Western Caribbean trip day 7: Our Final Day at Sea

Our final day was an at sea day. After staying up late the night before to see the comedy show we slept in.  

I started packing while Ben showered and then we headed up to breakfast around 8:30. I loaded my late with roasted veggies but couldn't resist a cinnamon bun and a couple slices of bacon.

After breakfast we went right to the adult (indoor pool).  I spent my morning reading and relaxing. 

We are lunch at the pool; my first taste of burger or French fries for the whole week. It was sooo good! 

After lunch we headed to the room, changed,  finished packing,  and watched a movie... which I completely slept through. We ran a few errands around the ship. 

We got changed for our final dinner on board. We went to Tuscan one last time.

cream of broccoli soup-- which I hardly ate any

grilled chicken with potatoes and veggies

apple tart with ice cream and caramel sauce-- which I also didn't really eat... 

my first and only alcoholic drink of the trip (and I didn't even finish it!)... I much prefer my pina coladas without alcohol

It was our captain's last night on the ship too since he was heading home for a bit of time off; a portion of the 1300+ crew members showed up to say goodbye.

Linking up with: Fine/Whatever, 


  1. I can never resist a good homemade cinnamon roll. I don't get too tempted by the can type, but a real one - yes! The roasted veg look great. I heard to use dijon, a touch of maple syrup, and olive oil to roast veg. I have only done it with butternut squash, but I need to do a big old sheet pan of a variety and see how that works!

    1. I am not tempted by the canned ones at all but I can not resist a freshly baked cinnamon bun! I had a few baked good on the ship that I didn't love and was so proud of myself for just not finishing them. I'm slowly learning... :) I loved the fresh roasted vegetables and the tons of fresh fruit all around though.

  2. I love roasted veggies for breakfast on a cruise but never eat them at home for some reason -- too much work I guess.

    1. I will make up a big dish of them one day a week and eat leftovers with some scrambled eggs for breakfast but once I run out I rarely make up any more until the following week.

  3. What a beautiful trip! You deserve that cinnamon roll- you eat so healthy all the time! So glad you enjoyed :) Thank you for letting us follow along

  4. Breakfast looks good - without the bacon ;-) I can eat roasted veggies at all times of the day.
    It looks like it has been a fabulous trip!

  5. All of the food on your cruise looks delicious! How fun to have a vacation with every thing you need right there!

    1. It was great! I did love that everything is all set from the minute we stepped on the ship we didn't have to do much of anything. There aren't even any trash cans around to bus your own tables... you just leave everything there and walk away (which was a really weird feeling!!).

  6. Looks like such a fun trip with lots of good food!

  7. Replies
    1. It is staggering how much food is on these ships!

  8. I"m still impressed with how healthy you ate on a cruise ship! I usually don't drink on a ship either because it seems so expensive and I think it would make me get more seasick. I love a cruise, but I already take a lot of sea sick meds when I am there.

    1. Aw, thank you! All our drinks were included so my husband was trying to get me to drink alcohol ( so we could get our money's worth! LOL) but I really do not like it at all so it took him until the final day to get me to order one. :) I am quite lucky in that I have never gotten sea sick but I am always fearful I will.

  9. Your plate of roasted veggies is impressive. I have to smile at the addition of a cinnamon bun - that's something I'd do. #MMBC

    1. Thank you! I did so well with turning down most sweets at breakfast and lunch but I am a sucker for a good, fresh, cinnamon bun.

  10. The breakfast looks delicious and it looks like a great way to spend the morning by the pool! I'm surprised there weren't more people by the pool, it looks so relaxing! Great dinner and evening entertainment too! I really appreciate that you shared about your cruise on the blog so those of us who never went can get an idea of what it's like. I think I'd like to go on an Alaska cruise more than the Carribean but then I like the mountains more than the beach :) But I hate the icy cold LOL especially after this arctic weather we recently had.

    1. It filled up as the day went on by lunch time when we left there weren't any chairs left... but most people preferred the outdoor pool where there is music and sun and lots of activity. I much preferred the quiet one where I don't have to worry about sun burns! :) An Alaskan cruise is on my wish list for sure. Depending on the time of year you go it can be quite warm--ish. Between May and September the temps are often in the 60's and 70's so not icy cold!

  11. I'm glad you enjoyed your time. It looks like a wonderful time spent. 😊

  12. Each day the food looked great. But I did wonder if that was a fried something or a dumpling something in your cream of broccoli soup...and I have to admit, knowing that there are 1300 staff and crew aboard is amazing! A cruise ship is much like a small city. It looks like the cruise overall was an enjoyable success, although I know about the cold brought home...have a great week ahead!

