Throwing a Fabulous 70th Birthday Party at the Last Minute

 I threw a 70th birthday party for my mom at rather the last minute.  Mid- December or so my sister texted me that since it was my mom's 70th this year we should do something to celebrate.  My husband and I were leaving on our cruise the weekend of her actual birthday so I offered to host something New Year's Eve.

That gave me about 2 or so weeks to prepare (thankfully I was all set for Christmas!).  I immediately hopped on Amazon and found some cute and pretty rose gold 70th birthday themed decorations and sent out some e-vites.

 Between my sister, my step-father, and I we all agreed it was best to keep the guest list to just family.  So I settled to working on the menu.  We have lots of new food allergies in our family that I tried to work around while also keeping some of my mom's favorites in mind. 

We settled on:

  • smoked spiral ham and some plain smoked chicken (that my husband offered to cook on the smoker)
  • a baked potato bar with bacon, cheese, chives, sour cream, and butter.
  • steamed broccoli
  • tossed salad with dressings on the side
  • lemon tiramisu
  • cookie tray
We had a few boxes of premade cookie dough I picked up from Alec' school fundraiser that same week we were party planning so I figured I cook up a couple of trays for those that couldn't or didn't want to eat the tiramisu.

The day of the party we decorated a bit. 

Everyone arrived on time and settled right in to play cards until the food was ready; they were having so much fun they pretty much played while they ate! 

She opened her gifts and then we had her dessert; after singing happy birthday, of course!


  1. Aww Happy Birthday to your Sweet Mama- you did an awesome job- love the decorations and the menu!

  2. Everything looks great and most importantly, your provided the chance for your family to come together to celebrate your mom!

    1. Thank you! I did keep that in mind; knowing my mom would care a lot more about family time than any of the details.

  3. What a fun birthday party for your mom! The decorations are really pretty.

  4. That's wonderful! Happy birthday to your mother! 70 is definitely a milestone worth celebrating.

  5. Wishing a joyful birthday to your mother!
    You did a fantastic job with the decorations and the menu – everything looks wonderful!

    Hugs and blessings, Joanne!

  6. Looks great! Happy birthday to your mom!

  7. That is so fun, great job! Happy belated to your mom! I am sure she really appreciated having everyone together.

    1. Aw, thanks! She was thrilled and has been telling anyone who will listen how lucky she was to have us all here to celebrate with her.

  8. Love it when pulling off something like this in a time crunch. Sometimes its better that way.

  9. What a fun celebration! Love the rose gold/pink!

    1. Thanks! As soon as I saw those I just knew she'd love the rose gold.

  10. Beautiful party! Happy 70th to your mom!

  11. A lovely celebration! A baked potato bar is a great idea.

  12. Wow, that's impressive for so little planning time,

  13. What a sweet celebration! You did a great job with little notice! My Dad turns 70 in April, and we are trying to think of a plan. Super cute ideas, happy birthday to your mom. Love the rose gold!

    1. Thank you! I had a whole 70's board going on Pinterest but didn't have enough time to do a lot of the stuff I had planned.

  14. Happy belated 70th to your mom! The decorations and food all look wonderful. I'm betting she enjoyed every minute of it!

  15. Oh that is so lovely! And what a lovley decorations!

  16. Happy birthday to your mom and what a great celebration. You did a great job with the planning. The baked potato bar is such a great idea and the decorations are so pretty. x

  17. Happy Birthday to your mom! She is beautiful!

  18. Awwww, I love this so much! Happy belated birthday to your Mom!

  19. What a fun party! I love the rose and gold colour theme.


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