Share 4 Somethings In January 2024

 In 2024 we'll be sharing some things we've loved and/or disliked, accomplished, some things we've improved upon and/or that need improvement, and noticed (either in our own lives or around town). 

Loved/Disliked: I loved our vacation to the Caribbean! 

I really disliked the cold/virus we both came home with that landed us in bed/ the recliner for a week or so but at least it was mostly just a nuisance with stuffy noses and coughs (we stayed in our room trying to keep the boys from getting sick-- and it worked!). 

Accomplished: I don't feel like I accomplished much this month but we did manage to get Alec's FAFSA paperwork all filled out for college and Ian has started his newest semester of classes, which I managed to buy books for while I was sick so that's something. 

Improved upon/needs improvement: I have really been slacking off with menu planning and doing an awful job making sure I have the ingredients for those things that do get put on our menu so I really need to get back to menu planning by the month and then checking each week to make sure I have everything I need! 

Noticed: We've had quite a few really spectacular sunrises this month! 

Linking up with: Final Fridays,  Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Your cruise looks like such a fun getaway! Those sunrises sure are pretty. I saw several people posting great shots of sunrises near us on Nextdoor. Have a great weekend!

    1. It was a fun getaway! I'm already ready for another one though... :)

  2. I also had a terrible illness that I couldn’t seem to get over for a while. I’m finally so much better! Beautiful sunrises. It’s so hard to capture how beautiful they are in a picture isn’t it?

    1. I just have the cough left that I can't seem to shake off... but it's weirdly in my throat and no in my chest so I'm not worrying about it.

  3. Your trip looked amazing from day one through the end- such beautiful locations you visited and the ship sounded and looked incredible with so much to do, eat and enjoy

  4. i loved reading your vacation posts! Sorry you came home with colds! Those sun pictures are beautiful.

  5. Amazing sunrise! Oh my friend I’m so sorry you came home with the sickness. At least you weren’t sick on the trip it looked so incredible!

    1. I will take getting sick AFTER a vacation over getting sick on or before vacation any day of the week. It's a nuisance but at least we got to enjoy our time away.

  6. There's always that one thing you bring home from vacation...its like the souvenir you didn't mean to pick up!

    1. It does seem to be that way! I'm sure it didn't help traveling during cold/flu season in such tight quarters.

  7. Sorry to hear you guys got sick after your wonderful vacation. But good to hear you recovered well and didn't pass it on. I'm going to get back on the meal-planning train next week when I go back to work. Let's see how long I stay on it! Those sunrises sure do look spectacular! Enjoy your weekend Joanne :)

    1. I was so relieved we didn't pass it on to any of the boys; it seems like their schedules are always so much more packed than mine!

  8. Getting sick after vacation is so annoying.

  9. Your vacation looked amazing! I'm sorry you got sick after..that seems to happen often. Filling out the FASFA forms is a big accomplishment. I'm sure you'll get back on track with meal prepping and planning! Happy Friday!

  10. Your vacation looked incredible! So jealous of that sunshine and warmth! My husband and I just got over a nasty bug as well - alot of sinus issues!

    1. Thank you so much! It was an incredible trip.

  11. I enjoyed reading about your cruise and too bad you both had colds. I love those sunrise photos. I hope you have a nice weekend Joanne.

  12. Such pretty skies!

    The FAFSA is always such a nightmare to deal with.

    1. It does seem like the process was quite streamlined this year with the automatic link to our taxes... but I'm still not 100% sure we filled everything out "correctly"... some of their terms could have used a bit more clarification.

  13. Uuuuggg, the FAFSA. I haven't had to do one in several years and I STILL have PTSD.

    1. LOL! I felt like that before we even started!!

  14. Glad to see you had fun on the cruise (sorry you were sick after you got home ☹ Those sunrise shots are gorgeous!

  15. I have a number of things I disliked this month and on top of the list was FAFSA which should have been easy but they make it hard (between their glitch for creating an idea and a couple other things, I have spent time with them on the phone.). Those sunsets are beautiful. We had one spectacular one this month but otherwise I have been out there to notice them.

    1. I THINK we filled everything out correctly but was surprised that it didn't take us very long at all.. but we did wait until the very end of the month having been warned that they anticipated lots and lots of glitches this year rolling out the new format.

  16. It looks like you had an amazing time on your cruise but I hope you are feeling better now after the virus.
    I think the only reason I am on top of the meal planning is because of the meal boxes we're getting so I don't have to think about making sure we have all the ingredients.
    The sunrises are so pretty!

    1. The only thing I have left is the cough and I can deal with that since I really only cough a bit when first waking up and then again around dinnertime.

  17. We're going on a cruise at the end of the year so I'd better stock up on whatever remedies there are out there to prevent colds/flu. I suppose we should wear masks at the airport and on the plane.

