Share our Lives: My Favorite Make Up and Hair Products

This month for the Share Our Lives link up we're talking about our favorite makeup and hair products. 

This list is going to be so short since I don't use make up (I mean I occasionally will wear it like when my husband and I went on our cruise and I wanted to "dress up" for dinner but not in my day to day life).  I also don't fuss a whole lot with my hair.   

I wash my hair just a couple of times a week. Right now I'm using this shampoo/conditioner set:

After showering I use a wide tooth comb to comb out my hair. If I shower at night I just let my hair dry naturally and use my heating brush to comb it straight in the morning.

this heating brush

If I washed my hair in the morning and I want to dry it curly I use this mousse then blow dry using my diffuser.

This diffuser

I'll use a quick spray of  hairspray to hold my hair in place and that's about it. I am not brand choosy when it comes to hairspray since I don't use it every day but lately I've been using this Tresemme brand. 

I hope you'll join us next month when we look at our 5 favorite and least favorite foods


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  1. I forgot that we have to get hairspray for Rachel's dance, which is the only time I buy hairspray, and I think we're using TreSemme right now too.

    1. Oh yes, I remember using lots and lots of hairspray for dance recitals!

  2. I always love seeing what different products people use-thanks for sharing

  3. Joanne, this was such a fun topic this month and I'll enjoy seeing what everyone is using for their hair and makeup.

  4. I love the sound of that shampoo, I imagine it smells amazing.

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't really wear makeup!

    1. Yeah, I just can not be bothered... I try on occasion but can't seem to keep it up for more than a day or two.

  6. I also wash my hair in the evening and let it dry naturally.

    1. It's a habit I got into as a kid growing up in a family of 6 with only 1 bathroom it was just easier to make sure I didn't really need our bathroom in the morning and that routine just sort of stuck with me.

  7. I like that you use natural products!

  8. I love your simple routine! It seems like lots of us only wash our hair once or twice a week!

  9. The heating brush sounds great and it's probably better for your hair than the straightener. Before getting keratin treatment, I fried mine trying to get smooth straight hair!

    1. I have never used a straightener as I have spent most of my life trying to keep my hair curly! LOL

  10. I use that same hairspray. Your hair always looks so healthy!

  11. I like Tresemme products. They always work well for me.

    1. Even my travel sized bottle of hairspray is Tresemme.

  12. I use Virtue Recovery hair products, very good for coloured hair. Hope to join you next month! Thanks for the link-up

    1. My son uses special products for colored hair too but since I don't color my hair I don't have to worry about that.

  13. Love your easy routine! This was a fun one!

  14. Hadley loves her heating brush. I'm not picky about my hairspray either.

    1. I never used it much the first year or so that I owned it but now that I'm embracing my straight hair more I find I use it a lot more.

  15. I love the Tresemme brand hair spray, too! My hair is so fine and thin that I find it gives me some texture and adds a little volume!

    1. Mine too (I know it doesn't look like it with the curls but that's why I've always had perms; my hair tends to be quite fine and thin and straight otherwise).


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