The Boys' Bathroom Mini Makeover

We didn't set out with any plan to work on the boys' bathroom this fall but when their faucet started leaking we had no choice but to cut a hole in the wall and swap it out with a new faucet.  While we were changing the faucet we decided to raise both it and the curtain rod several inches to accommodate the height of our boys better (two of them are over 6 feet tall). 

Since I had to repair the holes we re-painted the whole bathroom and got them a new towel holder (which oddly I put up before painting!)


With the new towel holder up.. 



I'm still looking for a few shower curtain with more gray in it and I'd like to put some sort of art on the wall but I'm in no rush and will just keep looking until I find something I really like. 

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud Thursday, Spread the Kindness, 


  1. That neutral gray looks nice! It is amazing what a change of paint color will do to a space. I´m sure the boys like the higher shower head, too.

    1. Thank you! They love the new higher shower head.

  2. It came out great! Nice job :)

  3. It looks great! I am always blown away by how much paint impacts a space. I have a couple of rooms I'd like to paint at home. I really dislike doing this kind of thing, though...and I drag my feet about starting something. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes! I love how a simple can of paint can totally transform a room.

  4. Looks great, I love the new paint color!

  5. That's a lot of work - all for changing a tap! Nice colour.

  6. It looks great and will be much better for your boys!! It's always the way that one little thing can lead to a whole makeover!

    1. Yes, we nearly ripped out the whole tub/shower combo and started talking about a tile shower but then when I realized how long we'd be without a bathroom I decided paint was good enough. LOL

  7. I love doing mini-makeovers - they just refresh a space so much. I'm sharing tomorrow how we replaced our bathroom light fixtures this week. Love the new look of the boys' bathroom!

    1. Oh I was looking at our lights; but know my husband would not be happy if I added that to his "to do" list!

  8. We have that double towel rod and love it!

    1. It is working so much better than the over the door towel holder we used to have (that completely scratched up our door!).

  9. I want to give my bathroom a make over so bad. I hate bathtubs so I want to get a standing shower so I dont have to step over.

    I think any little change can make the biggest difference

    1. We nearly did that with the boys' bathroom but then my husband pointed out that we'd have to rip out the entire hall wall to get the tub/shower combo out and it would be a messy and lengthy process so we put it off for now.. but at some point I think we're going to need to consider doing a full remodel on all the bathrooms.

  10. Isn't it funny how one little thing leads to a bigger thing? I love how paint just changes the entire vibe of a room! Are you having problems finding a shower curtain long enough now? My son and his wife raised their shower rod, and I had to sew a panel on the bottom of the curtain in order for it to be long enough.

    1. No, the length isn't the problem but I definitely don't want anything flowery or "girly" looking, and I want to try and find something with both navy and the same gray tone as the wall. In all honesty, I've only looked in 2 stores so far and then forgot about it!

  11. Paint makes such a difference and what a great new look!

  12. That looks really nice and look at all that space on the toilet wall! Shelves and art....hmmm...

    1. Thank you and that is the exact spot I'm eyeing!

  13. Replies
    1. Yes, I think it looks much more grown up... which makes sense because I picked out that old wall color when they were little and had an aquarium looking fishy shower curtain.

  14. If you give a mouse a cookie...doesn't home updating always seem to snowball into more? Haha! It looks great though. I love the new, muted color!

  15. I love the new colour, it looks fantastic! Great job.

  16. What a great color for them in their early adulthood/late teens!

    1. Thanks! I thought so too (and made sure to get their input before painting).

  17. Love gray! Our entire first floor is a lighter gray, I just love it because it's not plain white, and it's not a crazy wild color. It's a hint of color and easy to pair other colors with. It looks great!

    1. I think that is the most muted color in our whole house; I tend to like lots of shades of blue and green and brown..

  18. I love the color y'all chose for the walls! It looks great!


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