastes like nothing.

    1. I actually don't eat any McDonald's food... I prefer fresh hand cut fries that still have the skins on them. YUM!

  11. Not a huge fan of pasta but I do love all your other favorites (fries and bread need to be homemade to be loved) and I also love your least favorites (minus the goat cheese). I might like goat cheese but for some reason I don't find the thought appetizing and not sure I ever tried it. Maybe I should as I do love most cheeses (excluding cottage cheese or cream cheese)!

    1. Definitely on the homemade. I only had goat cheese this past year; it was on a salad I ordered and I didn't know what it was at first but I did NOT like it.

  12. Joanne, it was so fun to read your answers. I love french fries and HATE melon although I will eat watermelon.

  13. Interesting! I love warm breads, too. I do like cantaloupe, but I am with you on the honeydew--I think it either tastes like nothing or has a weird, non-descript flavor. Why bother? ha :) Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #37 linkup. We hope to see you sharing more posts next week at #38.

    1. Warm fresh bread is so hard to resist; that's a huge part of why I have not jumped on the sourdough bandwagon. I think I'd be cooking and eating it all the time.

  14. I love a good crispy hot fry. At home the only way I eat them is in the air fryer.

    1. Me too... but I still prefer to cut them myself from real potatoes.

  15. Replies
    1. I like most seafood but I can be picky about how it's prepared; I don't enjoy most other meats though.

  16. I love all your least favorite foods with the exception of goat cheese! Ha! But I agree with you on all your favorites! 💕

  17. I love salmon but never eat it at a restaurant. Funny right!

  18. I used to be a picky eater so that second list would have been huge for me. But I am proud to say that there is nothing I don't like. Part of that is knowing that the way you fix it and the quality of the item can make such a difference.
    Just like clothes, you shouldn't say I can't wear a maxi because they aren't all created equal!!

    1. I definitely find that the quality and the preparation method can make a huge difference but there are definitely things I still just can't seem to eat.

  19. Your comment about your family giving you grief about salmon made me chuckle. At home whenever we eat fish, I want salmon.


    1. I love salmon but rarely make it at home since only my husband will even try it.

  20. I love all of your favorites too! But I do eat avocados, bananas and melons :). This was a fun topic to read!

  21. Love all of your favorite foods! And for your least faves, I only like avocados in smoothies, and I'm not a cantaloupe fan either!

    1. I've never tried them in smoothies... maybe I'd like them that way.

  22. This was really interesting to read! I like all of your five except salmon. My husband is the one who will order it whenever we go out. French fries are amazing and are my excuse to not order a cocktail! I always say I'd rather spend my calories on them than booze! As for your least favorite, I agree about bananas. I cannot stand them...the smell, the texture...nothing about them is good! I love goat cheese but rarely have it as my husband doesn't like it. I have to be in the mood for oatmeal which means I haven't had it (as a breakfast food) in decades! And, yes to only watermelon!

  23. I will eat a meal of your favourite foods with you any time! I LOVE pineapple!!! And now I want some grilled. Yum!

  24. I do enjoy bananas and love a bowl of oatmeal...but, oh my, I'm right there with you with the salmon. And the french fries!! Yes please!:)

    1. Funny enough I've never tried ordering salmon with fries...

  25. French fries! yes -- I can't believe I didn't think of that one. I don't like oatmeal either, but I love cream of wheat.

    1. I have never had cream of wheat (or grits).

  26. This is a fun one! I actually love goat cheese, bananas and avocado! Not too keen on French fries (except the thin ones like in France) and I of course love bread!

    1. Funny, I prefer the thicker hand cut fries with the skins on and am not really a fan of the thin ones.

  27. I really enjoy these posts! Perfect way to get to know a blogger. I am with you on the goat cheese...thanks for sharing with us at SSPS, I sure appreciate it.!

  28. Your least favorite foods are some of my favorites! Haha. I LOOOOVEEEE goat cheese... it is my favorite cheese to put on a salad or a burger! And I love avocados!! I eat them nearly every day. Haha. Sometimes I'll make avocado toast with goat cheese... I guess that would be your worst nightmare. Hahahaha.


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