What's Up Wednesday: February 2024

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday.  It's been a pretty quiet month around here. 

What We're Eating: I'm slowly trying to move towards a more whole food/plant based diet and move away from overly processed foods.. not giving up animal products entirely but making sure more than 3/4 of my meal comes from plants... like I said, slowly... 

Veggie/balsamic flatbread sandwich

What I'm Reminiscing About: Those long winter days homeschooling and keeping the boys entertained indoors. 

we brought in snow and used food coloring to "paint" it

Playing with playdough and trucks and animals

More snow!

Shaving cream and water was a guaranteed way to keep them occupied for at least an hour

What I'm Loving: My new haircut!  It's pretty easy to style in the morning and I can leave it curly or straighten it out in just a matter of minutes. 

What We've Been Up To: Lots of hiking and we finally celebrated Alec's 18th birthday nearly a full month late.  We watched more snow fall and enjoyed an afternoon at Alec's school where he prepared a 4 course meal for us. 

What I'm Dreading: Nothing at the moment.

What I'm Working On: Lots of puzzles, cards, scrapbook pages, etc. 

What I'm Excited About: We have an accepted students day at the college coming up in March. I just hope the weather is nice!! 

What I'm Watching/Reading: Ghosts (Paramount+), Alias (Disney+), rewatching Spin City with the boys (Prime)... catching up on my favorite shows that are back on: Abbot Elementary, Celebrity Family Feud, Not Dead Yet, etc. I'm still working up on finishing Blue Bloods and House. We saw Freelance and re-watched The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard. 

What I read (I'll have a full summary post up next week!):

What I'm Listening to: The washer and dryer... seems like I am always listening to/for them. 

What I'm Wearing: All the winter clothes and layers 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: As of right now we have no plans at all. 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: SPRING!! Even thought that doesn't mean our weather will magically warm up just knowing spring is around the corner makes me happy. 

What Else is New: We have our final officially licensed driver in the house and this mom has retired as a driver's ed teacher! 

Linking up with:


  1. Lots of good stuff happening! Enjoyed reading about your month. Spring will be here soon; in the meantime, at least you have a beautiful winter to enjoy. Happy Wednesday!

  2. Hey hey hey! Congratulations on your son getting his driver's license! I love your haircut and am happy that you will soon be enjoying spring (even if it means we will be getting the opposite).

    1. Thank you so much! I was thinking of you and how summer would be ending for you... I like the change of seasons so much but more and more I'm beginning to prefer warm weather more than anything.

  3. I get SO EXCITED about Spring even though, as you said, the weather doesn't magically warm up. It's just the thought of it's practically here that has me giddy!!! Also, it took me a bit to realize that the Friends pic was a puzzle and not a scrapbook page. I was like, "Did Joanne go to a Friends exhibit?" I need coffee :)

    1. LOL! Yes, that is a puzzle and I can see how the lines of the puzzle don't really show up in that photo.

  4. I love all of your outfits, especially the striped sweater in the shades of pink and red. The food looks yummy too - did I see stuffed bell peppers?

    1. That is stuffed acorn squash; something that I make once or twice just for my husband and I since the boys won't touch it.

  5. Such exciting days for you and your fam :) Ok that Friends Scrapbook page just stopped me in my tracks :(

    1. Aw, thank you! (and though it doesn't look like it; that's a Friends puzzle!). :)

  6. I love your new haircut! That's always the best feeling, isn't it? I'm getting mine colored in a couple of weeks, so I'm excited about that. I'm dying to know about all of your books that you've read. I started one last night and I wanted to stay up all night to finish it, it's that good. I will have my review for my books tomorrow!

    1. I've just started 2 new books today and so far they both seem like they are going to be good ones!

  7. So many great things going on! Love your new haircut and I adore that heart sweater. The food you eat always makes me hungry!


  8. I am curious to follow along with your healthy eating. Your haircut looks so cute! Have a good day!

  9. Congratulations to your new driver! I am with you on the washer-dryer sound. Not sure how the two of us have so much laundry??? I guess between exercise, yard work, and everyday dressing it accumulates. We have had several spring like days but this week is rainy and supposed to be cold and windy. March is a tease when it comes to weather and that's typically when the pollen really kicks in here, which is not my favorite. We're ready for summer here!

    1. Oh yes, I am not looking at all forward to pollen season. I'll know it's officially spring when my eyes start watering non-stop. :)

  10. Love the new hair! All the food looks delicious! And congrats on the new driver in your house! Have a great day!

  11. I can't do plant based eating because eggs! and cheese! We read a few of the same books this month. I love your outfits!

    1. I don't really like eggs (though you can see I do eat them) and while I love cheese, I have noticed that diary is really causing my eczema to flare up a lot so I try to limit that too, I think the hardest part will be finding recipes we'll all eat!

  12. Congrats from retiring from driver's ed! I am also looking forward to spring, hopefully the weather is too!!

  13. Great post! Love your hair cut. It does seem like we listen to the washer and dryer all.the.time!

    1. Yes! I'm actually surprised it's NOT running today.

  14. All the food you posted looks absolutely delicious! And I really wish my family would be up to eating less meat. They all eat all kinds of veggies but somehow meat always seems to be a neccessity in this house! Your outfits all look so nice and cozy too and great new hair cut. Also loving the cards and pages you've been working on! Congrats on retiring from being a Drivers Ed Teacher to your kids. I never managed to take mine, it was hubby's job, I would have been too scared!!