    1. I honestly don't remember what was in my cream of broccoli soup; some sort of parmesan crouton/ crisp thing... I didn't end up eating it because I thought it had a weird texture. The ships really are like small cities and it sounds like much of the crew really work such long shifts/ bands of time together that they become like family.

  13. THAT BREAKFAST! Yum! Love that.

  14. What a wonderful trip and lots of yummy, healthy food! That's so nice that the crew gathered to celebrate the captain.

    1. He was such a sweet captain; he made it to see every show every night and I often saw him talking and playing with the kids too.

  15. It looks like you both had a wonderful time, Joanne! Cruise food is too good and tempting at times but it looks like you made good choices. I have never cruised to the Caribbean--I can see it would be s fun winter get away!

    1. We really did! I felt pretty good about my food choices; it's so easy to overeat on these ships but I knew I wanted to stick to mostly fruits and veggies during the day so I could enjoy my evening meal without any guilt.

  16. What a great last day, so relaxing. It's been fun to see your reports and "cruise" along with you. The roasted veggies look amazing--I think I would have chosen exactly that for breakfast. Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #23 linkup. Looking forward to what you'll share next week for #24. Have a great week!

    1. Stopping by again to say congratulations! This post was the second most-visited at the Will Blog for Comments #23 linkup! It will be in the spotlight all week, starting today. You are welcome to save the "This Blog Post Was a Featured Favorite" image there to share with your readers here, if you like. See you next week at #24. Have a lovely weekend.

  17. Oh all that food looks scrumptious.

    1. It was incredible. I felt like they did a great job with all the food.

  18. What a great end to a fabulous trip! I'm so glad y'all had a good time, Joanne!

  19. It looks like such a relaxing day. I love that have an "adult pool". I'm always bothered by other peoples children in the pool areas.

    1. We've only been on 2 cruises and they've both had adult only pools (and they're the only pools we've ever used!).

  20. Roasted veggies sound so good for breakfast; and adding bacon and a cinnamon roll sounds even better!

  21. I always love a relaxing day on the ship!!

    1. I don't think I could handle lots of days on the ship in a row but just a few sprinkled in is so very nice!

  22. What fun and that breakfast looks so yummy!

  23. Your breakfast looks delicious...I love cinnamon rolls! I love bacon, too, but it doesn't love me! That pool looks quite relaxing and peaceful. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time!


  24. No eggs for breakfast? I think a bottom Pina Collada is indeed much better!

    1. Nah, I'm not a big fan of eggs so with lots of other options to pick from I elected to skip right by those.

  25. Yum! All the food on the cruise looks so delicious. Sounds like you both had a wonderful time. I'm amazed by how big the stage area is, and so many staff members - wow!

    1. The theater was huge! We always sat in the upper balcony so we could see the whole thing at once but I'm pretty sure there wasn't a bad seat in the house.

  26. Nice finale to a wonderful cruise! I was surprised that the pool area was so uncrowded, even though it was morning.

    1. It didn't get really crowded until nearly 11; maybe everyone was sleeping in? I don't know, but I sure was glad!

  27. What a fantastic way to finish your trip! The food looks so good.


  28. Your outfits are so cute! My cruise is still 76 days away but I'm already thinking about what books I want to bring for by the pool haha

    1. Oh yes, I started planning my books and even some of my clothes a few months in advance!

  29. If I am traveling without kids, I am all about being in places with no kids so I would have found the adult pool too. I am looking forward to planning a cruise with no kids soon!

    1. Yes! I've always been that way; I loved vacation with my kids and being surrounded by kids whenever we were with them but when it's an adult only vacation I want all the peace and quiet.

  30. A wonderful holiday Joanne. I love the entertainment on cruise ships and they are a highlight for me. Thanks for taking us on the cruise with you. x

    1. Thank you! We were really impressed with the entertainment.

  31. I've never been on a cruise but your posts and photos are urging me to add a trip to our bucket list. Thanks for taking us along on your adventure!

  32. Your breakfast seems the best meal of the day!

  33. Joanne, thanks for taking us a long on your trip. It looks like you both had a nice time relaxing and sightseeing.

  34. I trust and hope that you had a very enjoyable trip. It was great to follow your Caribbean trip
    Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 295. See you again next week!

  35. Great series, this post will be one of my features for SSPS #296! Thank you.

  36. Your trip sounds and looks fantastic. I am happy to feature your trip at Love Your Creativity. Happy Sunday.


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