    1. We probably should have too but then I figured we'd be eating and drinking anyway... it's so hard to keep away from germs when we're all crammed in one little area!

  18. Ohhhh FAFSA! I had forgotten all about that until you mentioned it. I remember having to do that for college and it was Haha.

    1. Luckily, it is a bit less work now that it's all online and they automatically pull up your tax forms based on your SS# so we only had a handful of questions to answer... but I find it just as stressful as filling out tax forms because I never feel 100% certain I'm doing it right.

  19. It was wonderful to escape the cold and snow!

  20. I'm in the same camp of meal planning, but sometimes (looking at the bright side) I put together something entirely different depending on what ingredients I do have on hand, LOL

    1. That's true; I have been more creative with our menus!

  21. Your holiday photos are stunning but I'm sorry you both caught a virus to bring home with you. It is difficult not to get sick when travelling especially on a cruise. I hope you are both feeling better now. The colours of the sunrises are gorgeous and you captured them well. Thanks for linking up and supporting #WBOYC? and sharing your month with us. See you next month. x

    1. Thank you! We are feeling so much better; it was just a few days of feeling yucky.

  22. Both the holiday and sunrise snaps are beautiful! I do think the accoplished prompt might be a head scratcher for a lot of us this year! #WBOYC

    1. Right? So often I feel like my only accomplishment is just keeping us all alive, clean, and fed.

  23. Hi, Joanne- Your holiday and sunrises look spectacular. I am sorry to hear about the virus your husband and you both caught. I just caught a travel-related virus as well (even though I always wore a mask on the plane and lysoled everything around me)! I'm on Day 3 so far and this virus has definitely warn out its welcome. Wishing you a wonderful February ahead!

  24. Your vacation is making me want to take another trip! Sorry you got sick after. That's the worst part about this time of year. Those sunrises are beautiful!

  25. Oh, that stinks you came home with colds. Your photos from your trip were so good. Those sunrises are amazing! Thanks for linking up!

  26. Your cruise looked absolutely amazing!
    The pictures are stunning, and it seems like you had a fantastic time despite the hiccup of coming down with a cold after. I hope you and your husband are feeling better now.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. We did have a wonderful time and we're both feeling much better now, thank you.

  27. What a sunrise! We had a red one too last Thursday and I really got a spring feel. Until I grabbed my bicycle, it was still freezing, brrr. Happy weekend.

    1. Yes, I keep thinking it looks a bit warmer than it actually is outside too and then I'm so cold when I venture out.

  28. I loved reading about your Caribbean vacation this month! I'm so glad you and your hubby got to get away like that. I'd like to do a trip with my husband this year as well! I don't know what I'd like to do yet, though. The fact that you got Alex's FAFSA paperwork done is a huge accomplishment! That is no joke; nothing stressed me out more than that when our boys graduated. Thanks for linking up today!

    1. Thank you! I hope you get to plan a trip just the 2 of you; it's so much fun.

  29. Yay for the cruise! I'm glad you are feeling better.

  30. Other than being sick it sounds like a great month! I love the sunset pictures! Cindy

  31. What a beautiful vacation to the Caribbean! Glad you had a wonderful time. I've been slacking off with meal planning lately too. Since my husband retired, I've watched as he's bit by bit taken on our meal planning and cooking, and I'm thrilled about it! :)

    1. I would be all for that as well! My husband cooked a few nights when I was sick and I just loved having someone else in charge.

  32. hi Joanne, your cruise sounds like it was a lot of fun, but a shame you came home sick! Those sunrises are fabulous. Thanks for joining us for #WBOYC and sharing your activities.

    1. Thank you! We did have a great time.. it seems like I come home with a cold any time I fly anywhere.

  33. Hope you are feeling 100 percent as we start a new week. So many seem to come home from vacation and then get sick. Makes me nervous to travel - ha! You did quite a bit accomplished even while not feeling your best! Have a great week -

    1. Thank you! I am feeling at least 99% (I still have a lingering runny nose and slight cough but I hardly even notice it anymore!).

  34. Hi Jo - heavy colds seem to be the ultimate ending for most people's overseas trips these days - all that time on planes or in places that have different variations on viruses means that most people catch something. I'm glad you're over yours and planning for the month ahead. Loved the contrasts between the tropics and the snowy sunrises in your photos.

    1. They sure do! I find that anytime I fly I tend to come home with some sort of cold or something... it's almost making me not want to travel (but not quite!).

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Aw, thank you! We are feeling so much better.

  36. Your cruise photos are wonderful - what a special treat to be able to get away to a sunny spot and get a break from winter! I'm having a rough time with meal planning lately as well, in my case it's adjusting to a new work schedule that means I have to have quick meals every night.


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