Highlights and Happenings In April; One Sentence A Day

 We had another wonderful month. Our weather was still pretty cloudy and rainy and even quite cool right up until the very end but that's okay; it's better than snow (which we also had a little bit of)! I feel like our month flew by but we kept busy with lots of fun stuff. 

1. I woke to a beautiful sunrise then got Alec off to school before settling in to do schoolwork with Evan then we headed out on a hike after lunch when the sun came out a bit.

2. School with Evan, a quick break to buy concert tickets (for his first concert!), then a lovely hour long hike before lunch. In the afternoon Alec and I met with the oral surgeon and made a plan to have his wisdom teeth removed this summer (it rained all afternoon).

The trails are still quite flooded and muddy everywhere!

3. Gym with my mom, school with Evan, we got him enrolled in a college course for next year and then after lunch his friend came over.  It poured all day so Alec's track meet was canceled.

4. We woke to an icy/snowy mess but the guys all headed out to work and school anyway then Evan and I settled down to work on his schooling for the day. I spent my afternoon listening to an audiobook while making some cards and ended my night at the grocery store (typically I grocery shop in the morning but was hoping the weather would clear up later!). 

5. Gym with my mom, school with Evan, some more cardmaking and then in the early afternoon my husband, Alec, Ian and I headed out with my mother in law and parents to head to Foxwoods Casino for their bingo night. 

6. We slept in just a bit and then Evan, my husband and I went out to put a final coat of sealer on Evan's new desktop before stopping at Bj's to pick up a few things. In the afternoon Ian and I got him all registered for his final classes before college graduation! 

Pretty sunset

7. We installed Evan's new desktop then Evan made some BBQ sauce and I made some cookies while Ian and my husband cleaned off the patio. Then my husband and I spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around near the woodstove watching TV and napping.

8. Gym with my mom, school with Evan, then we dropped off my car to get serviced (little did I know it would be weeks before I had my car back!) and walked around town waiting for my mother in law to come pick us up-- it was a beautiful day! We ended our afternoon watching the eclipse. 

packed my bags for our girl's trip

did my nails and toenails

9. School with Evan, a few outfit photos, and then pulled out some of our deck furniture to enjoy the sun until after lunch when my mother in law offered to pick up both myself and Evan to go out walking with her and her friend (we did find out that the exhaust flex pipes were broken and needed replacing with my car). 

10. My mom picked me up for the gym, home for school with Evan and then we hitched a ride with my mother in law to Alec's first track meet of the season. Evan and I ended the night touring our local community college since he's taking classes there this coming school year (one of Alec's best friends was our tour guide!). 

11. I managed to borrow my mother in law's car to get groceries done before the rains came, then home to work on school with Evan and get everything settled for my weekend away! I had time in the afternoon to finish another card and finish my latest book. 

12. I was up so early with a huge loud storm pounding rain against the windows and shaking the house; around 9 my mom picked me up to drive me to the airport since my car is still not fixed. (The airport is over an hour away so we dragged Evan along to keep my mom company [and on course] for the ride home).  Once in Nashville I met up with Jennifer, Tanya, and Marilyn for a fun girl's weekend. We had a wonderful first day getting to know one another!

13. Saturday morning we lazed around our Airbnb talking some more and then headed out for a really fun afternoon shopping; we explored the town called Franklin where we were staying and enjoyed some yummy meals and chatting away. 

14. On Sunday we had another slow morning at the Airbnb before heading out to lunch and touring the Belle Meade plantation and winery. We ended our night driving around some really cute neighborhoods in Nashville.

I LOVE southern sweet tea; something we do not have at home

15. We were up early so we could be back at the airport on time for my flight but first we stopped for a delicious breakfast!  Once home my husband picked me up and we ate a late lunch/early dinner before heading home to chat with the boys, plan our our weekly meals, and get our grocery shopping done. 

16. A day at home getting caught up on ALL the things; though I did take a break mid-morning to head out hiking with Evan (at his request!) (Still no car but I was able to borrow my mother in law's again).

I changed out of my white pants to go hiking

Good thing I did; the trails were still wet and muddy

17. Gym with my mom then Evan, Alec, and I went hiking and to the library (Alec drove) before settling in the house after lunch. Alec and I worked on some college stuff while he also started some homemade croissants and Evan had a friend over. 

18. It was a dreary, rainy day but Alec took me to the dealership mid-morning to pick up a loaner car and then finished making his croissants before all 3 of us headed out to the mall to get Alec's tux picked out and ordered. We ended with a late lunch at Outback.

They were so good; even if they get a bit misshapen while cooking

19. Gym with my mom, hiking with our hiking group, and then ran a few errands with Alec; finally closing out his old bank account.  I ended my day with a fabulous date night with the hubby finally getting to try out Asados (a new restaurant near us that is always booked solid- now that we've been I can see why since the food was incredible). 

Evan always plays his music in the car-- check out the title of this song!

20. After a rainy start to our Saturday where I did a lot of house cleaning we decided to head to the movies to see the latest Ghostbusters and do a tiny bit of shopping afterwards.

21. I worked in the kitchen prepping veggies for dinner and making up a menu and grocery list for the week while also working on getting ALL the laundry finished. After lunch Evan and I squeezed in a quick hike through the cedar swamp trail.

22. Gym with my mom, school with Evan, some house cleaning, a few errands and then I finally broke out my painting supplies (Evan has been on me for not using any of my Christmas gifts and he's been encouraging me to paint).

