Share 4 Somethings in March 2024

It's nearly the last Saturday of the month and time for Share 4 Somethings with Jennifer from Overflowing with Thankfulness. This month (as always) we're sharing things we've loved and/or disliked, accomplished, some things we've improved upon and/or that need improvement, and noticed (either in our own lives or around town). Loved/Disliked: While a bit muddy (and we've had to work around a few rain storms) we've had some really great hikes this month. And it was even warm enough a time or two for me to wear my flip flops outside. I LOVED that! The extra rain has made for some great waterfalls Accomplished: Oh so much this month! We got Alec's banking account switched over to his own checking account, we got his taxes completed, sent in his college deposit, scheduled his oral surgery consult... I'm sure I did other things too but it's funny that so much of my to do list this month centered on him! Improved upon/needs improvement: Our roads are s...