    1. Oh my boys and husband will in no way be giving up meat; if they had to go plant based they'd starve! LOL. My boys still don't eat many veggies. But more and more I tend to be opting out of eating the meats and I don't miss it. My husband was supposed to teach them to drive but I don't think he's ever driven with our younger two at all (and my middle son has had his license for 2+ years now!).

  15. I love the heart sweater. Your more plant based meals look delicious. I need to restart some better eating habits, I know I feel so much better when I do.

  16. Great looking food and lovely outfits!

  17. Hi Joanne I'm sure you are all looking forward to warmer weather although you have been very creative with your home schooling projects. We try to eat wholefoods and it isn't difficult. It is tasty and there is a great variety to choose from. It's great that you are leading by example with your family and providing them with nutritious foods and a healthy lifestyle. thanks for sharing at #WWWhimsy and enjoy the rest of your week. x

    1. Hi Joanne, just popping back to say thank you for linking up to #WBOYC? Have a wonderful March x

  18. Hello again! I took a little blog break and I'm excited to be back and was happy to see you sharing at What's up Wednesday! Looks like you are doing wonderful, you certainly have some cute outfits! Congrats on your son getting his license! My girl is finishing up her driving, we still have two more behind her, its been interesting! Have an awesome week!

  19. So much to love here. I absolutely LOVE your new haircut. It is so adorable.
    I love the idea of a whole foods diet. I am trying to eat healthier too. Moderation.
    I love your winter pictures. We haven't had much winter here, which is fine, but your winters are so beautiful.

  20. What terrific photos, Joanne! There is just so much to love here -- not the least of which is your very cute haircut! I love the bangs!

  21. Delicious food, sweet memories, pretty hair style, happy birthday to your son and love his cake, wonderful scrapbook pages, interesting books and beautiful outfits! February was a busy month for you!

  22. Yay for retirement, haha.
    Your hair looks amazing and I love that you are changing up your food that way. That's how we did it

  23. Lots of good stuff happening for you Joanne. Love all your winter layers, we officially start autumn tomorrow but you wouldn't know it as it's still very hot with temps over 30 celcius. I hear on you on being at the end of your drivers ed teacher role :). Thanks for joining us for #wwwhimsy

    1. Thanks! I can't wait to start seeing some spring-like temps.

  24. Love your haircut too! And the burgundy outfit is simply gorgeous. I love matchy matchy.

  25. It sounds like your new way of eating is going well. All of your meals look so good!
    Your home schooling days look like a lot of fun and I love your hair, it does look really nice wavy!
    Well done to the new driver!! He looks very happy about it.

  26. That flatbread sandwich looks so good! Your hair looks gorgeous! Love the new cut!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  27. Hi, Joanne - Your new haircut looks great! Congratulations to your son on his new driver's licence!
    We eat lots of plant-based meals as well. Tonight we did a traditional slow cooker pot roast using portobella mushrooms instead of beef. Easy-peasy and wonderfully delicious!

  28. Congratulations on your retirement and to your new driver! I love your new haircut, but gosh your hair has really gotten long! How do you get protein in with this new way of eating? Just curious as I'm considering a really big change.


    1. Thank you! Many plants are high in protein all on their own. I found this article really helpful: https://www.almanac.com/yes-plants-have-protein-choosing-healthy-protein-foods

  29. Aw, that Friends puzzle is so cute!! So unique!!

    1. It was a Christmas gift (last year!) and I am so glad I finally made myself make it.

  30. I enjoy reminiscing about the good times we had in our homeschooling days too. :-) Congratulations to your new driver and to you for a successful run as drivers ed teacher! Visiting from WBOYC today :-)

  31. I always enjoy reading your What's Up Wednesday posts, Joanne. How nice that you are not dreading anything at the moment. Enjoy! I've got similar goals to yours for my nutrition: eat real food, mostly plants, not too much. It's a great way to eat, but I've found it does require a little more planning and preparation than how I was previously eating. Also, I love your hairstyle!

    1. Aw, thank you! It really does require a lot more prep work.. but it's so worth it.

  32. The indoor snow coloring looks so fun!

  33. Hi, Joanne. I enjoy your What's Up Wednesday posts. Nutrition- I am trying to eat more fruits and vegetables. Also eating more chicken and fish. I miss eating the beef. Weight Watchers plan is not beef friendly. I did notice your 'fine china'. My kind of dinnerware!! Your hair is adorable and looks thick!
    Take care and best wishes.

    1. LOL! Thanks; our dishwasher already runs 3 times a day and I just could not face another load or 2 with "real" plates. :)

  34. I love all your different jumpers (sorry, sweaters) and cardys ... I own just one and am seriously considering knitting my first one in almost 40 years. Thanks for linking up.

    1. Hi, it's Jo here - no idea why it posted my comment as from anonymous ...

    2. Thank you! I've never counted but I know I own A LOT of sweaters; they take up 3 long shelves in my closet during the fall/winter months.


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