Made the first of the 26 invitations needed for Alec's graduation party

23. I worked on school with Evan, cleaned a few rooms in the house but spent a large portion of my day reading. 

24. Gym with my mom, home to work on Alec's grad party invites, a quick online meeting with his financial aid advisor and a relaxing afternoon of blogging and watching TV. 

25. After a quick morning of school, Evan and I headed out on a hike (it was only 45 degrees out so we made it a shorter hike than normal).  One the way home we stopped at the library and picked up my car since it's finally fixed after 17 days!! 

I spotted the heron on our beach and snapped a quick photo through the screen.

Those tree buds are growing!

We checked out a totally new to us trail called The Lost Trail (and nearly did get lost!)

26. Gym with my mom then filled out 1/2 of Alec's grad party invites before heading out with Evan to meet our friends and hike Mt. Wachusett. After our hike and picnic lunch we ran a few really quick errands and then I came home to bake Ian's cake for his birthday party this weekend. 

We parked at the welcome center and tried a new trail. 

See the Boston skyline in the distance?

Ian wanted a chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting so I'm recreating this cake from 6 years ago

Despite our hiking picnic I was starving when we got home and not having any plant based protein left I decided to mix up some tuna and spread it on some cucumber with a side of fresh tomatoes. It was SO good!

27. I spent my morning meal planning for the whole month of May, then talked with Marilyn for a bit before finishing cleaning the house and frosting Ian's cake. 

28. I decorated and cleaned and prepped food for Ian's party and then finally finished switching my closet over from fall/winter to spring/summer-- hopefully the really cold weather days are behind us!  We had the grandparents over for a party for Ian's 20th birthday.

29. Gym with mom, school with Evan, then we took a walk on the river trail for an hour before coming home for lunch. 

30. Evan and I finished up his schooling for the year and since it was a dreary and chilly day I decided to sit at my desk and start making Mother's Day cards (I always make 4) while finishing up my latest audiobook and lots and lots of laundry. 

Linking up with:


  1. I loved reading all about your fun April! The sunrise and eclipse photos look amazing! Our weather has definitely taken a big turn this week and now it's cold and I can't see it going back to being warm anymore. I think I will also have to switch my closet over from summer to autumn/winter. Congratulations to Ian on turning 20 and I'm sure you all had a wonderful time celebrating him!

    1. It's been a bit cooler ever since I swapped out my clothes but I still hold out hope that it will warm up for good soon!

  2. I am wowed by those sunrise photos and those handmade cards are so beautiful. That trip to Nashville looked so fun too!


  3. Great pictures of what looks to be a great month (despite 17 days without a car!). The cards you made are so creative. I know you´re glad that you got to be in nature so much, muddy trails and all. I have made peanut butter frosting once- was quite good (as one would expect, lol). Just out of curiosity, did you put the peanut butter frosting in between the cake layers?

    1. Yes, I did. I think the chocolate ganache on top helped balance out the chocolate to peanut butter ratio.

  4. What an awesome month Joanne! The girls trip- the beautiful hikes- the yummy food and springtime outfits that are on point!

  5. Beautiful sunrises and so much yummy food! In all the years we lived in Rhode Island, we never made it over to Foxwoods.

    1. I think that is only my second time there... and last time I was there they didn't have any outlets or anything. The last time I can remember going we didn't have any kids and were probably barely of legal age ourselves!

  6. Such a great month! I'd love to do all the hiking and sit on your deck reading :)

  7. Looks like a pretty good month. Top pic is beautiful.

    1. Thanks! It's so rare for us to see skies quite that deep in color.

  8. So much beauty in your neck of the woods.

  9. Spectacular pictures of sunset and the eclipse! Love the blue nail polish shade.

    1. Thanks! I love to pick "fun" nail colors.

  10. Wow those sunrise shots are incredible. Even though we're up early to take the dog for a walk we don't see those as much around here. We get beautiful sunsets though.
    And that owl card is so adorable. My mom would just love it

    1. We don't often get such vibrant colors in our sunrises or sunsets; that was a real rarity around here.

  11. Your weather sounds a lot like ours over here.
    It sounds like a great month. I love your outfits and all of the photos.

  12. I am still envious of your girls’ weekend! I need to find some bloggers close to me to plan one…or maybe, I’ll just go visit Jodie! All of your hiking photos are always so good..and those sunrises (or sunsets) are spectacular!


  13. Those sunrise pictures are just spectacular! And I'm still loving your girls meetup in Nashville! What a fun month!

  14. I love your sunrise pictures. I take a lot of those here. You had a lot of fun, indoors and out. Have a nice weekend!

  15. Oh my, that looks like professional bingo! I love bingo!

    1. Oh yes, it was crazy how seriously all those people took their Bingo; I had been warned but having only ever played bingo on our church grounds it had a whole different vibe to it!

  16. Beautiful! The sunrise photos oh my goodness so beautiful! What a great recap of April!

  17. I love all the cards and the graduation invitations that you made last month! You went on some great hikes! And that trip to Nashville looks like so much fun! Hope you had a great weekend!

  18. I enjoyed this catch-up and month in review so much. Look at you meeting up with the blogging gals for a Nashville weekend. Sweet tea is pretty good stuff. I drink it unsweetened with sweetner and it is so refreshing.
    This post is so pretty. I always love your photographs but is it just coincidence that your colors of your outfits match so well with the tones in your pictures?? So many cute looks.
    I bet you are/were ready to get your car back. So inconvenient. But thank goodness your mom and MIL were good to take you places or loan you their car. PC has suggested we scale back to one car when he retires but that would be big NO in my book.

    1. Aw, thank you! I'm not sure we could ever go back to being a 1 car family either. I definitely find that I like being able to go where I want when I want.


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